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Your search for "*" yielded 533547 hits

Free-Energy Landscape and Rate Estimation of the Aromatic Ring Flips in Basic Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitors Using Metadynamics

Aromatic side chains (phenylalanine and tyrosine) of a protein flip by 180° around the Cβ-Cγ axis (χ2 dihedral of the side chain), producing two symmetry-equivalent states. The study of ring flip dynamics with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments helps to understand local conformational fluctuations. Ring flips are categorized as slow (milliseconds and onward) or fast (nanoseconds to near

Chemical food safety of seaweed : Species, spatial and thallus dependent variation of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and techniques for their removal

The increasing interest in seaweed as a food resource in Western societies raises concerns about associated potentially toxic elements (PTEs), including arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead, and iodine. Hence, this study examined variation in PTEs by including samples of four different species (Ulva lactuca, Palmaria palmata, Alaria esculenta, and Saccharina latissima) from Ireland, as well as of a sin

Isolated Attosecond Pulse Generation Driven by Spatio-Temporal Pulse Reshaping in a Semi-infinite Gas Cell

High-order harmonic generation (HHG) is an ubiquitous tool of great interest in many fields of research from imaging to ultrafast spectroscopy [1]. In its most common implementation, an intense (≈ 1014 W/cm2) infrared (IR) pulse is focused on a noble gas target yielding a train of attosecond pulses in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral region. By adopting proper strategies and target geometrie

Comparative analysis of mitochondrion-related organelles in anaerobic amoebozoans

Archamoebae comprises free-living or endobiotic amoebiform protists that inhabit anaerobic or microaerophilic environments and possess mitochondrion-related organelles (MROs) adapted to function anaerobically. We compared in silico reconstructed MRO proteomes of eight species (six genera) and found that the common ancestor of Archamoebae possessed very few typical components of the protein transl

Contestation in Participatory Budgeting : Spaces, Boundaries, and Agency

Local political leaders as well as international organizations have embraced participatory budgeting in response to problems of political exclusion and citizens’ dissatisfaction with representative democracy. This article provides a framework to highlight important aspects of the politics of participation. The framework allows scholars to explore how factors external to spaces of participation intLocal political leaders as well as international organizations have embraced participatory budgeting in response to problems of political exclusion and citizens’ dissatisfaction with representative democracy. This article provides a framework to highlight important aspects of the politics of participation. The framework allows scholars to explore how factors external to spaces of participation int

Power Games : Elites, Movements, and Strategic Cooperation

Cooperation between movements and political elites are frequently associated with the risk of cooptation. Because it undercuts contentious actors, cooptation may seem rational for elites that seek to protect their interests. However, recent scholarship questions whether this view is empirically valid. Adding to these debates, this article demonstrates that even if we accept, for the sake of argume

Biosphere Defenders Leveraging the Human Right to Healthy Environment for Transformative Change

Earth's life support systems depend on biodiversity and healthy ecosystems. Without radical transformations, staying within safe planetary boundaries becomes impossible. While the inequalities between Global North and Global South are increasingly acknowledged, the agency and rights of people often placed in the category of 'vulnerable' -women, youth, indigenous peoples and local communities- are

Diverse values of nature for sustainability

Twenty-five years since foundational publications on valuing ecosystem services for human well-being1,2, addressing the global biodiversity crisis3 still implies confronting barriers to incorporating nature’s diverse values into decision-making. These barriers include powerful interests supported by current norms and legal rules such as property rights, which determine whose values and which value

How Does the Three-factor Model Perform and What Explains its Performance? Empirical tests on Swedish stock portfolios

In this study the three-factor model of Fama and French (1992; 1993) is evaluated on portfolios of Swedish stocks. Both a cross-section and time series approach are used to evaluate the model. The results show that beta, size, and book-to-market are significant variables in explaining excess returns of Swedish stock portfolios. The three-factor model can explain variations in stock returns on the

Diabetes risk during pregnancy among second-generation immigrants : A national cohort study in Sweden

Background and aims: Gestational diabetes is more common in many first-generation immigrant women in Europe and other Western countries. Less is known about second-generation immigrant women; such knowledge is needed to understand generational influences on diabetes risk. We aimed to study second-generation immigrant women regarding the presence of all types of diabetes during pregnancy. Methods a

Search for Higgs boson pair production in association with a vector boson in pp collisions at √s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector

This paper reports a search for Higgs boson pair (hh) production in association with a vector boson (WorZ) using 139 fb - 1 of proton–proton collision data at s=13TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The search is performed in final states in which the vector boson decays leptonically (W→ℓν,Z→ℓℓ,νν with ℓ= e, μ) and the Higgs bosons each decay into a pair of b-quarks.

CSDDD, tvingande reglering och 36 § AvtL: En kritisk analys av EU:s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Direktiv (CSDDD)

Denna uppsats ämnar till att kartlägga företags rättsliga ansvar enligt Art 7.2.b, 7.4 och 22.2 i Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Direktive (CSDDD). Det understryks hur ineffetkivt contractual cascading kan vara för att förebygga brott mot mänskliga rättigheter i ett företags värdekedja. Genom att tillämpa en rättsdogmatisk metod har slutsatsen dragits att det finns tillräckliga skäl enligThe thesis aims to map out the corporate legal responsibility of companies according to Article 7.2.b, 7.4, and 22.2 of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). It emphasizes how ineffective contractual cascading have been in preventing human rights violations in a company's value chain. One conclusion drawn from the application a legal dogmatic method is that there are su

Ben Kadosh (aka Carl William Hansen), Den ny morgens gry (1906)

This chapter describes Carl William Hansen’s (aka Ben Kadosh) Luciferian manifesto, Den ny morgens gry (1906). Throughout his life, Hansen was a member of several masonic and occult organizations operating in Denmark and was well known (or perhaps notorious) in the Danish occult milieu. Even though Den ny morgens gry appears to be a very original work, it ties in with late nineteenth- and early tw

Implementation of precision medicine in healthcare—A European perspective

The technical development of high-throughput sequencing technologies and the parallel development of targeted therapies in the last decade have enabled a transition from traditional medicine to personalized treatment and care. In this way, by using comprehensive genomic testing, more effective treatments with fewer side effects are provided to each patient—that is, precision or personalized medici

The Impact of Carbon Neutrality Announcement on Stock Prices: An Empirical Study on the Nordic Countries

The paper aims to examine the effect of companies announcing to become carbon neutral in the Nordic countries on their stock prices. By conducting an event study approach on the four main markets of the Nordics we find that, on average, only the Oslo Stock Exchange reacts positively to these announcements. We show that a less ambitious carbon neutrality target announcement leads to yielding higher

Can investor sentiment predict the European size premium? An empirical investigation of regional size premium predictability

Research on the determinants of the size premium, i.e. that small stocks on average outperform large stocks, has traditionally focused on financial and macroeconomic factors. However, recent academic studies shed light on the influence of behavioral factors on the size premium, specifically investor sentiment. In line with this research, our study analyzes the influence of investor sentiment measu