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Your search for "*" yielded 533528 hits

Do citizens use storytelling or rational argumentation to lobby politicians?

What should count as legitimate forms of reasoning in public deliberation is a contested issue. Democratic theorists have argued that storytelling may offer a more accessible form of deliberation for marginalised citizens than ‘rational argumentation’. We investigate the empirical support for this claim by examining Swedish citizens’ use of storytelling in written communication with the political

"Det finns i vårt DNA" : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om tre kyrkors roller i arbetet med nyanlända, asylsökande och papperslösa under och efter mottagningskrisen 2015

Uppsatsen undersöker religiösa aktörers sociala insatser under mottagningskrisen i Sverige 2015 och 2016. Under mottagningen av 160 000 personer på flykt behövde myndigheterna ta stöd i civilsamhällesorganisationer, varav många religiösa aktörer engagerade sig i mottagningsarbete på olika sätt. Uppsatsen syftar till att skapa förståelse för hur och varför religiösa aktörer bedriver sociala insatseThe essay examines the social work of religious actors during the reception crisis in Sweden in 2015 and 2016. During the reception of 160,000 refugees, the authorities needed support from civil society organizations, many of which involved religious actors in the reception work in various ways. The essay aims to create an understanding of how and why religious actors carry out social work in the

Classification of IKEA home furnishing items into design style groups using deep learning methods

Accurately categorizing home furnishing items into interior design style groups plays a crucial role in delivering personalized recommendations that align with customers' design style preferences. However, manually labeling items by experts is a costly and resource-intensive task. To address this challenge, deep learning methods are used to automate the manual labeling of IKEA home furnishing

Individual revenue forecasting in the banking sector

This paper analyses data from a Swedish bank combined with macroeconomic indicators to forecast revenues for individual customers over the course of four years. Separate models are created for recurring customers and customers who have just joined the bank. XGBoost is shown to outperform linear regression, random forest, neural network and support vector regression when comparing both mean absolut

Behaviour of Moraine SoilS StaBiliSed with oPC, GGBfS and hydrated liMe

This paper aims to evaluate the effects of blended binders on the development of strength in moraine soils by optimising the proportion of several binders. We tested three types of soil as a mixture of moraine soils: A (sandy clay), B (clayey silt) and C (silty clay), collected in southern Sweden. The soil was compacted using a modified Proctor test using the standard SS-EN 13286-2:2010 to determi

CMR for malignant cardiac tumors : Diagnosis, approach, and follow-up

Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is the gold standard noninvasive imaging modality to assess tissue characteristics in vivo which gives it a unique advantage in discriminating benign cardiac masses from malignant tumors. CMR also provides visualization of tumor invasion, hemodynamic effects, and location relative to surrounding cardiac and extracardiac structures. These features make CMR an essent

The implications of sustainable development for airport duty-free business models

This paper considers how the challenges underpinning sustainable development are likely to impact on duty-and tax-free retailing in airports and, by implication, in the entire aviation industry. The paper defines the role of retail as a vital source of airport revenues, before considering the carbon consequences of the sector’s incumbent business models. It finds that products taken onto aircraft

Worker role perceptions and work participation among people with mental health issues taking part in interventions focusing on everyday life

BACKGROUND: Knowing whether interventions addressing everyday life as a whole can affect work readiness for people with severe mental health issues would be important for how to develop support. OBJECTIVE: To compare two groups of people with mental health problems, receiving either of two types of 16-week activity-based interventions, Balancing Everyday Life (BEL) or Care as Usual (CAU), regardin

Towards multiscale X-ray tomographic imaging in membrane science : A perspective

Tomographic X-ray imaging techniques offer novel opportunities for studying membranes and membrane processes in 3D on a spatial resolution not seen before. Traditional 2D imaging techniques used to characterise membranes have limitations that can be overcome by tomographic X-ray imaging. Tomographic X-ray imaging can provide information in 2D/3D or 4D (3D plus time) on membranes, membrane modules,

High-resolution mass spectrometry identifies delayed biomarkers for improved precision in acetaminophen/paracetamol human biomonitoring

Paracetamol/acetaminophen (N-acetyl-p-aminophenol, APAP) is a top selling analgesic used in more than 600 prescription and non-prescription pharmaceuticals. To study efficiently some of the potential undesirable effects associated with increasing APAP consumption (e.g., developmental disorders, drug-induced liver injury), there is a need to improve current APAP biomonitoring methods that are limit

ICTs and the computerised Hijab : Women's experiences of ICT in the UAE

This paper discusses a grounded theory study of women's experience of ICTs in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). We were particularly interested in whether their gender, and the society in which they live, affected that experience. We identify three themes, ICT Use, Gender Perspective and UAE Society which together constitute an emergent theory of Women's ICT experience in the UAE. We conclude by eng

Swedish Acquisitions With A Long-Term Perspective. Comparing the Performance of Single and Serial Acquirers.

This study examines the long-term post-acquisition performance of acquirers, both serial and single, in Sweden within a time frame spanning from 2000 to 2022. The post-acquisition performance is evaluated using a long-term event study, employing the Buy-and-Hold Abnormal Returns (BHAR) methodology. The results of the 1-year BHAR analysis indicate that, on average, Swedish acquirers exhibit abnorma

China 6 EGR gasoline vehicles without a GPF may struggle to meet the potential SPN10 limit

Particles larger than 10 nm from engine exhaust are gaining global concerns. In light of this, to investigate how EGR affects gasoline vehicle SPN10 (solid particles larger than 10 nm) emissions, seven gasoline vehicles (hybrid or conventional) were studied experimentally. The results revealed that EGR vehicles risk failing the current limit (6 * 1011 #/km) more than those without EGR if the cut-o

Understanding reuse of software examples : A case study of prejudice in a community of practice

Context The context of this research is software developers' perceptions about the use of code examples in professional software development. Objective The primary objective of this paper is to identify the human factors that dominate example usage among professional software developers, and to provide a theory that explains these factors. Method To achieve this goal, we analyzed the perceptions o

Competition Law's Market Failure Paradox : Economic Efficiency, Consumer Welfare and Public Policy in EU Antitrust and State Aid Law

Contemporary markets grapple with pressing challenges to secure socially and economically outcomes. Against this backdrop, market failures, notably those accentuated by sustainability and income inequality issues, have risen to prominence in competition law discourse, both doctrinally and in the realm of policymaking. This dynamic hints at an evolving paradigm: competition law might no longer be i

User-Centered Hardware Re-Design for Improved User Experience

Användarupplevelsedesign (UX-design) är starkt förknippat med människa-datorinteraktion (HCI) men är också relevant för analog människa-maskininteraktion (MMI). I Europa inträffar miljontals arbetsplatsolyckor och tillbud varje år.[1] Studier visar att cirka 50 % av alla olyckor och tillbud kan kopplas till dålig design.[2] Betydelsen av god UX-design i interaktioner mellan människa och maskiner bUser experience design is most associated with human-computer interaction (HCI) but is highly applicable to analogue man-machinery interactions (MMI) as well. In Europe, millions of workplace accidents and incident occur every year. [1] Studies show, that about 50% of workplace accidents and incidents are a result of bad design. [2] Therefore, the relevance of UX design in man-machinery interactio