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Continuous-Time Models in Kernel Smoothing

This thesis consists of five papers (Papers A-E) treating problems in non-parametric statistics, especially methods of kernel smoothing applied to density estimation for stochastic processes (Papers A-D) and regression analysis (Paper E). A recurrent theme is to, instead of treating highly positively correlated data as ``asymptotically independent'', take advantage of local dependence structures b

Five-factor inventories have a major higher order factor related to social desirability which can be reduced by framing items neutrally

The factors in self-report inventories measuring the five-factor model (FFM) correlate with one another although they theoretically should not. Study 1 showed, across three different FFM-questionnaires, that almost all of the common variance between factors can be attributed to a single general factor related to social desirability. In Study 2, simple rephrasing of items from a FFM-questionnaire m

A new energy and angle resolving electron spectrometer - First results

A new energy and angle resolved analyzer for photoelectron spectroscopy is described. This analyzer is based on combining an advanced focusing electron lens system with time-of-flight measurements. A position sensitive detector gives time and position for the electron events. From this information the kinetic energy and start direction are obtained through a transformation procedure, giving both a

Measurement of the top quark pair cross section with ATLAS in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV using final states with an electron or a muon and a hadronically decaying tau lepton

A measurement of the cross section of top quark pair production in proton-proton collisions recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV is reported. The data sample used corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2.05 fb(-1). Events with an isolated electron or muon and a tau lePton decaying hadronically are used. In addition, a large missing t

Genomic organization of profilin-III and evidence for a transcript expressed exclusively in testis.

Profilins are small, widely expressed actin binding proteins, thought to be key regulators of actin dynamics in living cells. So far, three profilin-genes have been described: profilin-I (PFN1), profilin-II (PFN2) with two splice variants and the recently identified profilin-III (PFN3). Here we describe the genomic organization of the genes encoding human and mouse profilin-III. Both are single ex

Sex determination in barn swallows Hirundo rustica by means of discriminant analysis in two European populations

Aims: Differences in morphology in adult barn swallows were investigated using bone and feather measurements taken from birds from a northern (Danish) and a southern (Spanish) European population. Discriminant Function Analysis was used to help in discriminating the sex of individuals of both populations. Location: Badajoz (Spain) and Kraghede (Denmark). Methods: Two discriminant functions were ob

Food product development - A consumer-led text analytic approach to generate preference structures

Purpose - This paper aims to illustrate a new method to cluster consumer attribute preferences and to transform spontaneously written texts by consumers about a certain favourite food product (hamburger) into distinct preference clusters of attributes. Design/methodology/approach - A new way of finding significant clusters of consumer attribute preferences is developed by means of a new text analy

Lundby revisited: first incidence of mental disorders 1947-1997.

Objective: To investigate how first incidence of various mental disorders changed between the periods of 1947-1972 to 1972-1997 in the Lundby cohort. Method: First-incidence rates of mental disorders were calculated for two 25 year periods and ten 5 year periods. Results: From 1947-1972 to 1972-1997 a decrease in almost all age- and sex-specific incidences of neurotic and organic brain disorders w

Early prediction of outcome with aEEG in preterm infants with large intraventricular hemorrhages

BACKGROUND: The electrocortical background contains prognostic information in full-term asphyxiated newborn infants already during the first postnatal hours. In preterm infants with intra-ventricular hemorrhages (IVH) the background activity in EEG and amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) is depressed during the first days of life, and the extent of the depression correlates with the degree of IVH. How

Writing Rights into Thailand's History with Photography

Photography is a recognized medium to spread information about atrocities and to raise awareness about human rights issues. Photography is also widely used by political actors and social move- ments to construct an image of themselves and their causes. The political potential of photography is closely connected to the role of the visual in the public. The language of photography is at the same tim

Novel Scabies Mite Serpins Inhibit the Three Pathways of the Human Complement System

Scabies is a parasitic infestation of the skin by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei that causes significant morbidity worldwide, in particular within socially disadvantaged populations. In order to identify mechanisms that enable the scabies mite to evade human immune defenses, we have studied molecules associated with proteolytic systems in the mite, including two novel scabies mite serine protease inhi

A Game-Theoretic Resource Manager for RT Applications

The management of resources among competing QoS-aware applications is often solved by a resource manager (RM) that assigns both the resources and the application service levels. However, this approach requires all applications to inform the RM of the available service levels. Then, the RM has to maximize the "overall quality" by comparing service levels of different applications which are not nece

A life cycle approach to the management of household food waste - A Swedish full-scale case study.

Environmental impacts from incineration, decentralised composting and centralised anaerobic digestion of solid organic household waste are compared using the EASEWASTE LCA-tool. The comparison is based on a full scale case study in southern Sweden and used input-data related to aspects such as source-separation behaviour, transport distances, etc. are site-specific. Results show that biological tr

Methods to determine hydration states of minerals and cement hydrates

This paper describes a novel approach to the quantitative investigation of the impact of varying relative humidity (RH) and temperature on the structure and thermodynamic properties of salts and crystalline cement hydrates in different hydration states (i.e. varying molar water contents). The multi-method approach developed here is capable of deriving physico-chemical boundary conditions and the t

Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans and microglia prevent migration and integration of grafted Muller stem cells into degenerating retina

At present, there are severe limitations to the successful migration and integration of stem cells transplanted into the degenerated retina to restore visual function. This study investigated the potential role of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) and microglia in the migration of human Muller glia with neural stem cell characteristics following subretinal injection into the Lister hooded

A facile synthesis of branched silver nanowire structures and its applications in surface-enhanced Raman scattering

We report a facile method of preparing novel branched silver nanowire structures such as Y-shaped, K-shaped and other multi-branched nanowires. These branched nanostructures are synthesized by reducing silver nitrate (AgNO3) in polyethylene glycol (PEG) with polyvinglpyrrolidone (PVP) as capping agent. Statistical data indicate that for the "y" typed branched nanowire, the branches grow out from t