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Your search for "*" yielded 529943 hits

Immunoglobulin heavy G2 chain (IGHG2) gene restriction in the development of severe respiratory syncytial virus infection

Aim: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a prominent cause of airway morbidity in children under 1 y of age. It is assumed that host factors influence the severity of disease presentation, and thus the need for hospitalization. The variation of IGHG genes from chromosome 14q32 are linked to serum IgG subclass levels but also to the variations in IgG responses to pneumococcal, meningococcal and Ha

Sulphate resistance of self-compacting concrete

This article outlines a laboratory study on sulphate resistance of self-compacting concrete (SCC). For this purpose, more than 40 cylinders of concrete were subjected to a solution with sodium sulphate, sea or distilled water during 900 days. Age at start of testing was either 28 or 90 days. Weight and internal fundamental frequency (IFF) were measured. Comparison was done with the corresponding p

Lower limb fractures and registration for alcoholism

During two consecutive years 607 individuals with lower limb fractures were diagnosed. Half of the individuals, 315, were women and only 14 of them had an earlier registration for alcoholism. In the 292 men, however, 73 men or 25%, had been registered at the Department of Alcohol Diseases at least once during the 13 years of observation, the highest registration frequency (30%) was noted in the ma

A high-resolution core-level photoemission study of the Au/4H-SiC(0001)-(root 3 x root 3) interface

We present a systematic study of different reconstructions obtained after deposition of Au on the (root 3 x root 3)- R30 degrees- 4H- SiC( 0001) surface. For 1-2 monolayers ( ML) Au and annealing temperature T-anneal similar to 675 degrees C, a 3 x 3 reconstruction was observed. For 4 ML Au and T-anneal similar to 650 degrees C, a ( 2 root 3 x 2 root 3)- R30 degrees. reconstruction appeared, while

Phosphorus-31 NMR studies of smooth muscle from guinea-pig taenia coli

Phosphorus-31 NMR spectra of superfused isometrically mounted guinea-pig taenia coli were obtained using a horizontal probe at 103.2 MHz. The spectra showed resonances for ATP, phosphocreatine (PCr), and a sugar phosphate resonance. The PCr/ATP ratio was between 1.5 and 2.0 consistent with chemical analysis of tissue extracts. The level of PCr, but not of ATP, decreases reversibly during contracti

Pedagogiskt drama med fokus på personlig utveckling och yrkesmässig växt: En studie inom sjuksköterske- och vårdlärarutbildningen

The aim of this study is to describe how ”drama in training” is experienced by student nurses and nurse tutors as well as to describe whether the students feel that there is a connection between their participation in drama, their personal development and their own preparation for their future profession. The study´s starting point has been that the students need support with regard to their perso

Generation of renal tubules at the interface of an artificial interstitium

During kidney development a multitude of tubular portions is formed. Little knowledge is available by which cellbiological mechanism a cluster of embryonic cells is able to generate the threedimensional structure of a tubule. However, this know-how is most important in tissue engineering approaches such as the generation of an artificial kidney module or for the therapy of renal diseases using ste

Abundances of RGB stars in NGC 6752

Abundances of O, Fe, Al, Mg, Na and Li determined from high-resolutionand high signal-to-noise spectra of 21 red giant branch (RGB) stars inthe globular cluster NGC 6752 are presented. We demonstrate that theStrömgren c1 index correlates extremely well with themeasured NH, CH and CN indices and that variations in c1 aredue to differences in UV NH band strengths. As shown by Grundahl et al.(cite{gr

Light-induced, dark-reversible color shifts in petals of Phlox

Flowers of some Phlox (Phlox x paniculata L.) varieties undergo daily colour shifts, being blue in the early morning, turning red during the day, and returning to blue in the evening. The colour shift, which occurs only in the upper (adaxial) petal surfaces, is due to the daily changes in ambient light. In the laboratory, colour shifts could be induced by 2.5 h of ultraviolet, visible or far-red l

Shell-dependent core-level chemical shifts observed in free xenon clusters

Photoelectron and Auger electron spectra following Xe-3d and Xe-4d ionization of free xenon clusters have been measured using synchrotron radiation. The atom-to-surface and atom-to-bulk binding energy shifts found in the Xe-3d and the subsequent M5N4,5N4,5 Auger decay are about 15% larger than those observed in the Xe-4d and N4,5O2,3O2,3 measurements. This experimental result is also considered th

Top-down and bottom-up processes in grassland and forested streams

The influence of predatory fish on the structure of stream food webs may be altered by the presence of forest canopy cover, and consequent differences in allochthonous inputs and primary production. Eight sites containing introduced brown trout (Salmo trutta) and eight sites that did not were sampled in the Cass region, South Island, New Zealand. For each predator category, half the sites were loc