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Bortom anställningsbarhet? En studie av kommunala arbetsmarknadssekreterares uppdrag

The aim of this study is to better understand the goals and tasks of municipal activation workers, inquire into their perceived ability to establish their clients on the labor market, and examine their handling of hard-to-activate clients. The data was gathered through individual interviews with six activation workers who were all part of the same municipality. Four of them worked with youths and

Evaluating the Potential of Annual Solar Heat Gains from Manually Operated Shading System

Occupant behavior towards manual solar shading systems affects the energy performance of buildings. Behavior depends on several aspects which interact in a nontrivial way. This paper presents a simple prediction model of behavior based on self-reported use of manual shading and a user survey. The specific model is applicable to the case study building, which is an office building in Gothenburg, Sw

From Bystanders to Agents of Change: Examining Men’s Engagement in Policy Addressing GBV in Kosovo

The issue of domestic violence has been often framed as a women’s issue. Despite men being the majority of perpetrators in Kosovo, the engagement of men in the process of addressing violence against women remains a largely unexplored step in ending it. This paper investigates the state policy on addressing Gender Based Violence (GBV) and evaluates the implementation of measures engaging men in tha

Expert Views on Medical Involvement in the Swiss Assisted Dying Practice: “We Want to Have Our Cake and Eat It Too”?

BackgroundMost jurisdictions that allow euthanasia and assisted suicide (AS) regulate it through the medical profession. However, the extent and nature of how medicine should be involved are debated. Swiss AS practice is unusual in that it is managed by lay AS organizations that rely on a law that permits AS when done for nonselfish reasons. Physicians are not mentioned in the law but are usually

Impact of the Capital Structure Choice on Firm Performance: A Quantitative Study of the Biggest Healthcare and Energy Companies in the USA

Purpose The aim of this research paper is to provide valuable insights to existing theoretical foundation of choice of capital structure, and exploring the relationship between capital structure and firm performance through testing whether capital structure affects firm performance in the USA listed healthcare and energy companies. Theoretical perspective The presented theories cover different vi

Taxonomy supporting design strategies for reuse of building parts in timber-based construction

PurposeThe reuse of timber building parts, when designing new buildings, has become a topic of increasing discussion as a proposed circular solution in support of sustainable development goals. Designers face the difficulty of identifying and applying different design strategies for reuse due to multiple definitions, which are used interchangeably. The purpose of this study is to propose a taxonom

Vad för effekt har digitaliseringen på nätverk hos entreprenörer som bedriver konsultföretag inom ekonomibranschen?

Uppsatsen tar fram olika modeller och teorier om nätverk och vad som kan påverka nätverk. De begrepp som tas upp som påverkar nätverk är bland annat digitaliseringen i form av digitala verktyg, sociala plattformar och kommunikation. Sedan intervjuas 5 entreprenörer som driver konsultföretag i ekonomibranschen där frågor ställs kring deras nätverk. Slutligen visade det sig att digitaliseringen har

I Can’t Hear What I’m Reading: An Eye Tracking Study on Reading in Different Noise Environments

This study investigates how different acoustic environments and spelling manipulations affect the reading process by applying eye tracking methodology. Participants are asked to read sentences while either listening to babble noise or not being exposed to any acoustic stimuli. It was generally possible to understand semantic chunks of the babble noise but not the discourse. The reading material wa

Workplace socioeconomic characteristics and coronary heart disease : a nationwide follow-up study

Objectives Important gaps in previous research include a lack of studies on the association between socioeconomic characteristics of the workplace and coronary heart disease (CHD). We aimed to examine two contextual factors in association with individuals' risk of CHD: the mean educational level of all employees at each individual's workplace (education work) and the neighbourhood socioeconomic ch

Stjärnornas fred - En analys av samtiden och hur gällande rätt kan utvecklas

This academic paper explores the current state of regulation in outer space, highlighting the existence of a legal vacuum and the absence of clear norms governing space activities. Existing treaties are often vague and inconclusive in their interpretations. Meanwhile, a new space race is emerging, with commercial entities taking the lead in the West, while global players such as China and Russia sDet går att konstatera att regleringen av rymden befinner sig i en form av rättsligt vakuum. Det saknas idag en tydliga normer för användningen av rymden. Tolkningar av de få traktat som ratificerats av majoritetens av världens länder är vaga och ofta intetsägande. Samtidigt håller en ny rymdkapplöpning på att växa fram. Den här gången har kommersiella aktörer lagt sig i framkant i väst medan glob

The Effectiveness and Acceptability of Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression and Anxiety in Routine Clinical Care

Psykologiska evidensbaserade interventioner som förmedlas via internet och mobila teknologier (Digital Mental Health) har potential att minska tröskeln för att få vård, samt minska svårigheter att få tillgång till behandling på grund av avstånd, kostnader, arbete och familjekonflikter eller begränsad kapacitet hos vårdgivare. Den här typen av hinder utgör en särskild utmaning för personer med deprEvidence-based psychological interventions delivered via the internet and mobile technologies (Digital Mental Health) hold the promise of reducing barriers to care, including difficulties accessing treatment because of distance, cost, work and family commitments, and limited provider capacity. Such barriers represent a particular challenge for individuals with depression and anxiety, that tend to

Are truth-tellers as unreliable as liars? An exploration of how exposing low versus high cognitive load before performing denial versus truth-telling affects memory performance.

False denial is a deceptive strategy involving the refusal of knowledge or actions. Previous studies have reported the denial-induced forgetting (DIF) effect, where denying information during an interrogation impairs memory for the discussed details. Recent research has shown that denial can also affect the original event memory when cognitive resources are strained during task execution. However,

Review of Slow Sand Filtration for Raw Water Treatment with Potential Application in Less-Developed Countries

Providing safe drinking water to people in developing countries is an urgent worldwide water problem and a main issue in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. One of the most efficient and cheapest methods to attain these goals is to promote the use of slow sand filters. This review shows that slow sand filters can efficiently provide safe drinking water to people living in rural communities not s

Learning study guided by variation theory : Exemplified by children learning to halve and double whole numbers

This study aims to describe how the learning study model can be used to improve lesson design and childrens learning outcomes by enabling them to perceive and define the critical aspects of the object of learning, guided by variation theory. Three lesson designs were used with three groups of children (A = 24, B = 13, C = 14) from two schools. The results of the first design were analyzed before t