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Analysis of radon origin by backward atmospheric transport modelling

This work shows how ambient radon concentrations measured at Cabauw station in central Netherlands are influenced by transport from different regions under typical transport conditions occurring during April and November, 2007 by means of atmospheric Lagrangian particle dispersion modelling in a receptor-oriented approach. Four specific regions have been isolated to assess their contribution to th

Dystrophin deficiency reduces atherosclerotic plaque development in ApoE-null mice.

Dystrophin of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex connects the actin cytoskeleton to basement membranes and loss of dystrophin results in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. We have previously shown injury-induced neointima formation of the carotid artery in mice with the mdx mutation (causing dystrophin deficiency) to be increased. To investigate the role of dystrophin in intimal recruitment of smooth m

Dynamic modelling of nitrous oxide emissions from three Swedish sludge liquor treatment systems.

The objective of this paper is to model the dynamics and validate the results of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from three Swedish nitrifying/denitrifying, nitritation and anammox systems treating real anaerobic digester sludge liquor. The Activated Sludge Model No. 1 is extended to describe N2O production by both heterotrophic and autotrophic denitrification. In addition, mass transfer equations a

Introducing a gender-neutral pronoun in a natural gender language: the influence of time on attitudes and behavior

The implementation of gender fair language is often associated with negative reactions and hostile attacks on people who propose a change. This was also the case in Sweden in 2012 when a third gender-neutral pronoun hen was proposed as an addition to the already existing Swedish pronouns for she (hon) and he (han). The pronoun hen can be used both generically, when gender is unknown or irrelevant,

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This dissertation is an empirical investigation of mitigation strategies in spoken Spanish between L1 speakers and advanced Swedish L2 learners. The first aim of our study is a pragmalinguistic analysis and description of the mitigating functions of a number of linguistic elements in our corpus. The second aim comprehends a study of three contrasts, namely, the use of mitigation strategies in (a)

Abort-on-Fail Test Scheduling for Modular SOCs without and with Preemption

System-on-chips (SOCs) and 3D stacked ICs are often tested for manufacturing defects in a modular fashion, enabling us to record the module test pass probability. We use this pass probability to exploit the abort-on-fail feature of automatic test equipment (ATE) and hence reduce the expected test time in the context of single-site testing. We present a model for calculation of expected test time,

Hydrogen bond effect on the photophysical properties of 2-ureido-4[1H]-pyrimidinone quadruple hydrogen bonded systems

In this work, spectroscopic techniques and quantum chemistry calculations were used to investigate the photophysical properties of 2-ureido-4[1H]-pyrimidinone (UPy) systems in two different solvents of DMSO and DCM. The investigations were carried out on the three UPy systems (AnUP, NaUP and UPNa) with two different choromophores (i.e., anthracene and naphthalene) located at the head and the tail

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This dissertation looks into the treatment of exposed children and young people. The background is a puzzlement as to how the discourse on treatment, during the latest twenty years, has concentrated on the same institutions and themes (Ebsen, 2007). The aim of the dissertation is to shed light on how the institutions of child saving, (family care, placement in residential care, intervention in the

Enteral leptin administration affects intestinal autophagy in suckling piglets

Leptin has been shown to play an integral role in the endocrine regulation of metabolism. Moreover, a substantial amount of this peptide has been found in colostrum and milk. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of exogenous leptin, administered intragastrically, on the process of autophagy and the changes in cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy in the small intestine mucosa. Three grou

On Steady Water Waves and Their Properties

Abstract: This thesis consists of four papers related to various aspects of steady water waves. Paper I: Deep-water waves with vorticity: symmetry and rotational behaviour. We show that for steady, periodic, and rotational gravity deep-water waves, a monotone surface profile between troughs and crests implies symmetry. It is observed that if the vorticity function has a bounded derivative, the

Human adipose cells in vitro are either refractory or responsive to insulin, reflecting host metabolic state.

While intercellular communication processes are frequently characterized by switch-like transitions, the endocrine system, including the adipose tissue response to insulin, has been characterized by graded responses. Yet here individual cells from adipose tissue biopsies are best described by a switch-like transition between the basal and insulin-stimulated states for the trafficking of the glucos

Thermodynamic studies of a HAT cycle and its components

The electric power grid contains more and more renewable power production such as wind and solar power. The use of renewable power sources increases the fluctuations in the power grid which increase the demand for highly efficient, fast-starting power-producing units that can cope with sudden production losses. One of the more innovative power plant cycles, that have the potential of competing wit

Alendronate decreases orthotopic PC-3 prostate tumor growth and metastasis to prostate-draining lymph nodes in nude mice

Background: Metastatic prostate cancer is associated with a high morbidity and mortality but the spreading mechanisms are still poorly understood. The aminobisphosphonate alendronate, used to reduce bone loss, has also been shown to inhibit the invasion and migration of prostate cancer cells in vitro. We used a modified orthotopic PC-3 nude mouse tumor model of human prostate cancer to study wheth

Effects of Dopamine Signaling on Recovery and Inflammation after Ischemic Stroke

Ischemic stroke, resulting from occlusion of a brain artery is the most common type of stroke with a prevalence of 15 million people and the leading cause of long-term disability worldwide. Importantly, partial spontaneous recovery of lost neurological functions occurs mainly during the first months after stroke onset, albeit to a limited extent. Recovery has been attributed to mechanisms of compe