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User-Centered Hardware Re-Design for Improved User Experience

Användarupplevelsedesign (UX-design) är starkt förknippat med människa-datorinteraktion (HCI) men är också relevant för analog människa-maskininteraktion (MMI). I Europa inträffar miljontals arbetsplatsolyckor och tillbud varje år.[1] Studier visar att cirka 50 % av alla olyckor och tillbud kan kopplas till dålig design.[2] Betydelsen av god UX-design i interaktioner mellan människa och maskiner bUser experience design is most associated with human-computer interaction (HCI) but is highly applicable to analogue man-machinery interactions (MMI) as well. In Europe, millions of workplace accidents and incident occur every year. [1] Studies show, that about 50% of workplace accidents and incidents are a result of bad design. [2] Therefore, the relevance of UX design in man-machinery interactio

The role of estrogen in the TSH and prolactin responses to thyrotropin-releasing hormone in postmenopausal as compared to premenopausal women

The basal and TRH (Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone) stimulated TSH (Thyrotropin) and PRL (Prolactin) responses (incremental area; IA) to 200 micrograms TRH was studied in 13 pre- and 13 postmenopausal women of 60 years of age. Both groups consisted of healthy women, none had goiter and all were negative for thyroid autoantibodies. The serum levels of TSH, T3, T4 and SHBG (sex hormone-binding globuli

Operando Visualization of Water Distribution in Gas Diffusion Media of PEFCs with an Optimized Neutron Grating Interferometer

We demonstrated the use of a neutron grating interferometer setup (nGI) with a significantly improved contrast-to-noise ratio of the operando dark-field (DF) contrast visualization of water in gas diffusion media (GDM). The nGI parameters were optimized in such a way that we could perform DF imaging of a fully operational fuel cell including two GDM layers (anode and cathode side). The DF contrast

The threat of the tree planting pandemic: an exploration of the implications of restoration projects for grassy biomes in Southern Africa and the agenda behind their vigorous promotion

Large-scale restoration projects are being increasingly used to address land degradation and global climate change. While these initiatives are promising, an overemphasis on tree planting may contribute to ecological degradation and carbon loss. This thesis critically examines the AFR100 initiative in southern Africa through literature analysis and expert interviews. By integrating perspectives fr

Metasurface-Enabled Holographic Lithography for Impact-Absorbing Nanoarchitected Sheets

Nanoarchitected materials represent a class of structural meta-materials that utilze nanoscale features to achieve unconventional material properties such as ultralow density and high energy absorption. A dearth of fabrication methods capable of producing architected materials with sub-micrometer resolution over large areas in a scalable manner exists. A fabrication technique is presented that emp

Understanding User Involvement in Research in Aging and Health

User involvement in research is advocated as an avenue for efficient societal developments. In this article, we identify potentials, problems, and challenges related to research on aging and health, and identify and illustrate research priorities using an evolving research program as an example. Involving user representatives in the development phase, the UserAge program engages researchers at fou

Patienters upplevelse av traumaomhändertagande inom akutsjukvård

Bakgrund: Trauma är en av de ledande orsakerna till mortalitet och morbiditet världen över. Personal som arbetar inom akutsjukvård hamnar ofta i situationer där de tar hand om denna patientgrupp utan att veta allt som hänt. Livshotande skador behövs åtgärdas på minimalt med tid och fokus läggs sällan på patientens psykiska och emotionella mående. Syfte: Att beskriva patienters upplevelser av traum

Opioid dispensing in relation to arthroscopic knee surgery in Denmark from 2006 to 2018

INTRODUCTION. In the US, opioids are commonly prescribed after arthroscopic knee surgery. We aimed to investigate opioid dispensing in relation to arthroscopic knee surgeries from 2006 to 2018 in Denmark. METHODS. In Danish registries, we identified patients (≥ 15 years old) having arthroscopic knee surgery (anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction; meniscal surgery; cartilage resection; sy

Envelope modulated x-ray grating interferometry

X-ray dark-field and phase contrast imaging using grating interferometry (GI) have demonstrated great potential for medical and industrial applications. GI relies on the fabrication of high-quality absorption gratings, which has revealed to be quite challenging. This paper proposes an interferometer for dark-field and differential phase contrast imaging using a single phase-shifting element. This

The Transformation of Risk Perception & Risk Tolerance of Airline Pilots as they progress through their career

Risk perception and risk tolerance are key elements of decision-making and flight safety. During flight operations, an accident may occur if a pilot underestimates risk level or overestimates their capacity (risk tolerance). Despite the numerous research studies conducted previously on risk perception and risk tolerance, there has been limited investigation into the "evolution" of these

Simultaneous Reciprocal and Real Space X-Ray Imaging of Time-Evolving Systems

Imaging the (sub)micron scale over large areas with high temporal resolution becomes increasingly necessary for the development and investigation of novel materials under realistic operation conditions. Small angle x-ray scattering imaging methods provide micro- and nanoscale structural information of materials. A fundamental shortcoming of such methods is the long acquisition time required to inv

Chondroblastoma and chondromyxoid fibroma

Chondroblastoma and chondromyxoid fibroma are benign but locally aggressive bone tumors. Chondroblastoma, a destructive lesion with a thin radiodense border, is usually seen in the epiphysis of long bones. Chondromyxoid fibroma presents as a bigger, lucent, loculated lesion with a sharp sclerotic margin in the metaphysis of long bones. Although uncommon, these tumors can be challenging to manage.

Hybrid zone analysis confirms cryptic species of banded newt and does not support competitive displacement since secondary contact

When two putatively cryptic species meet in nature, hybrid zone analysis can be used to estimate the extent of gene flow between them. Two recently recognized cryptic species of banded newt (genus Ommatotriton) are suspected to meet in parapatry in Anatolia, but a formal hybrid zone analysis has never been conducted. We sample populations throughout the range, with a focus on the supposed contact

NMR Backbone Assignment of VIM-2 and Identification of the Active Enantiomer of a Potential Inhibitor

Carbapenem resistance caused by metallo-β-lactamases is a serious global challenge that, if not tackled efficiently, is expected to lead to millions of deaths in the coming decades. Verona-integron encoded metallo-β-lactamase 2 (VIM-2) is a bacterial enzyme that has been reported from multidrug-resistant nosocomial isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other Gram-negative pathogens. As it hydroly

Niche differentiation in rotifer cryptic species complexes : a review of environmental effects

Adaptation to different ecological niches is considered one of the main drivers of species diversification, also in cryptic species complexes, notwithstanding their morphological stasis. We here review all the published information on ecological differentiation within cryptic species complexes within the phylum Rotifera. We found 177 instances of cryptic species identified genetically, published i

Real-Time Anomaly Detection Using Distributed Tracing in Microservice Cloud Applications

Distributed tracing plays a vital role in microservice infrastructure, and learning-based trace analysis has been utilized to detect anomalies within such systems. However, existing approaches for learning-based trace-based anomaly detection face certain limitations. Some assume that trace patterns can be learned solely from normal executions, while others depend on anomaly injection to generate l

Bulged-out nucleotides protect an antisense RNA from RNase III cleavage

Bulged-out nucleotides or internal loops are present in the stem-loop structures of several antisense RNAs. We have used the antisense/target RNA system (CopA/CopT) that controls the copy number of plasmid R1 to examine the possible biological function of bulged-out nucleotides. Two regions within the major stem-loop of the antisense RNA, CopA, carry bulged-out nucleotides. Base pairing in either