Rapport från NLF-mötet i Dubingiai i Litauen
Vartannat år har Nordisk Lichenologisk Förening exkursion till något av medlemsländerna. I år gick exkursionen till Litauen och här får vi en rapport av Arne Thell.
Vartannat år har Nordisk Lichenologisk Förening exkursion till något av medlemsländerna. I år gick exkursionen till Litauen och här får vi en rapport av Arne Thell.
The PHENIX experiment at RHIC has embarked on a broad range of upgrades to enhance its physics reach. One of the upgrades consists of a set of silicon vertex trackers that combine to cover the pseudorapidity range − 2.4 to 2.4. A description of the vertex detectors and some of their physics goals and capabilities will be given, as well as technology choices and results from prototype components.
Johannesson A, Larsson G-U, Ramstrand N, Lauge-Pedersen H, Wagner P, Atroshi I: Outcomes of a standardized surgical and rehabilitation program in transtibial amputation for peripheral vascular disease: A prospective cohort study. OBJECTIVE:: To study the outcomes of a new surgical and rehabilitation program for initial unilateral transtibial amputation in patients with peripheral vascular disease.
Bones are able to adapt their local density when exposed to mechanical loading. Such growth processes result in densification of the bone in regions of high loading levels and in resorption of the material in regions of low loading levels. This evolution and optimisation process generates heterogeneous distributions of bone density accompanied by pronounced anisotropic mechanical properties. While
There is normally a mismatch between the current model of the plant and the model that was used for design. This mismatch is normally acceptable when the controller is designed. But if the process dynamics changes, the mismatch may be so large that the control behavior degrades and may be unacceptable. This paper evaluates the influences of model plant mismatch on the control loop behavior quantit
In Sweden mental ill-health has increased among the young, especially among young women. Our aim was to investigate the association between experience of physical violence during the past year and self rated psychological health among young men and women.
Objectives To describe the clinical history and ultrasound findings in women with decidualized endometriomas surgically removed during pregnancy. Methods In this retrospective study, women with a histological diagnosis of decidualized endometrioma during pregnancy who had undergone preoperative ultrasound examination were identified from the databases of seven ultrasound centers. The ultrasound ap
This study examines how a negative organizational image influences organizational identification among prestigious professionals working in a lowprestige organization. A communicative perspective on identification is used to illustrate previously unexplored processes of cynical distancing and shifts in identification targets as ways for business professionals to cope with discrepancies between the
On several occasions during my many years of working with various snake species, I observed a significant positive relationship between body condition and head size (the former calculated from residual scores from a general linear regression of In-transformed mass on In-transformed snout-vent length). Based on results from my long-term study of water pythons (basis fuscus) this relationship is, ho
We compiled literature, intensively studied 15 sites as a group, and collected opportunistically in other areas of the Yosemite National Park. We report a total of 562 species of lichenized fungi from the Park, adding 461 species to the total of 101 species reported for the Park by the National Park Service database. An additional 22 lichenicolous fungi are reported here. Two nonlichenized fungi a
Comparisons were made between two groups of households in a multi-family residential area in order to investigate how oral information through a door-stepping campaign can influence household food waste recycling behaviour from a quantitative as well as qualitative perspective. Source-separation behaviour was assessed both through weakly weighting of all source-separated food waste and dry recycla
End-to-side (ETS) nerve repair is used in selected clinical cases. The mechanisms, by which regeneration into the attached nerve segment is initiated and occur, are still not fully understood. Based on numerous experimental studies, different mechanisms have been Suggested by which regenerating axons are recruited, such as contamination From the proximal nerve segment, collateral sprouting, and te
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bröstcancer drabbar drygt 7500 kvinnor och ett 40-tal män årligen i Sverige. Antalet insjuknande ökar årligen och utöver förbättrade behandlingsmetoder så det finns ett behov att ta reda vem som löper störst risk att drabbas och varför. Dels för att få bättre förståelse för bröstcancer, men också för att hitta preventiva medel. Ärftlighet är en orsak till bröstcancer ocThe last proportion of heredity in breast cancer has proven to be somewhat elusive despite massive attempts to identify the associated factors. Approximately 50 percent of breast cancer caused by familial factors is currently explained. The five-year survival for breast cancer patients is excellent; however, breast cancer is considered a chronic disease, and given enough time, new tumors can devel
SAMMANFATTNING För att förstå inverkan av olika putsbruk, utförande och härdning på deformationer hos armerad puts utsattes putsremsor för uttorkning och upp fuktning under kontrollerade förhållanden. Putsremsornas deformationer, d.v.s. den axiella deformationen samt deformationer vinkelräta mot putsremsans längdaxel, bestämdes under pågående upp fuktning och uttorkning. Provningarna utfördes med
We report on studies of the formamidinium lead triiodide (FAPbI3) perovskite film using time-resolved terahertz (THz) spectroscopy (TRTS) and flash photolysis to explore charge carriers generation, migration, and recombination. The TRTS results show that upon femtosecond excitation above the absorption edge, the initial high photoconductivity (∼75 cm(2) V(-1) s(-1)) remains constant at least up to