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Anti-Ro52 positivity is associated with progressive interstitial lung disease in systemic sclerosis-an exploratory study

BACKGROUND: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is the most common cause of death in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). Prognostic biomarkers are needed to identify SSc-ILD patients at risk for progressive pulmonary fibrosis. This study investigates autoantibodies measured in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and in serum in reference to the clinical disease course of SSc-ILD.METHODS: Fifteen pa

Om betalningsskyldighetens odelbarhet i rättskraftshänseende

Att en tappande säljare på grund av res judicata hindras att yrka betalning för samma vara i ett senare mål är uppenbart, men för en köpare kan det komma som en överraskning att hon därmed beskurits möjligheten att tala å fel i det sålda godset. Enligt principen om betalningsskyldighetens odelbarhet anses betalningsskyldigheten för en vara eller tjänst odelbar i rättskraftshänseende. HD uttrycker Owing to the principle of res iudicata, it is obvious that a seller of goods who have found himself on the losing side of a court case may not again pursue further litigation against the defendant. For the defendant however, it may come as a surprise that she is thus cut off from the opportunity to initiate a lawsuit against the seller on the grounds of the goods being faulty. According to the pri

Machine Learning Based Digital Pre-Distortion in Massive MIMO Systems : Complexity-Performance Trade-offs

In this paper, we study the trade-off between complexity and performance in massive MIMO systems with neural-network based digital pre-distortion (NN-DPD) blocks at the base station. In particular, we consider a multi-user massive MIMO system with per-antenna NN-DPDs, each with an adjustable NN architecture in terms of the size and the number of NN hidden layers. We first analyze the system perfor

Investigation into Propolis Components Responsible for Inducing Skin Allergy : Air Oxidation of Caffeic Acid and Its Esters Contribute to Hapten Formation

Propolis is a resin-like material produced by bees from the buds of poplar and cone-bearing trees and is used in beehive construction. Propolis is a common additive in various biocosmetics and health-related products, despite the fact that it is a well-known cause of contact allergy. Caffeic acid and its esters have been the primary suspects behind the sensitization potency of propolis-induced con

Our daily bread - a study about Aymara women's experiences of violence, discrimination and coping strategies in the Bolivian society

Indigenous women suffer wide discrimination, exploitation and victimization in their societies. This study focuses on the experiences a group of Aymara women have of violence and discrimination, and what strategies they use to cope with these oppressive acts. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 Aymara women living in the city of El Alto in the country of Bolivia. The theoretical fram

Beyond Eastern Noir. : Reimagining Russia and Eastern Europe in Nordic Cinemas

Addressing representations of Russia and neighbouring Eastern Europe in post-1989 Nordic cinemas, this ground-breaking volume investigates their hitherto-overlooked transnational dimension. Departing from the dark stereotypes that characterise much of ‘Eastern noir’, the author presents Russia and Eastern Europe as imagined spaces depicted with a surprisingly rich, but previously neglected, cinema

Territorial mimetics and room types : The spatial development of Swedish district courthouses 1970-2020

In this article I investigate the spatial development of Swedish district courthouses and their different room types from 1970 to 2020, with attention to the specificities and commonalities with other building types. How have spatial form and use travelled between building types during this period, and how has this contributed to the recent, quite radical developments and transformation of the cou

Wilderness : a resource or a sanctuary? Views of tourism service providers

The growing popularity of nature-based tourism means that the tourism industry is increasingly utilizing wilderness areas to provide visitor experiences. However, tourism activities negatively impact wilderness quality. Tourism service providers play an important role in shaping these impacts. Therefore, this study investigates their preferences regarding wilderness use and development. It focuses

Exploring AI in Swedish E-commerce: A Qualitative Study on Factors Influencing AI Implementation and its Challenges

Denna kandidatuppsats fokuserar på införandet av AI inom e-handel i Sverige. En kvalitativ metod antogs genom att intervjua yrkesverksamma som arbetar inom e-handelssektorn. Resultaten presenterades med hjälp av TOE-ramverket. Denna studie syftar till att få insikter i hur e-handelsföretag använder AI-teknik och vilka utmaningar de stöter på. Därmed bidrar denna avhandling till forskningen genom aThis thesis focuses on the adoption of AI within e-commerce in Sweden. A qualitative approach was adopted, interviewing professionals working in the e-commerce sector. Results were presented using the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework. This study aims to gain insights into how e-commerce companies adopt AI technologies and the challenges they encounter. Thus, this thesis contribu

Oxidative stress-related genetic variation and antioxidant vitamin intake in intact and ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm : a Swedish population-based retrospective cohort study

AIMS: The aim of this study is to investigate how genetic variations in genes related to oxidative stress, intake of antioxidant vitamins, and any potential interactions between these factors affect the incidence of intact abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and its rupture (rAAA), accounting for sex differences where possible.METHODS AND RESULTS: The present retrospective cohort study (n = 25 252) us

Allergic reactivity for different dilutions of eugenol in repeated open application test and patch testing

Background: Eugenol is a known contact sensitiser included in fragrance mix I. Objective: To assess the allergic reactivity to eugenol in different concentrations using patch test as well as repeated open application test (ROAT). Methods: Overall 67 subjects from 6 European dermatology clinics participated in the study. The ROAT was performed for 21 days twice a day, applying 3 dilutions of eugeno

Spatial and temporal scales in rainfall analysis : Some aspects and future perspectives

Aspects of spatial and temporal rainfall variability and rainfall analysis in relation to some water management problems are surveyed and discussed. It is concluded that relevant modelling of hydrological processes in which the rainfall is a driving force is vital with respect to possibilities of finding solutions to increasing environmental problems following urbanization and industrialization. H

Refining the particulate matter airway deposition arising from indoor cooking-related biomass combustion for children in the Haramaya district in Ethiopia

Luftföroreningar dödar 7 miljoner människor varje år och är därmed enligt WHO ett av de största hälsohoten i vår tid. Hälsoeffekterna av luftföroreningar kan vara akuta eller kroniska och de kan drabba flera olika organsystem, bland annat lungor och hjärta. En grundpelare i att åtgärda dessa problem är att kunna mäta och uppskatta hur utsatta vissa individer är för luftföroreningar. Gällande just Background: Air pollution, a global issue affecting millions of individuals, is linked to adverse health effects on the respiratory system, but also to e.g., cancer and cardiovascular ailments. In low-income countries, cooking is often conducted by biomass-combustion, causing women and children to be exposed to high levels of indoor air pollution. Method: A mathematical model has been developed in

100 miljoner ord Reflektioner kring forskningsarbete med storskaliga textuella dataset som historisk empiri

The research project Welfare State Analytics: Text Mining and Modelling Swedish Politics, Media & Culture, 1945-1989 uses probabilistic methods and text-mining models to study three massive textual datasets from Swedish politics, news media, and literary culture. By topic modelling and distant reading a dataset from some 3,100 Swedish Government Official Reports, findings have been made which

Nuclear physics midterm plan at Legnaro National Laboratories (LNL)

The next years will see the completion of the radioactive ion beam facility SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) and the upgrade of the accelerators complex at Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Legnaro National Laboratories (LNL) opening up new possibilities in the fields of nuclear structure, nuclear dynamics, nuclear astrophysics, and applications. The nuclear physics community ha