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Det obetalda hem- och omsorgsarbetets fördelning - en fråga om jämställdhet med relevans för ekonomisk jämlikhet : Underlagsrapport till Jämlikhetskommissionen
Quality of life in rural areas : A topic for the rural development policy?
Contemporary transformations of rural areas involve changes in land uses, economic perspectives, connectivity, livelihoods, but also in lifestyles, whereupon a traditional view of 'the rural' and, consequently, of 'rural development' no longer holds. Accordingly, EU's 2007-2013 Rural Development policy (RDP) is one framework to incorporate aspects labelled as quality of life (QOL) alongside tradit
Ord och gärning : festskrift till Anki Mattisson
Visst är Bryssel en dröm för förespråkare av marknadshyror
Systems of Innovation: Growth, Competitiveness and Employment
This comprehensive two volume collection is designed to introduce the reader to the systems of innovation literature. This is the first time that one major reference collection brings together some of the best known and most provocative literature from a variety of different perspectives, such as national, sectoral and regional systems of innovation. Classics such as the seminal papers by Schumpet
The Systems of Innovation Approach and its General Policy Implications and Specific Policy Implications of ISE and its Sub-projects
Comments by Fredrik Sjöholm, on Victory in War and Defeat in Peace : Politics and Economics of Post-Conflict Sri Lanka
Educational reforms and challenges in Southeast Asia
The meaning of fuel
A quantitative proteomics approach identifies ETV6 and IKZF1 as new regulators of an ERG-driven transcriptional network
Aberrant stem cell-like gene regulatory networks are a feature of leukaemogenesis. The ETS-related gene (ERG), an important regulator of normal haematopoiesis, is also highly expressed in T-ALL and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). However, the transcriptional regulation of ERG in leukaemic cells remains poorly understood. In order to discover transcriptional regulators of ERG, we employed a quantita
Studies of cortical interactions over short periods of time during the search for verbal associations
Interactions between cortical areas were studied during the search for verbal associations and reading of words. The functional anatomy and the sequence of involvement of cortical areas during the solution of these tasks have been described previously, in studies using positron emission tomography and multichannel recordings of evoked potentials combined with identification of the locations of dip
The reorganization in EEG spectra and cortical connections during spatial and verbal thinking
Solution of spatial and verbal tasks was studied in 43 subjects using the advanced version of the method of intracortical interaction mapping (IIM) and analysis of EEG spectra in short (250 ms) intervals. Comparison between the IIM and coherence methods during solving simple motor tasks revealed some advantages of the IIM for studying of labile cortical connections. Several stages were separated i
Poverty and Gender : gender helpdesk assignment about the Occupied Palestinian Territories for Sida
This paper examines how Palestinian men and women are affected by poverty related to violent conflict. By acknowledging socio-cultural understandings of gender relations, it shows how men and women become vulnerable in different ways. To counter poverty, both women and men are dependent on viable social networks. It is however clear, that females, especially those in female-headed households, have
God livskvalitet målet med vård och omhändertagande vid ALS - Enda sjukdomsmodifierande läkemedlet har begränsad effekt
ALS is characterized by the degeneration of upper and lower motor neurons. In about 70% of patients with ALS the disease has an spinal onset, while about 30% of the patients have a bulbar onset. Cognitive dysfunction and behavioral changes are seen in about 50% of the patients, and 15% develop frontotemporal dementia. There is no single test that provides the ALS diagnosis. The diagnosis is based