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Your search for "*" yielded 529943 hits

Stochastic Modelling and Reconstruction of Random Shapes

This thesis originates from the problem of reconstructing the three-dimensional shape of objects, when the only available data are two-dimensional images. The solution presented is based on stochastic models for random object shapes and measurements, in combination with practical surface representation and simulation methods. As a means to handle general, unknown object types, stochastic models f

Scale-up of pervaporation for the recovery of natural aroma compounds in the food industry. Part 1: simulation and performance

The possibility of using pervaporation for the recovery of natural aroma compounds in the food industry has been widely recognised. The aim of this study was to build a bridge between experimental studies of multi-component systems and potential applications of pervaporation in the food industry. Therefore, a novel process simulation of pervaporation has been developed for multi-component mixtures

Watching ultrafast barrierless excited-state isomerization of pseudocyanine in real time

The photoinduced excited-state processes in 1,1'-diethyl-2,2'-cyanine iodine are investigated using femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy. Using a broad range of probe wavelengths, the relaxation of the initially prepared excited-state wavepacket can be followed down to the sink region. The data directly visualize the directed downhill motion along the torsional reaction coordinate and

The theory of the propagation of TEM-pulses in dispersive bi-isotropic slabs

A survey of the theory of propagation of transient transverse electromagnetic waves in temporally dispersive, bi-isotropic slabs is given, and a novel wave splitting, which completely separates right-going and left-going waves in the dispersive medium, is proposed. The new approach leads to a simple scattering relation in terms of wave propagators and single-interface scattering operators only. Th

A new PCR assay for simultaneous studies of Leucocytozoon, Plasmodium, and Haemoproteus from avian blood

Many bird species host several lineages of apicomplexan blood parasites (Protista spp., Haemosporida spp.), some of which are shared across different host species. To understand such complex systems, it is essential to consider the fact that different lineages, species, and families of parasites can occur in the same population, as well as in the same individual bird, and that these parasites may

Accurate dye tracer concentration estimations using image analysis

In this paper, the accuracy of dye tracer concentration estimations using image analysis is examined. The variability before and after application of different image correction methods was investigated in three experiments using a digital camera. In each of these experiments, one correction was applied and the remaining variability after correction was calculated as the SD of uniformly colored pat

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDES) at a solid waste incineration plant I: Atmospheric concentrations

In the first of two papers, the atmospheric poly brominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) concentrations at a municipal solid waste incineration (MSW) plant with electronic recycling is compared with that at an industrial urban reference site producing asphalt and concrete. In the second paper, atmospheric deposition and washout behaviour is presented (Atmos. Environ. (2004a)). PBDEs (BDE28, -47, -66, -10

Visibility of current and shot noise in electrical Mach-Zehnder and Hanbury Brown Twiss interferometers

We investigate the visibility of the current and shot-noise correlations of electrical analogs of the optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer and the Hanbury Brown Twiss interferometer. The electrical analogs are discussed in conductors subject to high magnetic fields where electron motion is along edge states. The transport quantities are modulated with the help of an Aharonov-Bohm flux. We discuss t

Can sensory stimulation improve the functional outcome in stroke patients?

After obtaining informed consent, we randomized 78 patients with severe hemiparesis of the left or right side within 10 days of stroke onset: 40 to a control group receiving daily physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and 38 to a group that, in addition, we treated with sensory stimulation (acupuncture) twice a week for 10 weeks. The median age was 76 years for both groups. Motor function, balan

HAMLET - In vivo effects and mechanisms of tumor-cell death

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ämnen i bröstmjölk kan få cancerceller att begå självmord - in vivo effekter och mekanismer för celldöd Sedan länge är det känt att bröstmjölk skyddar det ammande barnet mot infektioner och hjälper till att bygga upp des's immunförsvar. Ett skyddande ämne som kan bilda's av molekyler från bröstmjölk är HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cell's), som kHAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells), a molecular complex derived from human milk, is an interesting new tool in cancer research since it induces programmed cell death in tumor cells while leaving normal, differentiated cells unharmed. The in vivo effects of HAMLET were studied in a rat xenograft model of human glioblastoma. HAMLET reduced the tumor volume and delayed the o

Study of the interaction of dextran and enoxaparin on haemostasis in humans

The effect on haemostatic variables by dextran 70, enoxaparin and their combinations, given in doses of 500 ml i.v. and 40 mg s.c. respectively, was studied in a randomised cross-over fashion in twelve healthy male volunteers. Antifactor-IIa activity, antifactor-Xa activity, APTT, factor VIII, vWF, bleeding time and blood counts were analysed over a 24-h period. Dextran alone did not affect antifa

Diffusion of a mixture of cations and anions dissolved in water

In service life modeling of concrete, the ion transport in the pore solution is crucial. The main deterioration phenomena associated with ions in the pore solution are (1) corrosion due to external chloride ions reaching the embedded reinforcement bars; (2) carbonation due to presence of dissolved carbon dioxide (which will form carbonic acid with water) supplied from the surrounding air; and (3)