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“Programming is Not That Hard!”. When a Science Center Visit Increases Young Women’s Programming Ability Beliefs

To increase engagement with science and technology, young people around the world are encouraged to attend activities at science centers. But how effective are these activities? Since women have weaker ability beliefs and interest in technology than men, it is especially important to learn how science center visits affect them. In this study, we tested if programming exercises offered to middle sc

Gluten-free diet adherence in children with screening-detected celiac disease using a prospective birth cohort study

Background Celiac disease has an increasing incidence worldwide and is treated with lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet. We aimed to describe gluten-free diet adherence rates in children with screening-identified celiac disease, determine adherence-related factors, and compare adherence to food records in a multinational prospective birth cohort study. Methods Children in The Environmental De

Legal culture and climate change adaptation : An agenda for research

While climate change adaptation research has increasingly focused on aspects of culture, a systematic treatment of the role of legal culture in how communities respond to climate risk has yet to be produced. This is despite the fact that law and legal authority are implicated in most, if not all, of the ways in which actors seek to reduce the risks posed to communities by climate change. Using a s

Preoperative upper tract invasive diagnostic modalities are associated with intravesical recurrence following surgery for upper tract urothelial carcinoma : A population-based study

Background Intravesical recurrence (IVR) after surgery for upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC) is a clinical problem. We investigated if preoperative invasive diagnostic modalities (IDM) such as antegrade/retrograde uretero-pyelography and/or selective urine cytology/barbotage, and URS with or without concomitant biopsy are associated with IVR after radical surgery for UTUC. Risk of death from

Patient-derived models : Advanced tools for precision medicine in neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma is a childhood cancer derived from the sympathetic nervous system. High-risk neuroblastoma patients have a poor overall survival and account for ~15% of childhood cancer deaths. There is thus a need for clinically relevant and authentic models of neuroblastoma that closely resemble the human disease to further interrogate underlying mechanisms and to develop novel therapeutic strateg

Single-cell analysis of myeloid cells in HPV+ tonsillar cancer

The incidence of human papillomavirus-positive (HPV+) tonsillar cancer has been sharply rising during the last decades. Myeloid cells represent an appropriate therapeutic target due to their proximity to virus-infected tumor cells, and their ability to orchestrate antigen-specific immunity, within the tonsil. However, the interrelationship of steady-state and inflammatory myeloid cell subsets, and

Frequent body position changes and physical activity as effective as standard care for infants hospitalised with acute respiratory infections - a randomised controlled trial

Background: No definite consensus has been reached yet on the best treatment strategy for the large group of infants hospitalised with bronchiolitis or pneumonia. Minimal handling is often recommended, although not evaluated scientifically. There is a need to evaluate the management, as the infants often are critically affected, and the costs for society are high. The aim of this RCT was to evalua

Older patients’ perceptions of the Swedish ambulance service : A qualitative exploratory study

Background: As worldwide life expectancy increases, the Swedish Ambulance Service is likely to be affected by the demographic shift towards a larger proportion of older persons. An older population tends to increase the demand for ambulances, indicating a need to illuminate older patients’ perspective. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore older patients’ perceptions of the Swedish Ambulance

Health-related quality of life and long-term symptoms among patients with non-severe covid-19–a prospective cohort study

Background: The vast majority of covid-19 patients experience non-severe disease. Nonetheless, long-term symptoms may be common and the impact on quality of life is uncertain. This study aims to examine these aspects in a prospective, longitudinal cohort. Methods: Non-hospitalised patients with PCR-confirmed covid-19 were prospectively invited to self-report assessments of background data, symptom

Revised Swedish guidelines on intravenous iodine contrast medium-induced acute kidney injury 2022 : A summary

The Swedish Society of Uroradiology has revised their computed tomography (CT) guidelines regarding iodine contrast media-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI). They are more cautious compared to the European Society of Urogenital Radiology and the American College of Radiology since the actual risk of CI-AKI remains uncertain in patients with moderate to severe kidney damage due to a lack of prosp

A place in between places

Skellefteå is calibrating its position in multiple overlapping maps, sometimes located in the centre and sometimes in the periphery (if those are even relevant). It is a place in between places. A geographical periphery of Europe that becomes one of the centres of production of one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The favourable policies to facilitate multimillionaire investments i

Mild hypothermia attenuates ischemia/reperfusion injury - insights from serial non-invasive pressure-volume loops

BACKGROUND: Mild hypothermia, 32-35°C, reduces infarct size in experimental studies, potentially mediating reperfusion injuries, but human trials have been ambiguous. To elucidate the cardioprotective mechanisms of mild hypothermia, we analyzed cardiac performance in a porcine model of ischemia/reperfusion, with serial cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging throughout one week using non-i

Hybrid Microwave Resonator-Nanoscale Conductor Systems

2022 års Nobelpris i fysik tilldelades Alain Aspect, John Clauser och Anton Zeilinger, “för experiment med sammanflätade fotoner som påvisat brott mot Bell-olikheter och banat väg för kvantinformationsvetenskap”. Så löd Nobelkommiténs motivering. De flesta som läser denna motiveringen, och än fler som läser arbetet som ligger till grund till den, blir nog förundrade över vad som egentligen menas mEntanglement is a fundamental aspect of quantum computation and quantum information processes. In this work, we analyse the entanglement of two microwave resonators when connected to a semiconductor double quantum dot. The two-mode squeezing operation is a commonly used tool in entanglement creation and, based on this, we utilise the related two-mode two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model in the theoret

Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity : Threats and opportunities

Madagascar’s unique biota is heavily affected by human activity and is under intense threat. Here, we review the current state of knowledge on the conservation status of Madagascar’s terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity by presenting data and analyses on documented and predicted species-level conservation statuses, the most prevalent and relevant threats, ex situ collections and programs, and t