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Your search for "*" yielded 530144 hits

On chemical interactions between an inclusion engineered stainless steel (316L) and (Ti,Al)N coated tools during turning

Non-metallic inclusions offer one of the most effective routes for improving the machinability of steels. However, the wear-reducing mechanisms activated by such inclusions are not fully understood. The interactions are notoriously difficult to predict due to the wide variety of steel grades, cutting conditions, and tool materials employed in industry. The interaction between PVD (Ti,Al)N coated c

Exploring Different User Interfaces for Automatic Tracking of Free Weight Exercises Using Computer Vision

Several research studies have shown the importance of physical exercise. The global gym and fitness industry faced a transition from traditional gyms to virtual fitness training during the pandemic lockdowns. A proliferation of applications is available to provide different digital gym experiences. Advagym is one example that uses sensors to track and give feedback to gym goers. Sony's R&D Cen

Lesson study as a vehicle for improving SEND teachers’ teaching skills

Purpose: Collaborative professional development for inclusive teaching is a limited area of research, although there is an extensive need for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) teachers. Research findings of how teachers’ professional development can contribute to support the development of powerful learning situations for all students are presented in this special issue. The aim is

Power in the Age of the Green Energy Transition: Multinational Corporations, the State, and Cobalt in the Democratic Republic of Congo

This thesis investigates the power balance between states and multinational corporations, and how the green energy transition impacts this balance, a connection commonly overlooked by researchers. I have sought to remedy this gap by conducting a qualitative case study of the relationship between the Democratic Republic of Congo, which holds the majority of global cobalt reserves, and major cobalt

The Dynamics of Preserving Transitive Choice and Preference: Transitivity in the context of Choice Blindness

In most normative and prescriptive decision theories, transitivity is a presumed property of any preference relation, stating that for any choice alternatives x, y, z and preference relation R, if xRy and yRz, then xRz. However, what is normatively expected of an ideally rational agent may still be descriptively false under certain contexts and empirically motivated decision models. One such possi

Participation in prospective studies of children with high risk for type 1 diabetes. Psychological effects, experience, and study compliance

AbstractAim: The overall aim of the thesis was to examine the psychosocial effects and family reactions to participation in longitudinal studies with their children at high risk for type 1 diabetes. Additionally, we aimed to develop a shorter form for the children to measure their anxiety when thinking of their risk of developing type 1 diabetes, which could be used in The Environmental Determinan

The South African Families Database

Very little is known about what family life looked like for settlers in colonial South Africa during the 18th or 19th century, nor how events over these centuries might have affected demographic change. The primary reason for this lacuna is a shortage of adequate data. Historians and genealogists have, over the last century, worked to combine the rich administrative records that are available in t

‘Women, Life, Freedom’. Unveiling Voices: An Empirical Research of Civil Reporting on Instagram in the Iranian Revolution

The rise of global social media platforms has offered civilians opportunities to share information through the use of visuals and text independently. The internet and technological advancements have thereby played an essential role in enabling individuals to share their perspectives and contribute their content to broader audiences. As a consequence of the Iranian revolution, triggered by the exec

Using learning study as in-service training for preschool teachers

The main focus of this study is preschool teachers' own learning from a specific course aimed to develop their knowledge of how to use learning study (LS) in preschool. The study included 24 qualified and experienced preschool teachers who took part in the course. The course was funded by the Swedish National Agency for Education and the teachers were chosen by their municipal employers. An analys

Går det att mäta färgblind rasism? En kvantitativ undersökning för att utforska färgblind rasism i den svenska kontexten

Denna uppsats är en kvantitativ studie för att undersöka om det finns ett sätt att mäta färgblind rasism genom kvantitativ data. Studien bygger på teorin om färgblind rasism och teorin om rasifiering och mäter data från The European Social Survey för att se om det finns frågor i enkäterna som kan fungera som mått på färgblindhet. Genom mätningar kunde jag se att det fanns tendenser av färgblind ra

Första, andra, tredje - såld på fiskauktion till bättre pris?

I november 2016 öppnade Stockholms fiskauktion. En tanke var att kortare avstånd mellan fiskare och konsumenter i Stockholmsregionen skulle gynna lokala fiskare, konsumenter och miljö. Om lokalt fångad fisk värderas på marknaden kan priserna påverkas. Vi undersöker om lokalt fångad gös fick en prispremie på Stockholmsauktionen och om priserna på gös påverkades i andra försäljningskanaler. Vi finne

Understanding hazards of nanoplastics using Daphnia magna

This thesis presents the results of studies focused on effects caused by nano-sized particles using freshwater filter feeder Daphnia magna. I showed that both positively and negatively surface charged PS NPs induced significant mortality in D. magna after a life-time (103 days) of exposure at low concentrations. Previously, it was shown that negatively surface charged PS NPs are acutely not toxic

Heritage Assets: A Meaningful Basis For Internationalization?

A family’s involvement and ownership of a firm separates family firms from both public companies and other private firms. It is widely accepted that family firms have unique characteristics, with implications for their behavior and an impact on their internationalization. Extant research presents a need for studies on the heterogeneity observed in family firm internationalization, and has presente

Photophysics and Photochemistry of Iron Carbene Complexes

I naturen fångas solljus in via ljus-absorberande molekyler. På liknande sätt kan färgämnen användas för solcells- och artificiell fotosyntes-applikationer för att absorbera solljus, och överföra den exciterade elektronen.Framgångsrika färgämnen har tidigare varit baserade på Ru-polipyridyl-komplex, trots att Ru är ett av de mest ovanliga ämnena i jordskorpan. Detta arbete har som mål att ersätta Nature captures sunlight via light-absorbing molecules.Similarly, photosensitisers are used in applications of solar cells and artificial photosynthesis to absorb sunlight, and transfer the excited electron.Successful photosensitisers have in the past been based on a Ru polipyridyl scaffold, despite Ru being one of the scarcest elements in Earth's crust.This thesis work aims to replace Ru polipyri

Latency Prediction in 5G Networks by using Machine Learning

This thesis presents a report of predicting latency in a 5G network by using deep learning techniques. The training set contained data of network parameters along with the actual latency, collected in a 5G lab environment during four different test scenarios. We trained four different machine learning models, including Forward Neural Network (FNN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neu