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Modeling the euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp by stochastic differential equations

The Euglycemic Hyperinsulinemic Clamp (EHC) is the most widely used experimental procedure for the determination of insulin sensitivity. In the present study, 16 subjects with BMI between 18.5 and 63.6 kg/m(2) have been studied with a long-duration (5 hours) EHC. In order to explain the oscillations of glycemia occurring in response to the hyperinsulinization and to the continuous glucose infusion

Organizational Effectiveness of Ugandan Building Firms as Viewed by Craftsmen

Construction industries, especially those in developing countries, face the problems of low productivity. It comes about partly due to organizational ineffectiveness. The major attributes of organizational effectiveness are identified from literature. Means to achieving greater organization effectiveness and higher productivity are identified under the major headings of cohesion and morale of work

The impact of long-term moderate physical activity on functional performance, bone mineral density and fracture incidence in elderly women

BACKGROUND: Earlier studies have shown that physical exercise and a higher workload increase muscle strength and improve gait and balance at all ages for both sexes. Published studies have, so far, failed to investigate the functional performance of elderly individuals concerning their long-term physical activity and variables of daily living. OBJECTIVE: To compare elderly women who participate in

Analysis of lidar fields using local polynomial regression

Lidar (light detection and ranging) is a laser based tool for remote measurement of several atmospheric species of importance. We consider the analysis of a field, consisting of several consecutive measurements, in which the concentrations are proportional to the derivatives in the directions of the light paths. Inference is based on local polynomial kernel regression, both for estimation of the d

Correlation between different intensities of anti-vitamin K treatment and coagulation parameters

In order to study the effect of different intensities of anti-vitamin K treatment on coagulation parameters, 23 patients with venous thromboembolism were given, after the initial treatment period, warfarin at doses giving an International Normalised Ratio of 1.3-2.0 for 4 weeks, and of 1.1-1.3 for another 4 weeks. Blood samples were taken at the end of each of these periods and 4 weeks after the e

Evaluation of osmotic effects on coated pellets using a mechanistic model

The aim of this study was to develop a simple experimental methodology and to develop a mechanistic model to characterize the release mechanism from pellets developing cracks during the release process with special focus on osmotic effects. The release of remoxipride from pellets coated with an ethyl cellulose film was chosen as a case study. Dose release experiments at different bulk osmotic pres

Improved tumor targeting and decreased normal tissue accumulation through extracorporeal affinity adsorption in a two-step pretargeting strategy

Purpose: Evaluation of the possibilities of reducing the accumulation of radiolabeled streptavidin in radiosensitive organs by extracorporeal affinity adsorption (ECAT). Experimental Design: Rats were injected with biotinylated antibody and subjected to removal of the antibodies from the circulation by ECAT 24 h after injection (avidin column). Animals were then injected with In-111-1,4,7,10-tetra

piggyBac-based insertional mutagenesis in the presence of stably integrated P elements in Drosophila

P element-mediated mutagenesis has been used to disrupt an estimated 25% of genes essential for Drosophila adult viability. Mutation of all genes in the fly genome, however, poses a problem, because P elements show significant hotspots of integration. In addition, advanced screening scenarios often require the use of P element-based tools like the generation of germ-line mosaics using FLP recombin

Anvil glaciation in a deep cumulus updraught over Florida simulated with the Explicit Microphysics Model. I: Impact of various nucleation processes

Simulations of a cumulonimbus cloud observed in the Cirrus Regional Study of Tropical Anvils and Cirrus Layers-Florida Area Cirrus Experiment (CRYSTAL-FACE) with an advanced version of the Explicit Microphysics Model (EMM) are presented. The EMM has size-resolved aerosols and predicts the time evolution of sizes, bulk densities and axial ratios of ice particles. Observations by multiple aircraft i

Influence of tidal volume on alveolar recruitment. Respective role of PEEP and a recruitment maneuver

Both reduction in tidal volume (VT) and alveolar recruitment may be important to limit ventilator-associated lung injury during mechanical ventilation of patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The aim of this study was to assess the risk of alveolar derecruitment associated with VT reduction from 10 to 6 ml/kg. Whether this VT-related derecruitment could be reversed, either

Influence of temperature on water and aqueous glucose absorption spectra in the near- and mid-infrared regions at physiologically relevant temperatures

Near- and mid-infrared absorption spectra of pure water and aqueous 1.0 g/dL glucose solutions in the wavenumber range 8000-950 cm(-1) were measured in the temperature range 30-42 C in steps of 2 degreesC. Measurements were carried out with an FT-IR spectrometer and a variable pathlength transmission cell controlled within 0.02 degreesC. Pathlengths of 50 mum and 0.4 mm were used in the mid- and n

Changes in optical properties of human whole blood in vitro due to slow heating

Optical properties of human whole blood were investigated in vitro at 633 nm using a double integrating sphere set-up, The blood flow was maintained at a constant rate through a flow cell while continuously heating the blood at 0.2-1.1 degrees C/min from approximately 25 to 55 degrees C in a heat exchanger, A small, but rather abrupt decrease in the scattering asymmetry factor (g-factor) of 1.7 +/

Structure of Ag(111)-p(4x4)-O: No silver oxide

The structure of the oxygen-induced p(4x4) reconstruction of Ag(111) is determined by a combination of scanning tunneling microscopy, surface x-ray diffraction, core level spectroscopy, and density functional theory. We demonstrate that all previous models of this surface structure are incorrect and propose a new model which is able to explain all our experimental findings but has no resemblance t

Information extraction to generate visual simulations of car accidents from written descriptions

This paper describes a system to create animated 3D scenes of car accidents from written reports. The text-to-scene conversion process consists of two stages. An information extraction module creates a tabular description of the accident and a visual, simulator generates and animates the scene. We outline the overall structure of the text-to-scene conversion and the template structure. We then des

Targeted quantitative analysis of Streptococcus pyogenes virulence factors by multiple reaction monitoring

In many studies, particularly in the field of systems biology, it is essential that identical protein sets are precisely quantified in multiple samples such as those representing differentially perturbed cell states. The high degree of reproducibility required for such experiments has not been achieved by classical mass spectrometry-based proteomics methods. In this study we describe the implement

Evidence for 21-helicity of poly[9,9-bis(2-ethylhexyl)fluorene-2,7-diyl]

The conformational state of the pi-conjugated polyfluorene poly[9,9-bis(2-ethylhexyl)fluorene-2,7-diyl] is reconsidered. Contrary to the general opinion, this helical polymer is shown to organize in a giant repeat consisting of 21 monomer units. The length of the unit cell of 16.97 nm is suggested.

Optimizing a GC-MS method for screening of Stachybotrys mycotoxins in indoor environments.

Presence of Stachybotrys chartarum in indoor environments has been linked to building-associated disease, however, the causative agents are unknown. Verrucarol (VER) and trichodermol (TRID) are hydrolysis products of some major S. chartarum mycotoxins, i.e. macrocyclic trichothecenes and trichodermin. We optimized gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) methods for detecting VER and TRID in S

Diffusion measurement in gels

Methods for measuring diffusion coefficients in gels are reviewed, and their capacities, limitations and requirements are briefly discussed. With four of these methods, i.e., the diaphragm cell, uptake/release from beads, holographic laser interferometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (FT-PGSE), a comparison is made with regard to accuracy and precision. The comparison is based on a number of stud