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Technology Acceptance in the Age of Mobile Applications

This paper aims to investigate the factors that affect the technology acceptance of retail apps and elaborates on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) through an in-depth, single case study on IKEA. The case study provides the research with the crucial aspect of the customer's perception of the app and extends the framework through the practical adoption of apps. The data were collected throu

”Ibland blir jag bara så jävla trött på folk, ser de inte att jag är ledig?” - En kvalitativ studie om emotionellt arbete och gränsdragning mellan yrkesrollen och privatlivet hos frilansande kulturarbetare.

Emotionellt arbete är ett begrepp som innebär den känsloreglering en individ gör för att leva upp till olika situationers förväntade beteenden och uttryck. Sker detta inom en yrkesroll så är det ett emotionellt lönearbete. Forskning har visat att denna känsloreglering, som innebär både att förstärka vissa känslor och förtrycka andra, kan vara skadligt för en individ som utövar detta under en längr

Urban sharing in Seoul

“Urban Sharing in Seoul” explores the landscape of the sharing economy in the city context and is a result of a Mobile Research Lab conducted by five researchers from Lund University in 2022. The focus is on three sectors: space sharing, mobility sharing, and sharing of household goods. For each sector, drivers and barriers to the sharing economy are explored, associated sustainability impacts and

Teachers’ collaborative professional development for inclusive education

This is a systematic literature review aiming to systematically synthesize research of teachers’ collaborative professional development (CPD) for inclusive education. In total, 21 articles out of 55 from three data-based met the inclusion criteria. Cohen’s kappa was used to measure the agreement, found that the agreement between the raters was 0.72; substantial agreement. The results show that the

High Noon in the Himalayas

This master’s thesis examines the escalation of the Sino-Indian border conflict in the summer of 2020. Using a modified version of Graham Allison’s multi-lens model, variants of realism, institutionalism and constructivism are applied to the case in order to find explanatory factors. The different theoretical schools also serve to clearly delineate what assumptions the identified aspects are based

A diversified idea paradigm? Mapping the evolution of economic environmental and climate ideas in the WTO Secretariat

The aim of this thesis is to contribute to highlighting how economic environmental and climate ideas are expressed in the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization and to compare this with how they are expressed in other international organisations. In the article The evolution of ideas in global climate policy, Jonas Meckling and Bentley B. Allan map the evolution of economic environmental and

Time Signatures in Modern Music

In the beginning of the 20th Century with the emergence of a new musical language as the Second Viennese School (Alban Berg, Arnold Schoenberg, and Anton Webern) took over, suddenly music pushed forward and away from traditional harmony, rhythm and even notation. Music started to lose its traditional feel of patterns, cadences and regularity and instead embraced new complexity, as composers starte

Evaluating a new hydraulic implementation in LPJ-GUESS for three sites in north Europe

Drought is projected to increase in frequency and intensity and impacts trees with increased water stress and increased mortality rate. Water stresses can cause hydraulic failure-related mortality or carbon starvation due to tree species having different strategies to deal with water stresses. LPJ-GUESS-HYD (Hydraulic implementation of a new plant hydraulics scheme in LPJ-GUESS) was developed to i

Ökat fiske efter havskräfta - med risk för lägre priser?

Den mängd havskräfta som säljs på den svenska marknaden är idag långt mindre än den tillgängliga kvoten. Skulle fiskarna få möjlighet att sälja mer havskräftor ökar intäkterna, men det kan också leda till att priserna blir lägre. I den här studien analyserar vi hur priserna påverkas om mer trålfiskad havskräfta säljs på marknaden. Resultaten visar att:Om mängden trålfiskad havskräfta ökar med 5 pr

Luminescence dating of the late Quaternary loess-palaeosol sequence at Velika Vrbica, Serbia

Löss-palaeosol-sekvensen (LPS) vid Velika Vrbica är belägen nära Donaus sydvästra strand i västra delen av den valakiska sänkan i Serbien. Sekvensens översta fem meter undersöktes med optiskt stimulerad luminiscensdatering (OSL) på kvarts och med magnetisk susceptibilitet (MS) varpå sedimentackumulationshastigheten (MAR) beräknades. Lagerföljden omfattar två enheter: en holocen jordmån (S0, 70The Velika Vrbica loess-palaeosol sequence (LPS) is situated at the westernmost edge of the Wallachian basin, Serbia. The profile’s uppermost five metres were investigated using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) quartz, magnetic susceptibility (MS) and mass accumulation rates (MAR). It is situated proximal to the southwestern bank of the Danube River and has received varying rates of loes

The impact of certification on the reduction of information asymmetry, during and post-IPO

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the existence of information asymmetry displayed in the initial return, and post-IPO financing. Additionally, how sponsor certification influences IPOs and in the post-IPO financing as a means to reduce information asymmetry. Methodology: The study was conducted based on a quantitative research method, followed by a deductive approach, which in

The Effect of Leveraged Buyouts on Employment Growth and Productivity - Evidence From European LBOs

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the post-buyout effect on employment growth in LBOs relative to targets that were not subject to an LBO. Additionally, the study aims to provide an up-to-date insight into the impact of employment productivity post-buyout of the LBOs relative to non-LBOs, as the climate of buyouts have changed since its inception. Methodology: The econometr

Buy high, sell higher

Despite the tempting potential for attractive profits presented by a momentum strategy, it encounters two primary challenges. First, there are infrequent, yet significant losses when the market is imposed by high volatility. Second, the strategy incurs high turnover costs due to the constant rebalancing of the portfolio. To mitigate these issues, this paper implements strategies for volatility tim

The environmental implications of car-sharing

This chapter focuses on contemporary urban food sharing beyond the everyday experiences of eating together with friends and family. Such food sharing is increasingly facilitated by smart, digital technologies (ICT for brevity) from Apps and platforms to websites and social media, that offer new ways to grow, cook, and eat together as well as exchange food with others. The chapter begins by mapping

Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions : Social Norms and Expectations in Swedish Preschools

This paper synthesises research evidence regarding enablers and barriers for children with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) in the inclusive early-years Swedish preschool context. Focusing on current norms, this chapter presents a review conducted using purposeful sampling. The Swedish preschool curriculum sets expectations for children with ASC, which can be challenging. It is therefore important

Gängkriminellas möjlighet att ta sig ur gänget - En systematisk litteraturstudie som granskar och värderar insatser för gängkriminella avhoppare

Gängkriminaliteten är ett omtalat ämne som det kontinuerligt har forskats om. Forskningen har utvecklat kunskap gällande varför individer blir gängkriminella och vilka faktorer som gör att gängkriminella är kvar i gänget. Däremot finns det mindre forskning om vilka insatser som är effektiva för att lämna gänget och varför. Den aktuella studien syftade till att sammanställa den internationella forsGang criminality is a much-discussed topic that is extensively researched. The knowledge gained from the research explains why individuals become gang criminals and which factors make gang criminals remain in the gang. However, there is less research on which interventions are effective for leaving the gang and why. The current study aimed to compile the international research literature on the in

Improving land tenure security by increasing access?

Securing access to land around the world is an issue that pervades many development agendas. Often promoted through legal and administrative systems, secure land tenure is used in the battle against poverty and to reduce land based conflict. Conceptualizations of secure tenure tend to differ between international institutions and academia. This thesis aims to understand how the World Bank concept

Preschool Children’s Learning Opportunities Using Natural Numbers in Number Row Activities

This study analysed how preschool teachers differently enacted the same mathematical activity for preschool children to discern numbers, and how this affected the children’s learning opportunities during the activity. The analysis was based on variation theory and Chi’s taxonomy of learning activities. Two Swedish preschool teachers’ enactment of the same mathematical activity for 27 children aged

Challenges and research needs in evaluating the sustainability impacts of sharing economy using input-output analysis.

Evaluating the sustainability impacts of the sharing economy using input-output analysis’ by Andrius Plepys and Jagdeep Singh presents key challenges associated with a systematic sustainability evaluation of access-based consumption models. Starting with a causal loop diagram representing various reported and potential impacts of a generic sharing system, the authors provide a comprehensive pictur