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Your search for "*" yielded 530143 hits

Regional Inequality and Spatial Dependence in Sweden

Regional inequality is a growing concern in developed countries, as country-level convergence may obscure increasing disparities within countries. This thesis aims to address this concern by examining the dynamics of regional convergence in Sweden from 1980-2022. The study employs spatial data analysis and econometric methods to examine the spatial dynamics of income and spillover effects between

Teacher researchers creating communities of research practice by the use of a professional development approach

The aim of this article is to elucidate how teacher researchers use a theoretical framework as mediated tool to create boundaries in communities of research practices (CoRPs) and how this effects student learning. If, and in what way, knowledge developed in one practice can be used to inform the next is also examined. Two teacher researchers implemented two CoRPs each, one as internal participant

Hur mår inspektören? En nulägesanalys om livsmedelsinspektörers arbetssituation

Livsmedelsinspektörer spelar en avgörande roll för att se till att maten vi äter är säker och hälsosam. Genom att inspektera livsmedelsanläggningar, restauranger och andra matinrättningar hjälper de till att förhindra spridning av matburna sjukdomar och skyddar allmänheten från osäkra matpraktiker. Deras arbetsmiljö är dock ofta utmanade med ett både fysiskt och mentalt krävande arbete där detHow do we know that the food we eat is safe and healthy? Sweden is high on the charter over countries which have the highest food safety standards. Food health inspectors play an absolutely crucial role in maintaining these standards and systems. By inspecting food processing facilities, restaurants, and other food establishments they help prevent the spread of foodborne illnesses and help pro

Click, Shop, Done

Online shopping is increasing at a high pace and express checkout systems are becoming widely available. For this reason, this study aims to gain a deeper knowledge on how express checkout systems shape consumers’ buying behavior online. To investigate the relationship between express checkout systems and consumers’ buying behavior, qualitative semi-structured interviews have been conducted with f

Intäkter för svenska kräftfiskare på västkusten

Havskräfta är en viktig art för svenskt fiske. Kräftan fångas antingen med bur eller med trål i Kattegatt och Skagerrak. På uppdrag av Havs- och vattenmyndigheten analyseras yrkesfiskets intäkter och fartygens landningsmönster för att ge underlag till en bedömning av effekterna av att minska utrymmet för trålfiske och öka utrymmet för burfiske.Analysen visar att trålfisket generellt sett är mindre

Cirkulär ekonomi : ett levande och lärande kulturarv?

In recent years, the term circular economy has become central in both research and politics. Inmost writings and policy documents, a circular economy is assumed to presuppose a break fromprevious habits and practices. Cultural and historical perspectives are often neglected, eventhough most preindustrial agriculture and food systems developed methods for the circulationand recycling of resources.

Skolans värld möter samhällskriser

Klimatförändringar, pandemier och skolskjutningar är alla exempel på samhällskriser som aktualiserar frågan om hur skolans personal arbetar i krissituationer. Vilken beredskap har skolan att hantera samhällskriser? Vilka kompetenser behöver skolans personal? Vad innebär det att vara en krisaktör?I boken beskrivs olika typer av samhällskriser, deras faser, orsaker och karaktäristika. Författarna ar

Strategies in supporting inclusive education for autistic students : A systematic review of qualitative research results

Background and Aim: Strategies to modify and adjust the educational setting in mainstream education for autistic students are under-researched. Hence, this review aims to identify qualitative research results of adaptation and modification strategies to support inclusive education for autistic students at school and classroom levels. Method: In this systematic review, four databases were searched.

The ambiguity of gender equality in the contemporary ACW Work Plan

The study examines how gender equality is represented and problematized in the ASEAN Committee on Women Work Plan 2021-2025. The study seeks to explore discourse of gender equality present in the work plan, by employing Carol Bacchi’s “What is the problem represented to be” method. The findings are analyzed through a postcolonial feminist approach to underpin some silences and subject positions, c

Skatt på bränsle - hur kan fisket anpassas?

EU-kommissionen har lagt fram ett förslag på nytt energiskattedirektiv som innebär att yrkesfisket kan komma att betala bränsleskatt. Detta medför i så fall ökade kostnader och lägre lönsamhet för yrkesfisket inom EU. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur fisket kan anpassa sig till en bränsleskatt genom att på olika sätt minska sin bränsleförbrukning.Våra resultat visar att fisket kan mins

Pre-electoral coalitions, familiarity, and delays in government formation

During the past decade, many parliamentary democracies have experienced bargaining delays when forming governments. The previous literature has attributed protracted government formation processes to a high degree of preference uncertainty among the political parties and a high level of bargaining complexity. The article draws on such theories, but also adds a third theoretical mechanism, commitme

Production of Rhizopus oryzae lipase using optimized Yarrowia lipolytica expression system

Yarrowia lipolytica is an alternative yeast for heterologous protein production. Based on auto-cloning vectors, a set of 18 chromogenic cloning vectors was developed, each containing one of the excisable auxotrophic selective markers URA3ex, LYS5ex, and LEU2ex, and one of six different promoters: the constitutive pTEF, the phase dependent hybrid pHp4d, and the erythritol-inducible promoters from p

Nudges at The Forefront of Sustainable Urban Mobility?

The main aim of this article is to investigate the application of the Nudge theory within the field of sustainable mobility as a strategy to encourage more use of sustainable modes of transport. This line of research is of particular importance due to the high share of emissions in the transportation sector, which has been increasing over the years. Although there have been pro-environment policie