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An Experimental Study of Heat Transfer on an Outlet Guide Vane

In the present study, the heat transfer characteristics on the suction and pressure sides of an outlet guide vane (OGV) are investigated by using liquid crystal thermography (LCT) method in a linear cascade. Because the OGV has a complex curved surface, it is necessary to calibrate the LCT by taking into account the effect of viewing angles of the camera. Based on the calibration results, heat tra

Processing Asymmetries of Emotionally Valenced Stimuli

Popular Abstract in Swedish Skillnader i bearbetning av emotionella stimuli Den centrala frågeställningen i den här avhandlingen rör huruvida den emotionella laddningen av ett stimulus ger upphov till skillnader i den kognitiva bearbetningen. Är det så att negativt laddade stimuli (t.ex. ord som ”massaker”, ”våldtäkt”, bilder på hotfulla ansikten, eller bilder av otrevliga eller hotande situationeThe central phenomenon investigated concerns the valence-based process asymmetry found in several earlier studies (e.g. Pratto & John, 1991; Taylor, 1991), where negative stimuli seem to initiate more thorough processing than positive stimuli. This finding was consistent in the three empirical studies forming this dissertation. In Study 1 (three experiments) emotionally valenced words were pre

Isotropic/Kinematic Hardening in Thermoplasticity

Whereas the change of material properties due to change in the temperature can easily be realized, the coupling of the different energy sources is less obvious at a first glance. However, taking advantage of thermodynamics, the different couplings will almost automatically be taken care of. Therefore, when considering thermoplasticity, it is advantageous to make full use of thermodynamics, both wh

Med blick på nätnyheter. Ögonrörelsestudier av läsning i nätbaserade tidningar. (Looking at the net news. Eye tracking study of net paper reading)

How do readers interact with net papers? Does the new medium influence our way of searching for news? Does net-paper reading differ from newspaper reading? 12 users were asked to read 2 net-papers at their own pace. The aim of the study was partly to analyse reading behaviour on the Internet, partly to understand some of the underlying rationale and motivation of the behaviour. To achieve this aim

Product life cycle design - a model of integrating environmental aspects into product design and development process at a Swedish industry: adaptive feedback approach

Many people have no doubts about the seriousness of environmental problems in the world. But the most important issue is to find the way in which these problems could be solved. Environmental problems are so complicated that it is not easy to find the right solution. It is important to change current `Western' and also growing `Eastern' consumption and production radically both from technological

Strategier för kommunal hushållning

En av de ständigt aktuella frågorna i den kommunala ekonomiska debatten är den kommunala resultatutvecklingen. Går den att påverka eller är kommuners situation allt för styrd av externa restriktioner? Syftet med denna studie är att inspirera och sprida erfarenheter till kommunala politiker och tjänstemän som har till uppgift att hushålla med kommunens resurser. Två övergripande frågor står i fokus

A MEC network method based on the BH curve linearisation: study of a claw-pole machine

The magnetic equivalent circuit network method has been used to analyse the flux distribution and torque response of a novel electrically magnetized synchronous machine without slip-rings. Non-linearities have been included in the model using an iterative approach based on the linearisation of the BH curve, which proves to be very fast. Results at load and no load indicate that the leakage can be