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X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy on Clusters: From Water Clusters to Metal & Metal-Oxide Nanoparticles

In the present work, two experimental setups aimed at the production of (1) water clusters and (2) metal-oxide nanoparticles were assembled and commissioned. The experiments on the cluster/nanoparticle beams were set up and performed at the FlexPES beamline of the MAX-IV synchrotron facility. In these experiments, photoelectron spectroscopy technique was the tool, with Scienta R4000 electron spect

Individanpassad marknadsföring på digitala plattformar

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka attityder konsumenter har till individanpassad marknadsföring och huruvida attityderna påverkas av var konsumenten befinner sig i köpprocessen, vilken relation de har till företaget, samt faktorerna ålder, deras inställning till personlig integritet och vilket förtroende de har för företag. Teoretiskt ramverk: Köpprocessen av Kotler och Keller, d

På köp-och säljgruppernas fält : en netnografisk studie av köp-och säljgruppen Labels we love (svenskt/danskt/snyggt) - köp, sälj, snackis

Med hjälp av netnografisk metod undersöker jag fenomenet tematiska köp-och säljgrupper på Facebook. Tematiska köp-och säljgrupper kan förklaras som nätverk bestående av medlemmar som dels köper, byter och säljer varor med varandra och dels interagerar kring ett gemensamt intresse för vissa varor och märken. Studien tar avstamp i den svenska köp-och säljgruppen Labels we love (svenskt/danskt/snyggt

Minimal Deformation Methods for Loop Closure

This thesis proposes a method for how to find duplicated 3D points in a single Structure from Motion point cloud. Together with related articles, this forms a possible solution to the loop closure problem. The proposed method works by first selecting candidate pairs of 3D points by comparing BRIEF descriptors of all points. The second step consists of using RANSAC to select the best out of many

Balkans Revisited: A Qualitative Content Analysis of how Turkey Pursues Soft Power in Kosovo

In recent decades, the Republic of Turkey has emerged on the global stage. Through a number of state-run organisations, the country has built a notable presence across former Ottoman territories as well as in the broader Muslim world. This thesis investigates the activities of the Turkish state against the backdrop of Joseph S. Nye’s theory of soft power through a case study of the Turkish presenc

EU — en spelförändrare på den kommunala arenan

Although the EU has substantial influence over how and with what Swedish municipalities work, the national level still tends to be the point of departure for the EU cooperation and analysis thereof. This qualitative single case study intends to abandon that tradition through investigating the consequences of EU projects at the local administrative level. Due to a lack of earlier research about the

Disentangling Political Capital: A case study of factors in local governance that facilitate a successful transition towards climate-friendly, sustainable development

One of our times most significant challenges is the threat to climate change and global warming. This research embarks on a novel pathway. The theoretical framework Capital Approach Framework is used within political science studies to analyse the transition towards sustainable development on a local level in Sweden. The aim is to answer the research question: "What factors in local governanc

Wear Beyond Tear

The topic of environmental issues, in relation to clothing consumption, was researched with the intention of contributing to the lessening of its negative effects. The conclusion was that an extended amount of use would result in less need for new production, where most of the emissions come from, thus making the system more efficient resource-wise. To achieve this the product designed is the out

Clunkers for Mobility? A critical environmental justice perspective on the EU’s exports of used cars to the Global South

In the face of climate change, governments in the Global North have decided on various decarbonisation plans. With the transport sector causing more than a quarter of the global greenhouse gas emissions, its decarbonisation has become a central debate. Yet, plans for a sustainable mobility system are largely focused on local and regional scales, neglecting the global entanglements of the supply ch

Detection of nitrous oxide through IR-DFWM in gas flows with future application in ammonia flames

Klimatkrisen är en av de största utmaningar som mänskligheten någonsin stått inför och mycket krävs för att bevara klimatet. Många forskare letar lösningar för att stävja de värsta effekterna av ett förändrat klimat. Ett av de mest aktuella problemen är att förhindra eller sakta ned den globala uppvärmningen eftersom det rapporterats att vissa effekter är oåterkalleliga när de väl trätt i kraft, sThis thesis report on an investigation into the applicability of mid-infrared degenerate four-wave mixing (IR-DWFM) as a method to detect N\(_2\)O in ammonia flames. DFWM has previously been used for concentration measurements on other molecules, but has never, to the author's knowledge, been applied to measure N\(_2\)O in ammonia flames before. Through measurements in gas flows at different t

Doktorand på lika villkor? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om kvinnliga doktoranders upplevelse av sin forskarutbildning och den akademiska miljön

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur kvinnliga doktorander upplever sin forskarutbildning med fokus på att vara kvinna i en akademisk miljö. Vidare undersöktes frågeställningarna om hur den kvinnliga doktoranden upplevde inträdet till forskarutbildningen och dennes motiv, upplevelsen av forskarutbildningen och den akademiska miljön i nutid samt hur doktoranden ser på tiden efter examen oc

Från integration till motivation

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Från integration till motivation Seminariedatum: 2021 - 01 - 15 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Max Ekholm Stenberg, Tesa Manxhuka och Jenny Wang Handledare: Roland Paulsen Fem nyckelord: Motivation, integration, välmående, utländska akademiker, mångfald Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att få Abstract Title: From integration to motivation Seminar date: 2021 - 01 - 15 Course: FEKH49, Business Administration: Bachelor’s degree Project in Organization Undergraduate, 15 credits Authors: Max Ekholm Stenberg, Tesa Manxhuka och Jenny Wang Advisor: Roland Paulsen Keywords: Motivation, integration, well-being, foreign academics, diversity Purpose: The purpose of this study is to get a dee

Tavistock-inspired group relations conferences (GRCs) in Swedish academia: a retrospective interpretative phenomenological interview-study.

Tavistockinspirerade grupprelationskonferenser utvecklades ur överlappande men olika teorier. Dessa är psykoanalytiska teorier, teorier om organisationer som öppna system och teorier om upplevelsebaserat lärande i organisationer. Tavistockinspirerade grupprelationskonferenser är först och främst en metod för lärande om organisationer. Syftet med studien var att få insikt i före detta konferensdeltTavistock-inspired group relations conferences (GRCs) originated from overlapping yet distinct theories. These are psychoanalytic theories, theories of organizations as open systems, and theories of experiential learning in organizations. Tavistock-inspired GRCs are, first and foremost, a method of learning about organizations. The purpose of the study was to gain insight into the experiences of f

Optimering av vattenförbrukning - En studie på Perstorp AB

Produktionen av kemikalier på Perstorp AB genererar kontaminerat avloppsvatten som renas i industriparkens egna avloppsreningsverk innan de kan återanvändas till processen igen. Industriparken i Perstorp har villkor från avloppsreningsverket på hur mycket vatten som fabrikerna får släppa ut till avloppsreningsverket. Det finns fortfarande kapacitet kvar innan villkoret uppnås, men marginalerna serThe production of chemicals at Perstorp AB generates contaminated wastewater that is treated in the industrial park’s own sewage treatment plant before it can be reused in the process again. The industrial park has conditions from the sewage treatment plant on how much water the factories may discharge. There is capacity left before the condition is reached, but the margins look to decrease in the

Unemployed individuals` preferences towards social investment policies. A case study of unemployed people`s preferences between labor market trainings and unemployment cash benefits in Sweden.

This master`s thesis designed to understand the social policy preferences of unemployed people from human capital investment perspectives. The aim of the research is to explain social policy preferences by referring to human capital theory to understand unemployed people`s preferences between unemployment cash benefits and labor market trainings. The research takes upskilling, earnings, together w

Unlocking Fossil Fuel Dependency in the European Union: Studying the Failures of Removing Fossil Fuel Subsidies in the European Union and Possible Pathways Forward.

Despite the well-known threat that the use of fossil fuels poses to the climate many countries continue to provide large subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. The EU has declared that its member states should phase-out fossil fuel subsidies, but progress has been lacking and subsidies for fossil fuels in the EU remain large. This paper aims to understand which factors explain the persistence of s

The road to a minimum winning coalition?: A study of coalition building during the negotiations of the Mobility Package

The European road transport sector is an integral part of the European Single Market. Since the Central- and Eastern enlargements the sector has grown and today more than 45% of all haulage in the EU is performed by truck. With that backdrop, the Commission in 2017 proposed the Mobility Package to regulate the social and safety aspects of the sector. This thesis assesses the becoming of the Mobili

Vem har makten över politiken

This thesis will study the political power of the organisations that give their views on political proposals and if this power has changed with the “january-agreement” between the swedish government and the center and liberal parties. This system, where the government sends out proposals to the public, authorities and organizations has been in place in Sweden for a long time. With the introduction

Between Baghdad and Tripoli – En gemensam europeisk utrikespolitik? Hierarki, anarki och universal teori.

Denna uppsats behandlar EU:s roll som en gemensam internationell aktör. Detta sker genom en jämförande fallstudie av Irak (2003)-och Libyenkrisen (2011). Två fall där nationella intressen står i vägen för samlad EU-aktion och där medlemsstater som önskar agera militärt gör så genom NATO. Uppsatsen hanterar detta ämne med hjälp av Butcher och Griffiths ramverk som presenterades i artikeln Between e

Att förstå medias påverkan på affektiv polarisering i USA

America has become more and more politically polarized the last couple of years. The polarization has become such a problem that people talk about two different Americas, one liberal America and one conversative. This polarization has caused people to only read partisan media that people already agree with and reinforces existing beliefs, increasing the already existing polarization. The increasin