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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Highly soluble energy relay dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells

High solubility is a requirement for energy relay dyes (ERDs) to absorb a large portion of incident light and significantly improve the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Two benzonitrile-soluble ERDs, BL302 and BL315, were synthesized, characterized, and resulted in a 65% increase in the efficiency of TT1-sensitized DSSCs. The high solubility (180 mM) of these ERDs allows for absor

Chronic dexamethasone pretreatment aggravates ischemic neuronal necrosis

This study addresses the question of whether the cyclooxygenase inhibitors indomethacin and diclofenac and the glucocorticosteroid dexamethasone ameliorate neuronal necrosis following cerebral ischemia. In addition, since these drugs inhibit the production of prostaglandins and depress phospholipase A2 activity, respectively, the importance of free fatty acids (FFAs) on the development of ischemic

Service labour market: The engine of growth and inequality

Economic historians tend to explain US geographical development gaps in terms of industrialisation. But by the end of the 20th century, the richest counties had become specialised in services, rather than in manufacturing. This column evaluates how the service economy triggered this evident contrast between the urban and rural US. Market size causes localisation of non-agricultural activity, with

Initiation of protein synthesis and heat-shock protein-72 expression in the rat brain following severe insulin-induced hypoglycemia

Following stress such as heat shock or transient cerebral ischemia, global brain protein synthesis initiation is depressed through modulation of eucaryotic initiation factor (eIF) activities, and modification of ribosomal subunits. Concomitantly, expression of a certain class of mRNA, heat-shock protein (HSP) mRNA, is induced. Here we report that the activity of eucaryotic initiation factor-2 (eIF

Circulating catecholamines modulate ischemic brain damage

In search of factors influencing the outcome of an ischemic insult, we induced 10 min of forebrain ischemia in rats and assessed neuronal necrosis by quantitative histopathology after 1 week of recovery. Procedures for inducing ischemia included bilateral carotid artery clamping and reduction of blood pressure to 40–50 mm Hg by bleeding. To facilitate rapid lowering of blood pressure, a ganglionic

Trust in the Law? : Mutual Recognition as a Justification to Domestic Criminal Procedure

This article closely analyses mutual recognition as a justification for EU legislative activity in the field of domestic criminal procedure. By looking at the structure, wording and purpose of the Treaties, the article first discusses the proper interpretation of the mutual recognition criterion in Article 82(2) TFEU. It argues for a narrow construction of Article 82(2) TFEU, suggesting that the e

Microenvironment and functional-trait context dependence predict alpine plant community dynamics

Predicting the structure and dynamics of communities is difficult. Approaches linking functional traits to niche boundaries, species co-occurrence and demography are promising, but have so far had limited success. We hypothesized that predictability in community ecology could be improved by incorporating more accurate measures of fine-scale environmental heterogeneity and the context-dependent fun

Inequality in tax evasion: the case of the Spanish income tax

PurposeThis paper estimates tax evasion and its impact on progressivity, redistribution and the measurement of inequality, using microdata from the Spanish income tax for 2001-04.MethodologyThe approach follows Feldman and Slemrod (2007) by exploiting the relation of charitable donations with the composition of income, but introduces two methodological innovations which could be useful for further

Experiment för hållbar mobilitet – vad innoveras det (inte) kring i svenska kommuner?

Vi vet idag att en omställning av transportsektorn är avgörande för uppfyllandet av de klimatpolitiska målen och FN:s 2030-mål. Såväl forskare som praktiker har därför framhävt behovet av att öka andelen energieffektiva transportslag som gång, cykel och kollektivtrafik. Samtidigt pågår det idag en snabb teknikutveckling inom transportområdet och idag sker mycket av innovationsarbetet genom offentl

Tjänsteinnovation i välfärdens vardag Förutsättningar för innovationsarbete i socialtjänst och skola

I den här forskningsrapporten har vi velat pröva och utveckla utgångspunkterhämtade från tjänstelogik i arbete med innovation inom välfärd. Växandeungdomskriminalitet och ökande psykisk ohälsa är bara två exempel på effekter avcsamhällsförändringar som utmanar den offentligt finansierade välfärden och får dencatt söka nya tillvägagångssätt. I detta sökande efter framgångsrika sätt att förändracväl

Global patterns of terrestrial nitrogen and phosphorus limitation

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) limitation constrains the magnitude of terrestrial carbon uptake in response to elevated carbon dioxide and climate change. However, global maps of nutrient limitation are still lacking. Here we examined global N and P limitation using the ratio of site-averaged leaf N and P resorption efficiencies of the dominant species across 171 sites. We evaluated our predictio

Fasting and Fat-Loading Tests Provide Pathophysiological Insight into Short-Chain Acyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Deficiency

Objective: To gain insight into the pathophysiological and clinical consequences of short-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency (SCADD). Study design: A retrospective study of 15 fasting and 6 fat-loading tests in 15 Dutch patients with SCADD, divided into 3 genotype groups. Metabolic and endocrinologic measurements and the biochemical characteristics of SCADD, ethylmalonic acid (EMA), an

[Effects of aldosterone and vasopressin on the intracellular Ca2+ activity in the cortical collecting tubules of rat kidneys]

Effects of aldosterone and vasopressin on the intracellular Ca2+ activity in the isolated cortical collecting tubules were studied. Both aldosterone and vasopressin were shown to evoke a transient increase in intracellular Ca2+, the response amplitude being not reduced in the presence of the other hormones. As vasopressin via its membrane receptors, aldosterone is suggested to activate the system

Personality and Cognitive Functions in Violent Offenders – Implications of Character Maturity?

Previous research has suggested that personality and cognitive functions are essential in the emergence of persistent aggressive antisocial behaviors and that character maturity could be an important protective factor against these behaviors. The aims of this study were (1) to determine associations between personality traits, intellectual ability, and executive function in young male violent offe

Lignocellulosic Ethanol in a Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Obligation System—A Case Study of Swedish Sawdust Based-Ethanol Production

A greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction obligation system has been implemented in the Swedish road transport sector to promote the use of biofuels. For transportation fuel suppliers to fulfil this obligation, the volume of biofuel required decreases with decreasing life cycle GHG emission for the biofuel, linking lower GHG emission to higher economic value. The aim of this study was to investiga

Impact of Spatially Consistent Channels on Digital Beamforming for Millimeter-Wave Systems: (Invited Paper)

The premise of massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is based around coherent transmission and detection. Majority of the vast literature on massive MIMO presents performance evaluations over simplified statistical propagation models. All such models are drop-based and do not ensure continuity of channel parameters. In this paper, we quantify the impact of spatially consistent (SC) models