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Basic helix-loop-helix proteins expressed during early embryonic organogenesis.

The basic helix–loop–helix proteins form a special group of transcription factors unique for the eukaryotic organisms. They are crucial for the embryonic development of many fundamental organ systems such as muscle, heart, central nervous system, hematopoiteic system, and many others. They are very flexible in terms of regulating transcription in that they can either promote or repress transcripti

Renovering av krypgrundläggning för småhus

I rapporten redogörs för ett fältförsök med renovering av krypgrundläggning för småhus. För detta ändamål studerades sju likadana hus i samma kvarter under tre år. Fem hus försågs med markisolering i efterhand efter det att underkanten på bjälklaget i krypgrunden hade behandlats med borsyra. En annan förberedande åtgärd var att byta ut en på marken befintlig byggplastfolie mot fiberduk. Ett hus ha

Self-rated health among university students in relation to sense of coherence and other personality traits.

The aim of the study was to determine students' self-rated health in relation to sense of coherence and other personality traits. A cross-sectional descriptive design was used with questionnaires as the means of data collection. The study population comprised a randomized stratified sample of students from a small university in southern Sweden. Ethical approval was obtained from the vice chancello

Under what conditions is feedback microwave thermotherapy (ProstaLund Feedback Treatment) cost-effective in comparison with alpha-blockade in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and lower urinary tract symptoms?

Objective. Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are a common condition in men, and their incidence increases with age. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential cost-utility of microwave thermotherapy, specifically the ProstaLund Feedback Treatment (PLFT), versus alpha-blockade in Swedish patients with LUTS due to BPH. Material and methods.

Fängelse, marknad, fria studier - skolans institutionella ansikten och utvecklingstendenser

Compulsory school can appear to be uniform because it is common. Its commonness has however more to do with compulsory school attendance than with the fact that all the pupils utilizes education of equal value. Beyond social differences compulsory school creates differences among the pupils just because they are kept in school. In this article three reasons for beeing in school are identified: co

On some generalizations of convex sets and convex functions

A set $C$ in a topological vector space is said to be weakly convex if for any $x,y$ in $C$ there exists $p$ in $(0,1)$ such that $(1-p)x+py\in C$. If the same holds with $p$ independent of $x,y$, then $C$ is said to be $p$-convex. Some basic results are established for such sets, for instance: any weakly convex closed set is convex.

Changing the path of inguinal hernia surgery decreased the recurrence rate ten-fold. Report from a county hospital

Objective: To audit the effect of changes in treatment of inguinal hernias on recurrence rate. Design: Retrospective analysis of consecutive patients operated on in 1990 and prospective analysis of consecutive patients operated on in 1996. Follow up with questionnaire followed by selective clinical examination. Setting: County hospital, Sweden. Subjects: 144 patients with 147 inguinal hernias oper

A Study of High-spin States in the Transitional Nucleus 90Mo

The reaction Ni-58(Ar-36, 4p)Mo-95 has been studied at a beam energy of 149 MeV A detector array consisting of the OSIRIS spectrometer (12 Compton-suppressed Ge detectors), four charged-particle DELTA-E detectors and seven NE-213 neutron detectors at the VICKSI accelerator in Berlin has been used to measure the gamma radiation in gamma-gamma- and particle-gamma-gamma-coincidence mode. An additiona

Optimisation and robustness analysis of a hydrophobic interaction chromatography step

Process development, optimisation and robustness analysis for chromatography separations are often entirely based on experimental work and generic knowledge. The present study proposes a method of gaining process knowledge and assisting in the robustness analysis and optimisation of a hydrophobic interaction chromatography step using a model-based approach. Factorial experimental design is common

11% efficiency 100GHz InP-based heterostructure barrier varactor quintupler

A record conversion efficiency of 11.4% at 100 GHz using a heretostructure barrier varactor (HBV) quintuplet is demonstrated. The quintupler is based on a microstrip circuit mounted in a full-height crossed-Nvaveguide block. The nonlinear element consists of a planar HBV diode fabricated in InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs epitaxial layers on an InP substrate.

A kinetic model for enzymatic wheat starch saccharification

A kinetic model describing the enzymatic saccharification of wheat starch by a mixture of ol-amylase and amyloglucosidase has been developed. The model describes the influence of pH, glucose inhibition and starch and enzyme concentration, The results of experimental saccharification under different physical conditions, eg pH and temperature, were used to determine the parameters in the model. The

Age, sex, and weight at weaning influence organ weight and gastrointestinal development of weanling pigs

The present study was designed to determine the interrelationships between sex, weaning age, and weaning weight on aspects of physiological and gastrointestinal development in pigs. Forty-eight Large White x Landrace pigs were used in a factorial arrangement with the respective factors being: age at weaning ( 14 or 28 days), weight at weaning ( heavy or light), sex ( boar or gilt), and time after

Sequence variations in the DNA repair gene XPD and risk of lung cancer in a Chinese population.

Variation in DNA repair capacity, which is believed to be largely determined by genetic traits, is linked to risk of certain cancers. The Asp312Asn and Lys751Gln polymorphisms in the xeroderma pigmentosum complementary group D (XPD) gene may alter DNA repair capacity. We thus examined the hypothesis that these 2 XPD polymorphisms are associated with risk of lung cancer via a large hospital-based,