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Identification of Phenolic Compounds in Quinoa Milk Fermented with Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains

Phenolic compounds, abundant in plants, are of significant interest and are increasingly becoming a subject of intensive research due to their bioactive properties such as antioxidant activity. The objective of this study was to identify phenolic compounds present in formulated quinoa milk fermented by two probiotic bacteria strains; Lactobacillus pentosus and Pediococcus pentosaceous by HPLC and

Activating Amiralsgatan through Urban Regeneration

Amiralsgatan, Rosengård, is a highway area in Malmö. It consists of segregated streets with no connection between them with limited social activities. Rosengård’s population is mainly immigrants, living in the Million Housing Program, hence low-wage living, which makes them segregated from the rest of Malmö. The aim of this project is to integrate Rosengård into the rest of Malmö by achieving a he


First of all, I would like to declare my thanks to my supervisor, Jastjit Singh, and my examiner Prof. Claus Christian Eckhardt for sharing their time with me, putting the effort into understanding my concept, supporting me, and showing their guidance in all design process. In addition, I would like to thank my classmates who put effort to understand my design, brought beneficial discussions, an

Overexpression and purification of MSP2N2 for nanodisc assembly and reconstitution of TRPA1

Produktion av stödprotein för vidare strukturbestämning av jonkanal Vi människor precis som alla andra levande organismer består av pyttesmå celler. Dessa celler har ett membran, ett hölje som avdelar cellens inre miljö från dess yttre. Celler behöver kunna utbyta ämnen och kommunicera med sin omgivning och därför finns proteiner i membranet som fyller denna funktion, nämligen membranproteiner. AMembrane proteins are important building blocks for several biochemical processes. The difficulty with membrane proteins is that they tend to be lowly expressed and can be difficult to manage. Therefore, membrane proteins are studied to a lesser extent than soluble proteins. Since membrane proteins are intrinsically hydrophobic, their purification and structural determination critically rely on so

Från avfall till resurs

Kan vi bygga nytt av gammalt? För att den byggda miljön ska kunna möta en växande befolkning behöver byggsektorn ta tillvara på de resurser som redan cirkulerar i samhället. För att genomföra detta krävs det en omställning från linjär till cirkulär ekonomi, vars huvudsyfte är att återanvända och återvinna material och produkter. Byggsektorn står för ca en tredjedel av det avfall som uppkommer årA linear consumption model has long operated in several social structures, which is often referred to as the “take-make-waste” model and does not take into account the physical limit of resources. This has become a growing problem, not least in the construction sector as they use more resources and produce more waste than any other industrial sector. An alternative to the linear consumption model

Production and evaluation of enzymatically processed oat fibres as potential prebiotics

Havrerester, en win-win-situation? Tänk om man både kunde förbättra människors hälsa och samtidigt göra en insats för miljön? Genom att bearbeta havrerester som fås ur havreproduktionen kan det vara möjligt! Havreresterna har ett högt fiberinnehåll som skulle kunna gynna de goda bakterierna i våra tarmar. De goda bakterierna i våra tarmar, också kända som probiotika, har visat sig ha en positiInsoluble oat bran fibres, with substantial arabinoxylan (AX) content, are obtained as a byproduct from industrial processing of oat. By further processing it is possible to solubilise and hydrolyse AX into (arabino)xylo-oligosaccharides ((A)XOS). (A)XOS derived from other crops have shown to have prebiotic potential by stimulation of probiotic bacteria (Falck et al., 2013). In this study the e

Beyond Mean-Field Description of Bose-Einstein Condensate

This thesis work is on the theoretical description of dilute Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) that are non-uniform, meaning that more than one single-particle state is occupied. This phenomenon is usually called quantum depletion. A common model for the ground state of a dilute and weakly interacting BEC is the mean-field (MF) approximation leading to the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation. However, fo

Arkitektritat åt fler?

I mitt projekt tittar jag på arkitektanvändning bland privatpersoner och undersöker om det går att skapa ett alternativt sätt att nå ut till en grupp som idag inte anlitar arkitekthjälp vid hemrenoveringar. Något som kändes extra aktuellt nu då renoveringstakten bland privatpersoner ökat och vi blivit allt mer begränsade till våra hem. För att få en bättre bild av tankar och beteenden kring hemren

Filtering False Positive Alarms in JavaDL and Language Experience Report

JavaDL is a domain-specific language (DSL) for writing static program analyses in a declarative logic programming style, based on Datalog. The key feature of this DSL is the ability to pattern-match on literal source code syntax and reason non-locally through declarative programming. Static program analyses generally suer from producing false positive alarms. This results in developers having to

Future Electricity Consumption and Wind Power Production in Sweden - Effects of Climate Change

To maintain stability in the Swedish electricity grid, Svenska kraftnät must be able to predict future electricity production and consumption. Earlier this have been done by using historical data. Now the complexity of the system has increased, because the growing amount of electricity from non­dispatchable sources as well as the impact of climate change. Thus using only historical data will give

Translating “gender” into Arabic: “jins ” , “jinsayn ” , “naw ʽ” or “jindar ”? A study of the translation of the concept “gender” in single- and multi-word expressions in feminist knowledge building

The terms “gender” and “sex” are central to feminist concerns. In English scholarship “gender” is disputed within and outside of feminism, despite its seemingly political correctness as an alternative to “sex” (Olson 2012; Gunnarsson 2011). This thesis aims to describe how “gender”, multi-word expressions with “gender”, and the derivative “gendered” are translated into Arabic target texts (TTs) by

Effects of hypoxia on activity of primary human lung fibroblast from COPD patients

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a heterogeneous lung disease without curable treatment. COPD is divided into stages of increasing disease severity GOLD I – IV, with GOLD IV being most severe. Pathophysiological changes in COPD include chronic pulmonary inflammation, irreversible small airway remodelling and emphysema and found to be driven by hypoxia, inflammation and oxidative str

Understanding the gender-drug cultivation nexus: A qualitative case study of the gendered practices in the opium poppy cultivation for drug production in Hopong, South Shan State, Myanmar

Myanmar is the world's second-largest producer of opium poppy, the raw material from which heroin and opium are produced. 85% of this opium poppy is cultivated in rural areas of Shan State, where about 1 in 10 households in the villages are directly involved in opium poppy cultivation for the drug industry (MIMU, 2017). The economy of opium poppy permeates social and family dynamics; nonethele

Eyes Wide Shut: Seeing the Safety Management System as a State

Airlines are required to manage safety by implementing a Safety Management System (SMS). These systems are built on experience with quality management and seek to provide a structure for organisations to manage the risks presented by and to their individual operations. Safety is presented by the SMS as a ‘state of being’ arrived after following risk management to a level as low as reasonably pract

Consumer Cosmopolitanism through Japanese products: The case of the Yakuza-series

Mukokuseki or borderless marketing has long been a topic within the marketing of Japanese cultural products. On the opposite end, there is the concept of ultra-cultural products and the Yakuza-series by Sega is one of the examples that takes advantage of both. The overarching question posed throughout this paper is: “How has SEGA employed a particular vision of Japan to successfully promote its Ya

Crusaders and Invaders: How Islamic State and the Christchurch Shooter Portray Their Enemies in Propaganda

Research comparing the ideological beliefs, radicalization pathways, and extremist rhetoric of both Salafi jihadists and militant white supremacists has become increasingly prevalent over the past decade. However, there has not yet been an in-depth comparison of how those extremists portray the communities they incite violence against. In light of this gap in the existing research, the author of t

Modulär infästning av ubåtsutrustning

Denna exjobbsrapport beskriver en studie av alternativa lösningar i konstruktionsprinciper gällande infästning av ubåtsutrustning på mekanisk struktur. Den är gjord i samarbete med SAAB Kockums AB. Studien efterfrågades för att förenkla infästningen av utrustning och minska ledtiderna i designfasen såväl som tillverkning/infästningsfasen. En modern stridsubåt består av en betydande mängd svetsade

Lockdown - A Disorienting Force. A queer perspective on lockdown and isolation in London during the COVID-19 pandemic

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a scientific interest in how certain measures of disease control, such as lockdowns, affects different individuals and different communities. Through a queer-phenomenological approach, the purpose of the study is to offer queer insights of lockdown as a measure of disease control by exploring how queer people in London orientate and experienc

Then Swänska Argus och svenskheten. En studie gällande Argus medverkan till skapandet av en nationell identitet i Sverige

Denna uppsats undersöker den svenska tidningen Then Swänska Argus som gavs ut under åren 1732-1734. Tidningen undersöks med kontexten av en uppkomst av nationell identitet i Sverige under samma era. Uppsatsen undersöker hur Argus talar om Sverige och svenskarna, även samspelet mellan Argus och läsarna undersöks och Argus tilltal till läsarna undersöks. Uppsatsen undersöker om Argus bidrog till skaThis thesis examines the Swedish newspaper Then Swänska Argus published between the years 1732-1734 in the context of the emergence of a national identity during the same era. The thesis investigate how Argus talks about Sweden and the Swedes, as well as the interaction between the newspaper and the readers. Part of Benedict Anderson theory of the importance of the newspaper for a imagined communi