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Gymnasieelevers uppfattning om sin framtid efter studenten i ljuset och Covid-19 – pandemin

Denna studie är gjord i samråd med en gymnasieskola i södra Sverige. Studien berör hur gymnasieelever ser på sin framtid i ljuset av pandemin Covid-19. Den empiriska undersökningen utfördes genom en tvärsektionell enkätundersökning som fanns tillgänglig för eleverna under två veckors tid. Undersökningen är grundad i Theory of planned behavior och de konstrukt som undersöks utgår ifrån Intention, AThis study was conducted alongside a high school in the south of Sweden. The study explores senior students perspective on their future in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic. The empirical material was collected through a cross-sectional online survey, available to the students during a 14 day period. This study is based in the Theory of planned behavior and the constructs that are examined in th

Drönarteknik vid järnvägsunderhåll

Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att analysera potentialen och konsekvenserna av att använda drönarteknik för järnvägsunderhåll i Sverige. Arbetet har genomförts i samarbete med företaget Nordic Infracenter, som ett underprojekt till projektet Framtidens Järnväg. Metoden för arbetet har baserats på olika litteraturstudier och intervjuer med experter inom drönaroch järnvägsbranschen. ArbeteThe purpose of this thesis has been to analyze the potential and consequences of using drone technology for railway maintenance in Sweden. The work has been made in collaboration with the company Nordic Infracenter, as a subproject to the project Framtidens Järnväg. The work has been based on various literature studies and interviews with experts in the drone and railway industry. The work has bee

Human Trafficking and the Palermo Protocol – Does Ratification Have Any Effect on Anti-Trafficking Efforts and the Prevalence of Victims?

Human trafficking is not only an offence in the eyes of the law, but a violation of human rights. The Palermo Protocol is the most widespread international legislation, and 178 countries are state parties to the treaty. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate whether ratification of the Protocol has any effect on countries’ anti-trafficking efforts and/or the rate of victims per 100.000

Quality work in connection with work preparations

Aim and goal: The purpose of this study was to find out which quality deficiencies that are discovered in the self inspection, but are missing in the work preparation. The purpose was also to find out how the work preparation should have been performed, to not miss these deviations. The goal for this study was to present different suggestions for how the work preparation should have been performed

One step from employee to complainant: unfair dismissals in violation of employees' labour rights

This study aims to establish the most effective way of resolving unfair dismissal disputes based on experience in several countries and international law. First, the analysis of the scope and content of protection of employees against unfair dismissals in international law is presented. The legal basis is examined based on different international human rights instruments, ILO Conventions, European

A sovereign abode – Democracy, discipline and deliberation in a Swedish housing association from 1943 to the present

Since its inception, the discipline of sociology has struggled to bridge the gap between structure and agency. How is it that individuals can be free whilst also part of a larger context that determines their actions? This study aims to make a small contribution towards solving this conundrum. It departs from the theories of Habermas, Arendt and Machiavelli, and ventures into an archival study of

“Det gäller att kunna fånga, det gäller att kunna lyssna, det gäller att kunna se eleven och tolka det du ser” En studie av åtta socialpedagogers upplevelse av sin roll och samverkan med andra i skolans verksamhet

Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie undersöker åtta socialpedagogers upplevelse av sin roll i skolan. Studien har gjorts utifrån ett syfte att förstå denna relativt nya yrkesroll i skolan, och bidrar med mer kunskap kring socialpedagogers potential och kompetens. De teorier som guidat analysen av intervjudatan handlar om pedagogiska relationer, om socialpedagogens uppgift i skolan, om interaktio

Att Svanencertifiera hela produktionen vid byggnation

JM AB, Sverige region syd, vill undersöka hur stort intresset bland kunderna ser ut för att köpa en bostad som är Svanenmärkt producerad. I rapporten undersöks det även om det finns någon skillnad med att producera en Svanenmärkt bostad jämfört med att producera en bostad på det traditionella sättet utan några miljöcertifieringar. För att få en bostad Svanenmärkt så krävs det att en kravlista uppfJM AB, Region South in Sweden, wants us to investigate the amount of interest amongst customers in purchasing Nordic Swan Ecolabelled houses. This report will also examine whether there are any differences between producing a Nordic Swan Ecolabelled house compared with producing a house in the traditional way without any environmental certifications. In order to have a home labelled with the Nordi

Upplevelser av PTSD-behandlingar - en systematisk litteraturstudie

Frågeställning: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka patientperspektiv av hjälpsamma och hindrande faktorer i PTSD-behandling. Metod: Sju kvalitativa studier som fokuserade på patienters perspektiv av hjälpsamma och hindrande faktorer i PTSD-behandling gicks igenom. Resultat: Den terapeutiska relationen sågs som viktig och hjälpsam. Patienter betraktade exponering och psykoedukation som hjälpQuestion: The purpose of this study was to investigate patient perspectives of helpful and hindering factors in PTSD-treatment. Method: Seven qualitative studies focusing on patient perspective of PTSD-treatment were reviewed. Meta-ethnography and thematic analysis were used. Results: The therapeutic relationship was seen as important and helpful. Patients viewed exposure and psychoeducation abo

“ Stereotyper om oss gör att vi står utanför den reguljära arbetsmarknaden”

Women not born in Europe have the highest rates of unemployment in Sweden. These women have a tough time adjusting in the job market and are being discriminated against for several reasons, the most prominent reason being their social background, which includes their cultural and ethnic background. The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences of women born in countries outside of Europe

Väsentlig skatteförmån - Rekvisitets innebörd och dess förhållande till den skatterättsliga legalitetsprincipen

I uppsatsen undersöks och redogörs för innebörden av rekvisitet väsentlig skatteförmån som förekommer i två lagstiftningarna, skatteflyktslagen samt i avdragsbegränsningsreglerna i 24:18§ IL. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka innebörden av rekvisitet i respektive lagstiftning för att sedan jämföra dem och undersöka om de skiljer sig åt i tolkningen eller i tillämpningen. Rekvisitet väsentlig skattThis essay aims to examine the meaning of the prerequisite “significant tax benefit”. The prerequisite occurs in two different pieces of tax legislation, in the Swedish tax evasion law and in the limitation of interest deduction-rules in the Swedish income tax law. The main purpose of this essay is to study the prerequisite in its respective legislation and compare them to find out if they differ.

Electronic states in semiconductor double quantum dots and quantum rings - Theory and tight-binding modeling

I detta examensarbete skapas en teoretisk modell av en dubbelkvantprick med särskilda egenskaper i programmeringspråket Python. Kvantprickar har ett brett användningsområde i bland annat LEDs och i lasrar men inte minst som beräkningsenhet i kvantdatorer.In recent experiments on semiconductor nanowires and quantum dots, enhanced g-factors up to several times the bulk value have been measured [1] [2]. The enhancement is attributed to orbital contributions g∗orb to the effective g-factor g∗ = g∗spin+g∗orb from the coupling of the high angular momentum ring-like states to the magnetic field. The objective of the work presented here is to model the do

I samhällets skugga - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om erbjudet stöd till kvinnor utsatta för människohandel för sexuella ändamål.

The aim of this study was to examine support given to adult female victims of human trafficking for sexual purposes, by interviewing Swedish professionals within the organisation field. The focus was on how the support given in Sweden is adjusted to meet the women’s needs according to the professionals. We also examined the follow-up within other countries and their collaboration with Swedish orga

The European Union – A Counterterrorism Agenda How the EU represents the problem and its solutions

This study analyzes the European Union’s (henceforth EU) terrorism agenda. The overarching aim of the research is to gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of how the EU represents the problem of terrorism and what solutions they present to counter it. Hence, Lasse Lindekilde’s (2012) model, which he used to study the Danish government’s counter- radicalization Action Plan, is adopted, and used

The ability-to-pay principle as a part of the CJEU’s comparability analysis in cross-border corporate loss relief cases

This thesis examines the CJEU’s comparability analysis regarding corporate cross-border loss transfer cases and the use of ability-to-pay principle as a part of the analysis. In the beginning of the thesis the basic concepts relating to internal market and taxation and underlying reasons for difficulties in cross-border loss transfer are explained and the importance of loss transfer is defended. A

Cube - Brandteknisk riskvärdering

Denna rapport är en brandteknisk riskvärdering av “Cube” i Lund, Sverige. Scenarioanalysen visade att tre utav de tio scenarier som undersöktes uppskattades vara av högre risk för personsäkerheten än övriga. Det var A - brand i receptionen på entréplan, B - brand på kontoret beläget på plan tre samt C - brand i restaurangen på entréplan. Scenarierna valdes därför ut för vidare analys och simuleriThis report is an evaluation of the fire safety of “Cube” in Lund, Sweden. The analysis of the different scenarios showed that three out of the ten scenarios chosen were deemed to be of a higher risk for human life than the remaining seven. The three scenarios were A - fire in the reception located on the ground floor, B - fire in the office space located of the third floor and C - fire in the re

The Danger of Media Framing - The Multiyear Fraud of Wirecard AG

The purpose of this paper is to enhance the understanding of Media Framing of corporate accounting scandals over time.The purpose is fulfilled by adopting a case of how a corporate accounting scandal has been framed. This study uses a qualitative inductive research method. The data analysis was done by using the Gioia methodology as an approach for open coding, which is widely used in qualitative