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Skadestånd vid offentlig upphandling
I artikeln diskuteras de sanktioner som finns i de fall en leverantör felaktigt tilldelats ett offentligt kontrakt eller för det fall att en upphandlande myndighet underlåtit att genomföra en offentlig upphandling i relation till domstolspraxis och de nya rättsmedelsdirektiven. Vidare behandlas frågan om dessa sanktioner även är effektiva mot de upphandlande myndigheter som inte följer beslut från
Public Private Partnerships in Sweden
Multi-Label Toxic Comment Classification Using Machine Learning: An In-Depth Study
The classification of toxic comments is a well-researched area with many techniques available. However, effectively managing multi-label categorization still requires a considerable amount of work. In this thesis, we performed a classification experiment on over 200 thousand comments from the Jigsaw toxic comment competition data available on Kaggle. We aimed to optimize a model to identify six di
From the Citizen’s Charter to Public Service Guarantees – the Swedish Model
Under the influence of the Citizenʼs Charter used in the United Kingdom many countries in Europe have started using different types of service agreements in order to improve the quality of public services. In Sweden these agreements usually are called Public Service Guarantees. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to some legal issues that might arise as a result of the use of a typica
Free-energy studies of ligand-binding affinities
In drug discovery, it is of utmost importance to accurately calculate the free energies of binding ligands to various protein targets, such as enzymes and receptors. We have assessed and used computational tools for this aim, most of them based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We mostly used molecular mechanics (MM) in order to model the protein—ligand interactions, which is more approximat
Caveat commune – en ny syn på kommunal verksamhet?
Improvements to Planar Convex Hull Algorithms
Wealth, work, and industriousness, 1670–1860: Evidence from rural Swedish probates
This paper uses a new database of 1,891 probate inventories from rural southern Sweden from the 1670s to the 1860s to investigate the development of wealth and productive capacity in the Swedish countryside in this period. We show that while real wages fell in the 1700s, material living standards — as measured by the contents of probate inventories — improved, indicating greater labour inputs. Thi
Assessing Contaminant Mass Discharge Uncertainty With Application of Hydraulic Conductivities Derived From Geoelectrical Cross-Borehole Induced Polarization and Other Methods
A new methodology was developed to support contaminant mass discharge (CMD)-based risk assessment of groundwater contamination downgradient of point source zones. Geoelectrical cross-borehole induced polarization (IP) data were collected at a site undergoing in situ remediation of chlorinated solvents for determining 2D hydraulic conductivity (K) distributions with an inversion model resolution of
Exposure to polystyrene nanoplastics reduces bacterial and fungal biomass in microfabricated soil models
Nanoplastics have been proven to induce toxicity in diverse organisms, yet their effect on soil microbes like bacteria and fungi remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we used micro-engineered soil models to investigate the effect of polystyrene (PS) nanospheres on Pseudomonas putida and Coprinopsis cinerea. Specifically, we explored the effects of increasing concentrations of 60 nm carboxylat
Dual-amplification system based on CRISPR-Cas12a and horseradish peroxidase-tethered magnetic microspheres for colorimetric detection of microcystin-LR
A novel dual-amplification system based on CRISPR-Cas12a and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was developed for colorimetric determination of MC-LR. This dual-amplification was accomplished by combining the nuclease activity of CRISPR-Cas12a with the redox activity of HRP. HRP linked to magnetic beads through an ssDNA (MB-ssDNA-HRP) was used to induce a color change of the 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidi
Olfaction in Eurasian spruce bark beetle (lps typographus) larvae in response to symbiotic fungi
Sniffing out friends and foes: Bark beetle larvae and fungal scents. A tiny but destructive force is threatening Eurasian forest habitats – the Eurasian spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus. The larvae of this beetle species develop under the bark of conifers and feed on tree tissue. This leads to tree death and thus widespread devastation in wooded landscapes. The beetles live in partnership wit
Rainfall, baseflow and sea-level impact on river-flooding in a coastal city
Over the past few decades, mobile and wireless technologies have been evolving rapidly which has influenced household income, wealth, and consumption levels, especially in developing countries. Specifically, this paper estimates the impact of digital technology on household economic status in Nigeria, the largest economy and mobile market in Africa. The analysis exploits a unique data set in 2018
Mellan rättslig reglering och professionell logik – att hantera orosanmälningar om våld i barnavården.
Exposure to alcohol outlets and risk of suicidal behavior in a Swedish cohort of young adults
Background: Greater alcohol accessibility, for example in the form of a high density of alcohol outlets or low alcohol taxation rates, may be associated with increased risk of suicidal behavior. However, most studies have been conducted at the aggregate level, and some have not accounted for potential confounders such as socioeconomic position or neighborhood quality. Methods: In a Swedish cohort
Venös tromboembolism
A pragmatic approach to the limitations of safety management systems in aviation
Commercial aviation systems are increasingly stretched to their capacity while existing Safety Management Systems (SMS) do not live up to our expectations as higher efficiency standards are taxing human resources, higher competition levels are reducing the potential for collaboration and the sharing of risk data, and technological advances are making systems difficult to operate and re-design. Avi
Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy theories are one way of dealing with gaps between hopes and reality, between the visible and the hidden, and between expert and lay knowledge. They are meaning systems that either explain or make sense of specific events or of social, political, or economic systems of power. Conspiracy theories assume that some actors intentionally conspire to harm others for their own benefit. Often th