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A Diligent Businessman's Guide to Defence of State Aid Recovery - Why it will not succeed and why not to worry

Återkrav av felaktigt utbetalt statsstöd är en grundbult i statstödssystemet. Statsstöd som är oförenligt med den inre marknaden, artikel 107 FEUF, och som strider mot genomförandeförbudet i artikel 108(3, ska återkrävas i sin helhet. Stöd som enbart strider mot genomförandeförbudet medför krav på att mottagaren ska betala ränta. Kravet på återbetalning får dock inte strida mot en unionsprincip, Recovery of state aid is a pillar of the state aid control system. Aid in breach of Article 107 and 108(3) TFEU, incompatible aid, is retrieved in full, whereas aid which is only in breach of the standstill obligation, Article 108(3), is the subject to payment of interest. The Union acknowledges three exemptions to the recovery obligation: a recovery is in breach of Union principles, the aid was p

Kurragömma med vägverkets anslag? Utbetalningars påverkan på regional sysselsättningsnivå

Uppsatsens primära syfte var att klargöra om det fanns ett ekonomiskt samband mellan tillgänglighet i form av förkortade restider på det skånska vägnätet och sysselsättning. Då tillgängligheten antas bero på investeringar, drift och underhåll i vägnätet undersöktes även de skillnader som fanns mellan utbetalade och utlovade anslag. Inledningsvis beskrevs ekonomisk teori och tidigare studier av inf

Aspekter av sjuksköterskors hälsofrämjande arbete

Att genomföra hälsofrämjande arbete är ett av sjuksköterskans ansvarsområden. Syftet med studien var att belysa aspekter av sjuksköterskors hälsofrämjande arbete. Metoden för studien var en litteraturöversikt där åtta artiklar granskades. Analysprocessen resulterade i fem kategorier; Sjuksköterskors inställning till hälsofrämjande arbete, Dimensioner av sjuksköterskors hälsofrämjande arbete, Sjuks

Peak oil and the Apocalypse: Apocalyptic imaginaries as a threat to politics proper

This thesis will examine the discourse of peak oil understood from a post-political perspective and challenge the un-reflexive assumption of peak oil as a natural challenger to current hegemony. It will do so by constructing a theoretical framework for ‘politics proper’ through which the peak oil discourse will be assessed. The conclusion is that while peak oil offer the potential of a serious rup

A User Evaluation of the 2012 Fire Safety Building Regulations in Sweden and New Zealand

The purpose of this work is to evaluate and analyse the fire safety building regulations in Sweden and New Zealand that underwent significant revision in 2012. The aim of this work is to provide feedback as well as showing if the revised building regulations have achieved some of the major purposes and objectives that were the basis for the revisions. The survey method was chosen as the evaluation

Between green consumerism and civic action – A case study of the solutions to environmental problems brought up in Swedish upper secondary education

Education is considered to be one of the most important tools for enabling the transition to a sustainable society, and it is commonly agreed that education for sustainable development (ESD) should be pluralistic, democratic and promote critical thinking. However, there are indications that education might be dominated by green consumerist approaches to solving environmental problems. If this is t

Accuracy assessment in glacier change analysis

Popular science Glaciers are very sensitive indicators of climate change. The major cause of melting glaciers is global warming. This rapid rate of melting has serious negative impact on the earth causing flooding, leaving impact on flora and fauna, resulting in shortage of freshwater and hydroelectricity. The long-term monitoring of glaciers and the knowledge gained from it can help governments,

Undersökning av en grupp sjuksköterskor och undersköterskors kunskap om handhygien vid hälso- och sjukvård i Indien

Bakgrund: Vårdrelaterade infektioner (VRI) drabbar många patienter, det innebär stora kostnader och mycket lidande för patient och närstående. Det finns inte mycket tillgänglig information om hur vårdpersonal hanterar handhygien i Indien. Syftet med studien var att undersöka en grupp sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor kunskap om handhygien i hälso- och sjukvården i Indien. Metod: Det var 86 respon

Omvårdnad vid förlossningsdepression ur ett patientperspektiv - en litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Depression efter förlossning, postpartum depression (PPD), drabbar idag ca 10-15% av alla nyblivna mammor. PPD är ett globalt problem och drabbar kvinnor i alla länder, kulturer och socioekonomiska grupper. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att belysa hur kvinnor som drabbats av PPD upplever sjukdomen och vården de erhåller. Metod: En litteraturstudie har genomförts. Elva vetenskapliga artiklar h

Engaging Society in the Search for a Sustainable Future

During the past decades there is a growing interest to include a cultural dimension in the debate on sustainable development. In this thesis I explore how culture, and more specifically the Flemish cultural sector, contributes to the transition to a sustainable society. By means of case studies, I examine how cultural organizations perceive their role in the transition process and how they transla

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Event is as a transcendent happening that is inventing in the existence in a revealing manner. It is breaking the continuity and opens up for something else. It has to be seen as an ethical call, a summons, an answer to or expression for a messianic promise that is inherent in existence. Event is one of Derrida's key terms. The expressive concepts, event, “coming of the other”, promise, ju

Why companies engage in CSR

To investigate the reasons why companies engage in Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, this study conducts a survey with 47 companies and interviews with 7 company representatives in the UK. This empirical data and results are analysed in terms of theoretical ideas of CSR and economics. Board of Directors or top management, Attract employees, Reputation, Moral, and Economic reasons are, as in th

"If We Reintegrate Six Babies, Someone Else Will Institutionalise Eight": A Discourse Analysis of NGO Workers' Constructions of Alternative Care of Children in Cambodia

This thesis explored alternative care of children in Cambodia through the view of employees of non-governmental organisations. Preliminary research revealed a misappropriation of the word orphanage to describe a place, not for orphans, but where poor families in Cambodia take children for care. Thus, the language of alternative care became the topic of interest and was critically examined through

Volunteering – What is in it for you? A Case Study of Youth Empowerment in Kampala

The high youth unemployment in Uganda has resulted in youth volunteering to gain competitive advantages in the labour market. Volunteering has an important place in social development, and it is beneficial for the individual. This study investigated how youth volunteering within non-governmental organisations are creating opportunities for youth empowerment in Kampala, Uganda. A majority of previo


The paper explored current approaches to legal aid and weather they effectively incorporate legal empowerment strategies for vulnerable women in Uganda. The conception and application of legal empowerment of the poor was analyzed from a capabilities perspective informed by “development as freedom” focusing on women. The study presented an investigation on how one can bring together the theoretical


The Nutritional status of a child reflects their overall health situation. Care behavior during the first five years of children’s life, and actions and decisions that caregivers make for them, define how they grow and how a country progresses. Parents are children’s first gatekeepers and caregivers in regard to their health and nutritional status; therefore, the nutritional growth and development

Besiktnings- och värderingsklausuler som tvistlösningsmekanism - en analys av expertavgörandets angripbarhet

All kinds of disputes arising from a commercial contract do not necessarily have to be brought before a court or an arbitral panel; market practice exhibits a great diversity of alternative ways of dispute resolution. This includes the inspection clause and the valuation clause, which are the dispute resolution methods scrutinized in this essay. Inspection clauses could for instance be found in co

A quantum chemical study of proton coupled electron transfer for the light harvesting complex ruthenium (tris-2,2-bipy)2+ with different organic moieties serving as PCET relays

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Morgondagens energi Vind-, och vattenkraft tillsammans med solenergi är de enda energikällorna vi har som inte leder till avfall som ökar växthuseffekt eller avfall som vi inte kan göra oss av (från t ex kärnkraftverk). Men solpanelerna som finns idag för kommersiellt privat bruk ligger på en effektivitet kring 15%. Att utveckla nya molekyler som kan omvanlda solThe aim of the study was to theoretically investigate if a proton coupled electron transfer (PCET) was feasible for a molecular system consisting of a light harvesting complex, ruthenium(tris-2,`2-bipy)2+, with different organic moieties serving as PCET (proton coupled electron transfer) relays. These light harvesting complexes are also sometimes referred to as dyes. By studying the energy levels

"Jag säger att jag kollar dem hela tiden" - En kvalitativ studie om lektionsupplägg i ämnet musik, visad kunskap och kunskapskrav i två kommunala grundskolor.

Syftet med studien är att få en inblick i hur två musiklärare på olika skolor utformar musikundervisningen i årskurs 9 för att eleverna ska klara av kunskapskraven. Samtidigt undersöks vad fyra elever ifrån årskurs 9 har för åsikter kring visad kunskap och kunskapskrav. Studiens frågeställningar är: A) Hur utformas musikundervisningen för att lärarna ska kunna bedöma elevernas kunskaper? B) VilkenThe purpose of this thesis is to get an insight into how two music teachers in different schools structure their music education in year 9, so that the students are offered possibilities to achieve the knowledge requirements. At the same time four students in year 9 were examined and questioned about their opinion regarding shown knowledge and the knowledge requirements for the music course. The q