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Diffusion of a mixture of cations and anions dissolved in water
In service life modeling of concrete, the ion transport in the pore solution is crucial. The main deterioration phenomena associated with ions in the pore solution are (1) corrosion due to external chloride ions reaching the embedded reinforcement bars; (2) carbonation due to presence of dissolved carbon dioxide (which will form carbonic acid with water) supplied from the surrounding air; and (3)
Skalmurskonstruktionens fukt- och temperaturbetingelser
Laurentius Petri och svenskt gudstjänstliv
Intraobserver and interobserver variability of ovarian volume, gray-scale and color flow indices obtained using transvaginal three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasonography
Objective To assess intraobserver and interobserver variability in ovarian volume and gray-scale and color flow index measurements using transvaginal, three-dimensional, power Doppler ultrasonography. Methods Eleven women (22 ovaries) were examined on day 8 of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation therapy, which was part of their in vitro fertilization treatment protocol. The patients were examined
Predicting spontaneous termination of atrial fibrillation with time-frequency information
Our approach to predicting spontaneous termination of atrial fibrillation (AF) is based on parameters derived from the time-frequency distribution of the residual ECG signal, resulting from spatiotemporal cancellation of QRST complexes. Each consecutive, logarithmically scaled spectrum of the time-frequency distribution of the residual ECG is modeled as a frequency shifted and amplitude scaled ver
Stochastic Modeling and Optimization under Uncertainty of a Hydro Power System
Electricity bought and sold on the deregulated Nordic power market is dominated by hydro power. However, hydro power generation is restricted by the amount of water in reservoirs. The inflows to these reservoirs show a yearly cycle and seasonal planning of the production is necessary. Seasonal planning up to 1.5 years for a power producer in a hydro-thermal system with a regulated river is consid
A Short Study on Implementation of Controllers
Contrast-medium-induced nephropathy correlated to the ratio between dose in gram iodine and estimated GFR in ml/min
Purpose: To suggest a more precise tool when assessing the risk of contrast-medium-induced nephropathy (CIN), i.e. the ratio between contrast medium (CM) dose expressed in grams of iodine (g-I) and estimated glomerular filtration rate in ml/min (eGFR; based on equations using serum-creatinine (s-Cr), weight, height, age, and/or sex), here named I-dose/GFR ratio. Material and Methods: A Medline sea
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Proceeding from the assumption that metaphors as well as pictures are iconic signs, the present contribution studies what happens when metaphors occur in figurative pictures. The author distinguishes between primary iconicity, the recognition of which is a condition for the categorization of an object as a sign, and secondary iconicity, which is perceived only after an object has been categorized
A numerical study of the shear-strength-predicting capabilities of test specimens for wood-adhesive bonds
The sensitivity to geometrical imperfections of various test methods for wood-adhesive bonds was investigated using nonlinear finite element analysis. The adhesive layers in the specimens were modelled using a nonlinear softening, fracture mechanics model. The specimen types corresponded to the standards according to ASTM-D4680, ASTM-D905, EN-302-1 and a modified version of the ASTM-D3535 specimen
The sensitivity of nonlinear harmonic generation to electron beam quality in free electron lasers
The generation of harmonics through a nonlinear mechanism driven by bunching at the fundamental has sparked interest as a path toward enhancing and extending the usefulness of an X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) facility. The sensitivity of the nonlinear harmonic generation to undulator imperfections, electron beam energy spread, peak current, and emittance is important in an evaluation of the proc
Development of gene therapy for hematopoietic stem cells using lentiviral vectors.
Lentiviral vectors are promising tools for the development of gene therapy since they can transduce both quiescent and dividing target cells. Lentiviral vectors may be particularly promising gene delivery tools for hematopoietic stem cells since these target cells tend to be quiescent and are therefore difficult target cells for vectors that require dividing targets. Human hematopoietic stem cells
Influence of infection with Chlamydia trachomatis on pregnancy outcome, infant health and life-long sequelae in infected offspring.
Focal prominence and the ‘‘phonological phrase’’ within some recent theories
Collective excitations and band termination in Nb-85
High-spin states in Nb-85 were studied using the GAMMASPHERE Ge detector array and the MICROBALL charged-particle detector system. Three gamma-ray cascades with collective rotational characteristics were observed. One of the bands exhibits a forking at the top, most likely reflecting the termination of one branch into a favoured non-collective, near spherical state. The data are interpreted in ter
Global core recommendations for a musculoskeletal undergraduate curriculum
Objective: To develop core recommendations for the learning outcomes of an undergraduate curriculum in musculoskeletal conditions for any parts of the globe. Methods: Recommendations were developed by wide consultation with experts in orthopaedics, rheumatology, osteoporosis, and rehabilitation from all parts of the world who had interest and experience in these specialties, with the support of in
Managing risk factors for atherosclerosis in critical limb ischaemia
Objective. To review the best medical management of critical limb ischaemia (CLI). Methods. Published studies dealing with CLI and risk factors were searched for via PUBMED. Findings and conclusions. Patients with critical limb ischaemia (CLI) have a one and ten year mortality of approximately 20% and 75% respectively. Risk factors for the development of peripheral atherosclerosis are the same as
Fine and Ultrafine Particles from Combustion Sources - Investigations with In-situ Techniques
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns samband mellan halten av små luftburna partiklar och negativa hälsoeffekter i befolkningen. Målsättningen med avhandlingen var att utveckla och utvärdera metoder för in-situ karakterisering av fina (< 1 um) och ultrafina (Fine airborne particles are associated with adverse health effects in the human population. The aim of this research was to develop and evaluate methods for in-situ characterisation of fine and ultrafine particles and to determine their deposition in the human airways. The aim was also to increase knowledge about health and environmentally relevant properties of aerosols from biomass combustion an
Breslau och Königsberg – försvunna städer?
An analysis of the destruction of Breslau and Königsberg in the Second World War and how they were rebuilt after 1945.