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Reduction of visuo-spatial neglect with vestibular galvanic stimulation

The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the effect of galvanic vestibular stimulation on visuo-spatial neglect without inducing nystagmus and associated discomfort. Fourteen patients with right-hemisphere stroke with neglect were assessed with two visuo-motor tasks ("Line crossing" and "Star cancellation") on three occasions. Seven of the subjects received galvanic vestibular sti

Behandling av patienter med hud- och mjukdelsinfektioner. Resultat av STRAMAs diagnos- och receptundersokning bland allmanlakare

n one week of November 2000 and 2002, a diagnosis-antibiotic prescribing study was performed in general practice in 5 counties in Sweden. In total 11 515 patients were registered with a diagnosis of an infectious disease. Skin- and soft tissue infections were responsible for 10% of the visits and 13% of the antibioitc prescriptions. Older people (> 65 years) had more skin- and soft tissue infectio

Time to reevaluate the machine society: Post-industrial ethics from an occupational perspective

This paper discusses the ethics underlying the occupational repertoire of the post-industrial citizen, giving attention to lifestyle phenomena such as increased tempo and quantity of occupations; manipulation of time, organisms and environments; decreases in sleep, rest and play etc. In trying to understand human behavior in the 21st century, an ethical perspective is delineated and some starting

Bulk and surface charge states of K3C60

We detect a significant angle-dependence in the core level and valence line shapes of photoelectron spectra of single crystal K3C60. This allows the identification of bulk and surface components in the data, and allows us to explain the anomalous line shapes observed for this system. The states near the Fermi level are associated with the bulk of the sample. There is strong evidence of an insulati

Retinyl palmitate is a reproducible marker for chylomicron elimination from blood

To study the individual variation in chylomicron clearance rate, young healthy volunteers were given a p.o. dose of 50,000 IU retinyl palmitate in the morning to label their chylomicrons. Serial blood samples were then obtained in the time interval 4-8 h after retinyl palmitate intake, to closely monitor the clearance of retinyl ester from the blood. The procedure was repeated in an identical way

A behavioral cascade: Top-predator induced behavioral shifts in planktivorous fish and zooplankton

It is well known that the effects of direct (lethal) predator-prey interactions propagate through food webs (the trophic cascade). However, in the present study we show for the first time that, parallel to the trophic cascade, there exists a behavioral cascade in the sense that behavioral responses, induced by the nonlethal presence of a top predator, are transmitted down the food chain over more

The G-protein coupled receptor CMKLR1/ChemR23: Studies on gene regulation, receptor ligand activation, and HIV/SIV co-receptor function

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att en organism ska fungera är det nödvändigt att alla de celler som bygger upp organismen kommunicerar med varandra. Denna kommunikation sker genom att speciella proteiner på cellens yta, s.k. receptorer, tar emot signaler från andra celler. G-proteinkopplade receptorer (GPCR) är den vanligaste typen av receptorer. Då en signalmolekyl binder till en GPCR ändrar deIn all higher organisms, there is a need for intercellular communication. G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), located on the cell surface, play an important role in this communication. Cells synthesize and release signalling molecules (ligands), which produce a specific response only in those cells that have a receptor for that ligand. The total number of GPCRs is estimated to be around 800 where

Risk factor clustering in patients with hypertension and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The Skaraborg Hypertension Project

OBJECTIVES: To assess the coexistence of hypertension and diabetes, associations with cardiovascular risk factors and the achievement of current treatment goals. DESIGN: A community-based, cross-sectional, observational study. SETTING: Hypertension and diabetes outpatient clinics in primary health care, Skara, Sweden. SUBJECTS: All patients (n = 1116; 488 men, 628 women) who performed an annual fo

Novel quantitative trait Loci controlling development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and proportion of lymphocyte subpopulations.

The B10.RIII mouse strain (H-2r) develops chronic experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) upon immunization with the myelin basic protein 89–101 peptide. EAE was induced and studied in a backcross between B10.RIII and the EAE-resistant RIIIS/J strain (H-2r), and a complete genome scan with microsatellite markers was performed. Five loci were significantly linked to different traits and cli

A comparison of the human papillomavirus test and Papanicolaou smear as a second screening method for women with minor cytological abnormalities

Background. Of the estimated one million Papanicolaou (pap) smears performed annually in Sweden, about 4% show any degree of abnormality. Approximately, 1% of these cases contain moderate or severe atypia (high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions) and the rest contain low-grade atypia. Recommendations for the management of minor abnormalities vary in various parts of Sweden. Generally, a second

Transforming fiction into fact: Flawed reality—monitoring of socially sensitive person—information

In the present experiment we examined reality monitoring for socially sensitive and non-sensitive information relating to prejudice (negative and positive beliefs about an ethnic minority). At study, participants either imagined or perceived negative or positive attributes in connection with photographs of target individuals that clearly varied in ethnicity (non-western or western). At test, the t