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Migration and morphometrics of Temminck's stint Calidris temminckii at Ottenby, southern Sweden
Planering eller frigörelse? : En studie om bemyndigande
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den rättighetslagstiftning som presenterades i handikapputredningens slutbetänkande (SOU 1991:46), Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade, LSS, visade att samhällets välfärd i ett etiskt perspektiv är något som angår alla. Kravet på samhällssolidaritet innebär enligt utredningen att samhällets insatser måste utformas i enlighet med kvalitetskrav som syftThe legislation on rights that was presented in the final report of the commission of inquiry into handicap (SOU 1991:46), the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments, showed that, from an ethical point of view, society´s welfare is something that concerns everyone. The demand for social solidarity, according to the inquiry, meant that public measures mus
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This article deals with the dilemma in queer politics: assimilation or non-assimilation: what is the "proper" object of politics and who is the "proper" politician?
Rymlighetens betydelse för bostadsgården
Plasma homocysteine in the acute and convalescent phases after stroke
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Stroke patients frequently manifest moderate hyperhomocysteinemia. In most published studies, plasma homocysteine was measured at least 1 month after stroke (or the interval was not reported). To determine whether plasma homocysteine concentrations change in the acute phase, we compared acute-phase values with both convalescent-phase and control values. METHODS: Plasma homo
Isothermal calorimetry approach to evaluate the effect of tissue wounding on vegetable metabolism
We have made a study by isothermal calorimetry of the heat production response of root and tuber tissue to wounding. Samples with different surface to volume ratios were prepared from carrots, potatoes and swedes (rutabaga) and the overall metabolic heat was measured in closed glass ampoules in a TAM Air isothermal calorimeter. The evaluation was made by assuming that a certain heat production rat
Female pig urethral tone is dependent on Rho guanosine triphosphatases and Rho-associated kinase.
PURPOSE: Circular smooth muscle of the urethra generates spontaneous myogenic tone of relevance for the maintenance of continence. We tested if Rho guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) and Rho-associated kinase (ROK) are involved in the generation of urethral tone. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Small circular strips of female pig urethra were dissected out and mounted for recording isometric force. The ef
Limitations of Water Mist as a Total Flooding Agent
The limitations of water mist in acting as a total flooding agent are discussed in this paper. The paper focuses on water mist consisting of droplets 1-100 µm in diameter. Water mists are very efficient as an extinguishing media if they are present in the flame. There are, however, several problems associated with introducing the water mist into the flame: the spray reaches only a short distance;
Essays on Nonlinear Pricing and Welfare
Popular Abstract in Swedish Priset på en produkt sägs vara icke-lineärt om styckpriset på produkten inte är konstant utan beror på den kvantitet (eller kvalitet) som konsumenten köper. Denna typ av prissättning är vanligt förekommande när man exempelvis prissätter vatten eller elektricitet och har många önskvärda egenskaper. Till exempel är det ofta nödvändigt med icke-lineära priser för att uppnåThe price of a good is said to be nonlinear if the unit price not is constant but depends on some aspect of the quantity (or quality) purchased. This form of pricing is commonly used in many industries, e.g. the electricity and water industries, and has many desirable properties. For example, nonlinear pricing is often necessary for (Pareto) efficiency and nonlinear pricing can be used as an instr
Nordic research in ophthalmology.
Fertility Response to Short-term Economic Stress: Deliberate Control or Reduced Fecundability?
Prostate cancer risk and serologic evidence of human papilloma virus infection: a population-based case-control study.
The multiple meaning of home as experienced by very old Swedish people
he aim of this study was to explore aspects of the meaning of home as experienced by very old single-living people in Sweden. A grounded theory approach was used, and interviews were conducted with 40 men and women aged 80-89. The findings indicate that home has a central place in the lives of very old people because it is where they live and spend so much time. The significance of the home is bas
Homogenization of the Maxwell Equations at Fixed Frequency
The homogenization of the Maxwell equations at fixed frequency is addressed in this paper. The bulk (homogenized) electric and magnetic properties of a material with a periodic microstructure are found from the solution of a local problem on the unit cell by suitable averages. The material can be anisotropic and satisfies a coercivity condition. The exciting field is generated by an incident field
Fukt- och temperaturundersökning i Vadstena klosterkyrka
Sexually transmitted diseases and gynecologic symptoms and signs in women with a history of induced abortion
PIP: This study examines the relationship between a history of induced abortion and current or previous sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and other gynecologic symptoms. Study participants consisted of a cohort of women attending 2 family planning and 1 youth clinic; 192 were admitted with history of induced abortion and 804 women served as controls. A structured interview to obtain data on pre
Vad behöver en naturvårdare veta?
The effect of intranasal budesonide spray on mucosal blood flow measured with laser Doppler flowmetry
BACKGROUND: Recent reports have shown that, although rare, findings of mucosal ulcers and perforations of the nasal septum in some cases may be associated with the use of topical nasal glucocorticosteroids (GCS). It can been speculated that, a reduction in septal mucosal blood flow causing ischemia may eventually induce septal perforations. AIM: To evaluate whether a single dose of a potent nasal
Den pedagogiska praktikens janusansikte: om det kommunikativa handlandets didaktiska villkor och konsekvenser
Popular Abstract in Swedish Villkoren för utbildning och undervisning förändras i väsentliga avseenden i takt med samhällets tilltagande komplexitet. Det är många gånger svårt för både lärare och elever att veta hur man på bästa sätt ska orientera sitt pedagogiska handlande. Med utgångspunkt från tre pedagogiska kontexter - grundskolan, de särskilda ungdomshemmen och grundskollärarutbildningen - pPedagogical practice is, in several important considerations, contradictory in character. In this dissertation attenention is drawn towards the field of tension that prevails between pedagogical action, which can be descibed in terms of strategic processes and communicative pedagogical action. While the former places the preconditions for effective knowledge development of the individual at the ce