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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Channel current fluctuations conclusively explain neuronal encoding of internal potential into spike trains

Hodgkin and Huxley's seminal neuron model describes the propagation of voltage spikes in axons, but it cannot explain certain full-neuron features crucial for understanding the neural code. We consider channel current fluctuations in a trisection of the Hodgkin-Huxley model, allowing an analytic-mechanistic explanation of these features and yielding consistently excellent matches with in vivo reco

Understanding inverse metallicity gradients in galactic discs as a consequence of inside-out formation

The early stages of a galaxy's evolution leave an imprint on its metallicity distribution. We discuss the origins and evolution of radial metallicity gradients in discs of spiral galaxies using an analytical chemical evolution model. We explain how radial metallicity gradients in stellar populations are determined by three factors: the radial metallicity profile of the star-forming interstellar me

Machine learning algorithm-based risk assessment of riparian wetlands in Padma River Basin of Northwest Bangladesh

Wetland risk assessment is a global concern especially in developing countries like Bangladesh. The present study explored the spatiotemporal dynamics of wetlands, prediction of wetland risk assessment. The wetland risk assessment was predicted based on ten selected parameters, such as fragmentation probability, distance to road, and settlement. We used M5P, random forest (RF), reduced error pruni

Changes of gambling patterns during covid-19 in sweden, and potential for preventive policy changes. A second look nine months into the pandemic

Gambling has been suggested as one of the potential mental health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. In earlier self-report studies, increased gambling has been reported by a limited proportion of respondents characterized with a high degree of problem gambling. The present study, carried out with the same methodology and in the same geographical setting, around seven months later in the pande

Mobile or stationary? An analysis of strontium and carbon isotopes from Västerbjers, Gotland, Sweden

The nature of the Neolithic Pitted Ware Culture (PWC) has been debated in Scandinavian archaeology since the beginning of the 20th century. This material culture post-dates the inception of an agro-pastoral Neolithic economy in the region (TRB) but demonstrate a semi-foraging lifeway. The PWC is considered elusive in the sense that the economy has been interpreted as either based on maritime forag

Frequency domain optical resolution photoacoustic and fluorescence microscopy using a modulated laser diode

In this paper a multimodal optical-resolution photoacoustic and fluorescence microscope in frequency domain is presented. Photoacoustic waves and modulated fluorescence are generated in chromophores by using a modulated diode laser. The photoacoustic waves, recorded with a hydrophone, and the fluorescence signals, acquired with an avalanche photodiode, are simultaneously measured using a lock-in t

Birgitte Possing. Understanding Biographies; Caitríona Ní Dhúill. Metabiography

recension av två böcker om vetenskapligt biografiskrivandeBoth in the Scandinavian countries and in Germany, the status of biographical writing has changed to a far greater extent in the last fifty years than in the Anglo-Saxon world. In the latter context, biography has been more popular than in Germany and, for example, Denmark and Sweden. It has continuously been regarded as both a genre worthy from a scholarly career point of view and as a means for

Obtaining archaeointensity data from British Neolithic pottery : A feasibility study

There is a significant lack of geomagnetic field strength (archaeointensity) measurements for many archaeological time periods in the United Kingdom (UK). This not only makes past geomagnetic secular variation difficult to model but also limits the development of archaeointensity dating. This paper presents the first archaeointensity study on UK Neolithic material. In this study, twenty-five sherd

One detector, all the light elements – Low-background NRA, RBS and ERDA for the quantification of elements from hydrogen to fluorine

Presented is a review of the accomplishments, of the light-element program, conducted at the Lund Ion-Beam Analysis Facility. A detailed account is given of the current experimental setup at the total Ion-Beam Analysis Chamber, which is equipped with two Double-Sided Silicon Strip Detectors for charge particle detection, a silicon drift detector for PIXE analysis, an electrostatic deflection syste

En kort introduktion till VÄGEN TILL ROM : Om nordbors konversion till den katolska kyrkan från 1500-talet och fram till idag

Att som nordbo bli katolik var ingen enkel sak för hundra år sedan. En konversion till den katolska kyrkan var, som den på sin tid berömde svenske konvertiten och påvlige markisen Claes Lagergren utryckte det i sina på 1920-talet publicerade memoarer, i mångas ögon liktydigt med landsförräderi och ett svek mot fosterlandet och dess traditioner. Trehundra år tidigare, då de nordiska länderna blivit

Limit Theorems and Fluctuations for Point Vortices of Generalized Euler Equations

We prove a mean field limit, a law of large numbers and a central limit theorem for a system of point vortices on the 2D torus at equilibrium with positive temperature. The point vortices are formal solutions of a class of equations generalising the Euler equations, and are also known in the literature as generalised inviscid SQG. The mean-field limit is a steady solution of the equations, the CLT

Challenges of the Institutionalization of Same Sex Marriage for Religious Pluralism in Denmark

The Danish religious landscape has been significantly transformed, especially during the last three decades. This transformation is marked by the shift from near religious hegemony towards a much more diverse religious population. Originally, the Danish Lutheran state church was closely intertwined with the governmental administration of the country after the reformation in Denmark of 1536 and the

Design of III-V Vertical Nanowire MOSFETs for Near-Unilateral Millimeter-Wave Operation

Vertical nanowire MOSFETs exhibit asymmetric gate capacitances, allowing for their independent engineering to improve device high frequency performance. Minimizing gate-drain parasitic capacitance with the use of a vertical sidewall spacer enables universal feedback neutralization and a unilateral circuit design. For vertical spacer thickness above 20 nm, the gate-drain capacitance variability is

Associations between healthcare environment design and adverse events in intensive care unit.

BACKGROUND: Healthcare environment can affect health. Adverse events (AEs) are common because rapid changes in the patients' status can suddenly arise, and have serious consequences, especially in intensive care. The relationship between the design of intensive care units (ICUs) and AEs has not been fully explored. Hence, an intensive care room was refurbished with cyclic lightning, sound absorben

Cerebral intraventricular hemorrhage and post-hemorrhagic ventricular dilatation in preterm infants: new mechanistic insights and potential treatment strategies

Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is one of the major co-morbidities of premature birth associated with post-hemorrhagic ventricular dilatation (PHVD) development, long-term neurodevelopmental impairment, behavioral problems, special educational needs, and dependency on social security.Hypothesis and aims: We believe that extravasated blood and further release of extracellular hemoglobin (Hb) are

A bacterial protease depletes c-MYC and increases survival in mouse models of bladder and colon cancer

Is the oncogene MYC upregulated or hyperactive? In the majority of human cancers, finding agents that target c-MYC has proved difficult. Here we report specific bacterial effector molecules that inhibit cellular MYC (c-MYC) in human cells. We show that uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) degrade the c-MYC protein and attenuate MYC expression in both human cells and animal tissues. c-MYC protein

The short isoform of PRLR suppresses the pentose phosphate pathway and nucleotide synthesis through the NEK9-Hippo axis in pancreatic cancer

Prolactin binding to the prolactin receptor exerts pleiotropic biological effects in vertebrates. The prolactin receptor (PRLR) has multiple isoforms due to alternative splicing. The biological roles and related signaling of the long isoform (PRLR-LF) have been fully elucidated. However, little is known about the short isoform (PRLR-SF), particularly in cancer development and metabolic reprogrammi

Boundaries, spectral triples and K-homology

This paper extends the notion of a spectral triple to a relative spectral triple, an unbounded analogue of a relative Fredholm module for an ideal J◃A. Examples include manifolds with boundary, manifolds with conical singularities, dimension drop algebras, θ-deformations and Cuntz–Pimsner algebras of vector bundles.The bounded transform of a relative spectral triple is a relative Fredholm module,