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Att hitta min inre Nimrud - mitt liv som ADHD-musiker

Det här är ett masterarbete kring relationen mellan ADHD och musik, inte inom medicin. Med arbetet vill jag lyfta upp fördelar, hyperförmågor och den stora kreativa potential som ADHD ger mig som musiker. Jag fick ADHD-diagnosen först efter flera års studier på Musikhögskolan, och hade innan dess levt 30 år med bara nackdelar med ADHD. Eftersom jag var missnöjd med medicinen tänkte jag “out of theFinding my inner Nimrud - my life as an ADHD musician This is a master's thesis on the relationship between ADHD and music, not in medicine. With this work, I aim to highlight the advantages, hyper-abilities and great creative potential that ADHD give me as a musician. I got the ADHD diagnosis after 4 years of study at the Academy of Music. Before that I lived 30 years with only the disadvanta

Between pace-making and pace-taking : Urban cycle logistics in an ‘accelerated polity’

The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of social acceleration by examining how cities are trying to speed up, maintain or slow down the pace of societal change. Through studies of cycle logistics policies and actions in cities in Denmark, Norway, the UK, the Netherlands, and Germany, we show how these balance between acting as pace-makers and pace-takers, as well as what the consequenThe purpose of this study is to explore the concept of social acceleration by examining how cities are trying tospeed up, maintain or slow down the pace of societal change. Through studies of cycle logistics policies andactions in cities in Denmark, Norway, the UK, the Netherlands, and Germany, we show how these balance be-tween acting as pace-makers and pace-takers, as well as what the consequenc

Effect of Desmosterol, Lathosterol and Coprostanol on the phase behaviour of phospholipid membranes

Sterols have played an important role in membrane evolution. The effect of these molecules, particularly the naturally occurring ones, such as cholesterol, ergosterol, lanosterol, phytosterols and oxysterols on the properties of lipid model membranes have been extensively investigated. Unfortunately, other naturally occurring sterols such as desmosterol and lathosterol have received very little at

Extractability, selectivity, and comprehensiveness in supercritical fluid extraction of seaweed using ternary mixtures of carbon dioxide, ethanol, and water

It is well-known that an ideal extraction method enabling quantitative analysis should give complete extraction of the target analytes as well as minimal co-extraction of unwanted matrix substances. If the extraction method is part of a nontarget screening protocol, the desired analytes can differ widely in terms of chemical properties. In chromatography, terminologies such as recovery, selectivit

MHC diversity and expression in a songbird : Temporal and transgenerational variation

The immune system is of central importance to clear-off pathogens in order to keep an organism healthy. In vertebrates, the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) is a genomic region that holds key genes involved in adaptive immunity and in particular in the antigen presenting process. The presentation relies on MHC class I (MHC-I) and MHC class II (MHC-II) molecules that are encoded by MHC-I and

Towards a Global Sustainability Approach: Challenges and Opportunities for Multinationals.

We discuss how multinational enterprises (MNEs) can play a leading role and take more responsibility towards reducing inequalities by developing a global sustainability regime. We especially focus on how this may contribute towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Our purpose is to identify and discuss the components and activities that are needed to develop such a stra

The Unbearable Likeness of Being: The Challenge of Artificial Intelligence towards the Social Ontology of International Human Rights Law

The increasing use of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence have raiseddiscrete human rights issues such as the right to privacy, non-discrimination, freedom of expression and data protection. Less explored however are the ways in which artificial intelligence/machine learning (‘AI/ML’) systems are challenging core conceptions behind the contemporary human rights framework.This pap

Conclusion: A Research and Policy Agenda for Addressing Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change

This chapter suggests ways forward in both policy and research. It establishes that legal and policy frameworks have little value without implementation, and multiple factors beyond these frameworks affect the extent to which people are protected from and during displacement and whether durable solutions to displacement are ultimately realised. Internationally, UN agencies, treaty monitoring bodie

Revisiting Motivational Reasons

This paper considers a novel way of understanding motivational reasons, and to what extent it challenges a Humean theory of motivation.

Challenging patient communication in a medical education curriculum - Perspectives on learning with simulated patients

En viktig del av en läkares yrkesliv är att hantera svåra patientsamtal. Alla läkarekommer någon gång under yrkeslivet medverka i sådana samtal. Brister ipatientkommunikation har visat sig vara en bidragande orsak till att patienter fårsämre vård. Utbildning i patientkommunikation är därför en central del i enläkarutbildning. I följande licentiatavhandling undersöktes hur studenter och lärareser pBeing able to manage challenging patient communication and the associated emotional burden is a vital skill for physicians that is regularly utilized in clinical work. Therefore, it is reasonable that medical students get the opportunity to acquire and develop the relevant knowledge and skills related to challenging patient communication during their education. Simulated patient scenarios are usef

Intraductal papillary neoplasms of the bile duct : a European retrospective multicenter observational study (EUR-IPNB study)

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct (IPNB) is a rare disease in Western countries. The main aim of this study was to characterize current surgical strategies and outcomes in the mainly European participating centers. METHODS: A multi-institutional retrospective series of patients with a diagnosis of IPNB undergoing surgery between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2020

Markers of Atrial Myopathy in the General Population : Prevalence, Predictors, and Inter-Relations

BACKGROUND: Atrial myopathy refers to structural and functional cardiac abnormalities associated with atrial fibrillation and stroke, but appropriate diagnostic criteria are lacking.OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess prevalence, clinical correlates, and overlap between potential atrial myopathy markers.METHODS: The population-based SCAPIS (Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study) prospectively

Low-level HIV viraemia during antiretroviral therapy : Longitudinal patterns and predictors of viral suppression

OBJECTIVES: Our objective was to characterize longitudinal patterns of viraemia and factors associated with viral suppression in people with HIV and low-level viraemia (LLV) during antiretroviral therapy (ART).METHODS: We included people with HIV in the EuResist Integrated Database with LLV following ART initiation after 2005. LLV was defined as two or more consecutive viral load (VL) measurements

Comorbidities in people with hand OA and their associations with pain severity and sensitization : Data from the longitudinal Nor-Hand study

Objective: To determine whether the comorbidity burden and co-existing comorbidities are cross-sectionally and/or longitudinally associated with pain and pain sensitization in a cohort study of people with hand OA. Design: We examined whether comorbidity burden and individual comorbidities based on the self-administered Comorbidity Index (range: 0–42) at baseline were associated with pain outcomes

Alkali-stable polybenzimidazole anion exchange membranes tethered with N,N-dimethylpiperidinium cations for dilute aqueous KOH fed water electrolyzers

Polybenzimidazole (PBI) is currently considered as a membrane material for alkaline water electrolyzers (AWEs), and has to be fed with highly concentrated aqueous KOH electrolytes in order to ensure sufficient electrolyte uptake and conductivity. However, the harsh operating conditions significantly limit the lifetime of PBI membranes. In response, we here report on the synthesis and performance o