Inoperosità : Exposing the Position of Employees and Customers in Unemployment-Related Management Literature
Regardless of our socio-juridical position in or outside of organisations, this much is certain: even if not formally employed, we all, Agamben’s Homo Sacer series and the bulk of his other texts imply, are subject to a violence that, if differentially, imprisons us in a world in which ‘work’ reigns supreme. But what precisely is ‘work’? And is there, in spite of our securing the necessities of liRegardless of our socio-juridical position in or outside of organisations, this much is certain: even if not formally employed, we all, Agamben’s Homo Sacer series and the bulk of his other texts imply, are subject to a violence that, if differentially, imprisons us in a world in which ‘work’ reigns supreme. But what precisely is ‘work’? And is there, in spite of our securing the necessities of li