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Improvement of ammonia removal in activated sludge process with feedforward-feedback aeration controllers

n the paper three linear aeration controllers that can be easily implemented are presented and evaluated on the activated sludge process pilot plant. Controllers differ according to the information that is used about the process, which can be oxygen in the last aerobic reactor, ammonia in the last aerobic reactor and ammonia in the influent. The aeration controllers that are addressed are: oxygen

A Monte-Carlo program converting activity distributions to absorbed dose distributions in a radionuclide treatment planning system

In systemic radiation therapy, the absorbed dose distribution must be calculated from the individual activity distribution. A computer code has been developed for the conversion of an arbitrary activity distribution to a 3-D absorbed dose distribution. The activity distribution can be described either analytically or as a voxel based distribution, which comes from a SPECT acquisition. Decay points

Production, characterization and use of monoclonal antibodies against the major extracellular human cysteine proteinase inhibitors cystatin C and kininogen

Murine monoclonal antibodies against the major cysteine proteinase inhibitors of human biological fluids, cystatin C and kininogen, were produced. The cystatin C antibody, HCC3, with a Ka of 2times107 l/mol, increased the inhibition of papain by cystatin C and was suitable for use in immunoblotting, immunohistochemistry and in the construction of a sensitive sandwich enzyme immunoassay for quantif

Cytoskeleton proteins in CSF distinguish frontotemporal dementia from AD

OBJECTIVE AND BACKGROUND: To investigate the CSF levels of tau and the light neurofilament protein (NFL) in patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and other common dementia disorders as well as normal control subjects. Both proteins have been implicated in the pathophysiology of FTD. METHODS: CSF levels of tau and NFL were investigated in 18 patients with FTD, 21 patients with early-onset AD

Defective NO-dependent, deaminative cleavage of glypican-1 heparan sulfate in Niemann-Pick C1 fibroblasts.

Exit of recycling cholesterol from late endosomes is defective in Niemann-Pick C1 (NPC1) and Niemann-Pick C2 (NPC2) diseases. The traffic route of the recycling proteoglycan glypican-1 (Gpc-1) may also involve late endosomes and could thus be affected in these diseases. During recycling through intracellular compartments, the heparan sulfate (HS) side chains of Gpc-1 are deaminatively degraded by

Dynamics of Excited States of the Carotenoid Peridinin in Polar Solvents: Dependence on Excitation Wavelength, Viscosity, and Temperature.

The dynamics of the excited states of the carotenoid peridinin in polar solvents were studied using femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy in the spectral range of 500-1900 nm. A broadening of the absorption spectrum in polar solvents is caused by a distribution of conformers having different ground-state properties. In addition, the dependence of the peridinin lifetime on the excitation wa

Two new biologically active cyclopentenones from Dasyseyphus sp A47-98

Two new biological active cyclopentenones VM 4798-1a (1a) and VM 4798-1b (1b) were obtained as a 3 : 1 inseparable mixture from fermentations of Dasyscyphus sp. A47-98. The mixture of the two isomers showed cytotoxic and weak antibacterial and antifungal properties. VM 4898-1 (2-hydroxy-3,4-dimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one, 4), produced by another Dasyscyphus sp. showed no significant biological activ

Relation between reduction of foveal thickness and visual acuity in diabetic macular edema treated with intravitreal triamcinolone

PURPOSE: To evaluate the correlation between improvement in visual acuity and the reduction of foveal thickness after a single intravitreal injection of 4 mg of triamcinolone in diabetic macular edema. DESIGN: Prospective, interventional, nonrandomized clinical trial. METHOD: PATIENTS: In a prospective study 24 eyes with diabetic macular edema were treated with an intravitreal injection of 4 mg of

A Novel Signal Model and Estimation Method for Acoustic Doppler Current Meters

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar den process där man beräknar undervattensströmmar från ljud som reflekteras från en utsänd ljudpuls, precis som när en fladdermus bedömer omgivningen genom att lyssna på ekot. En ton skickas ut under en kort tid, och det Dopplerskift som uppkommer från rörliga föremål i vattnet kan sedan omsättas till vattenhastiget eller ström. Föremål som röThis thesis deals with the process of estimating underwater current from the backscattering signal transmitted from an ultrasonic transducer. The narrowband sinusoidal burst signal is Doppler-shifted due to the current, and this information is converted into current. The traditional mathematical model for this Doppler process is based on the assumption that the backscattering time signal is Gaussi

The hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) on a small farm at Linnaeus´ birthplace in the parish of Stenbrohult, Sweden

We made a detailed study of the hoverflies on a small farm in the parish of Stenbrohult, southern Sweden in 2004-2007. The study area is totally about 17 ha, consisting of 9 ha of semi-natural grasslands with both dry and wet parts (recently mainly grazed by cattle and a few horses in late summer-autumn), a few hectares of old deciduous forest dominated by Fagus, Quercus, Betula, Populus tremula,

Primary production in two shallow lakes with contrasting plant form dominance: A paradox of enrichment?

We estimated total lake plant biomass and primary net production in two shallow Swedish lakes that differ in nutrient loading and plant form dominance. In clearwater Lake Krankesjon (10 mu g chlorophyll a L-1), submerged macrophytes contributed more than phytoplankton and epiphyton to the estimated plant biomass. Estimated net primary production during May to September was 90-130, 1.2, and 14 g C

Partially quenched and three flavour ChPT at two loops

A summary of recent progress in Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) at the two-loop level is given. A short introduction to ChPT is included, along with an explanation of the usefulness of developing ChPT for partially quenched QCD. Further, our recent work in partially quenched ChPT is reviewed, and a few comments are given on older work in mesonic ChPT at the two-loop level. In particular, we quot

A small number of older type 2 diabetic patients end up visually impaired despite regular photographic screening and laser treatment for diabetic retinopathy.

Purpose: The present study describes the prevalence of visual impairment and blindness in a geographically defined population 8 years after the introduction of a screening programme in 1987 for early detection of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy. Methods: Of 374 patients with diabetes, comprising 2.6% of the population in the study community, 72% were examined with fundus photography or bio