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Your search for "*" yielded 533549 hits

Simulation and Modelling of Solar Dryer in COMSOL: Analysis of Airflow

"Solar Food: Reducing post-harvest losses through improved solar drying" is a project that is a collaboration between Lund University and the Royal University of Bhutan, financed by the Swedish Research Council. The goal of the project is to improve the quality and decrease post-harvest losses of food in rural Bhutan and Nepal through low-cost, efficient solar-powered food dryers. In th

Nationalekonomin i kristider

Ämnet nationalekonomi omfattar många områden.Här ska jag lägga fokus på ett av dessa, nämligen makroekonomi. Makroekonomen studerar och förklarar fenomen som konjunktursvängningar, tillväxt, arbetslöshet, ränta, växelkurser, löner och inflation. Makroteorin ligger till grund för förslag om hur samhällsekonomin kan styras genom stabiliseringspolitik. Denna består traditionellt av två grenar: finansÄmnet nationalekonomi omfattar många områden.Här ska jag lägga fokus på ett av dessa, nämligen makroekonomi. Makroekonomen studerar och förklarar fenomen som konjunktursvängningar, tillväxt, arbetslöshet, ränta, växelkurser, löner och inflation. Makroteorin ligger till grund för förslag om hur samhällsekonomin kan styras genom stabiliseringspolitik. Denna består traditionellt av två grenar: finans

The succession of ecological divergence and reproductive isolation in adaptive radiations

Adaptive radiation is a major source of biodiversity but the way in which known components of ecological opportunity, ecological differentiation, and reproductive isolation underpin such biodiversity patterns remains elusive. Much is known about the evolution of ecological differentiation and reproductive isolation during single speciation events, but exactly how those processes scale up to comple

Psychometric properties of the EQ-5D-5L in patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis : confirmatory factor analysis and item response theory

Purpose (the aim of the study): There is limited evidence on psychometric properties of EQ-5D-5L among people with osteoarthritis (OA) undertaking non-surgical treatment. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the EQ-5D-5L among individuals with knee or hip OA participating in a digitally delivered education and exercise therapy.Methods: Secondary analysis of d

Land use and land cover change in locally supported wildlife management areas in the Nyerere-Selous ecosystem, Tanzania

Worldwide, there is conversion of natural habitats to other land cover types. These are explained by changes in land use and climate change. In Tanzania, environmental degradation happens also within and around protected areas. To mitigate the effects, wildlife management areas (WMAs) surrounding the borders of protected areas in Tanzania have been promoted. They are based on the concept of commun

Ultrafast population transfer and ionization mechanisms in intense laser fields

This thesis addresses different aspects of atoms interacting with strong laser fields. The focus is on population and ionization dynamics occurring on ultrafast timescales, when atoms are subjected to intense extreme ultraviolet or infrared laser light. Different ways of modeling these interactions are considered. Comparisons to experimental results are performed in certain cases, and in other cas

Islamic studies and the arts : new research methodologies in working with refugees in Jordan

Since the outbreak of the Syrian war in 2011, more than 750,000 Syrians (UNHCR, 2018. Fact Sheet. Available from: [Accessed 10 September 2018]) found refuge in Jordan. This paper discusses the use of Art as a research tool to examine Syrian women’s narratives of displacement, identity and home. By drawing the contours of thei

It’s time our elected leaders learn how money works

Although understanding money creation is fundamental to addressing our economic and environmental problems, few of those we trust to make decisions about our future know how money works. Monetary schools are therefore sorely needed. Fortunately, there are many. Since 2008, a wide variety of citizen groups around the world have started local monies. Some municipalities are building on those lessons

Conversion to Islam in Ireland : A post-Catholic subjectivity?

This article discusses the conversion experiences as recalled by Irish women who converted to Islam during the so-called ‘Celtic-Tiger’ period—the years of Ireland’s dramatic economic boom and major socio-cultural transformations between 1995 and 2007. In this period, the increasing religious diversity of Irish society and the decline of the social authority of the Catholic Church facilitated the

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Comment harmoniser les politiques écologiques et sociales ? Comment remettre la société dans une dynamique de progrès et de justice ? Rendez-vous pour deux journées de débats à la cinquième édition de Solutions solidaires, les 1er et 2 février à Bordeaux, en partenariat avec le département de la Gironde.

Religious Education in a Global-Local World

This book examines Religious Education (RE) in over ten countries, including Australia, Indonesia, Mali, Russia, UK, Ireland, USA, and Canada. Investigating RE from a global and multi-interdisciplinary perspective, it presents research on the diverse past, present, and possible future forms of RE. In doing so, it enhances public and professional understanding of the complex issues and debates surr

Building brains; What can we conclude about children's educational success by looking at their brain structure, cognitive abilities, and socioeconomic background?

Recognizing individual differences is essential for creating inclusive and effective educational settings that support all children's learning and school success and that are considerate of their varying needs. The primary aim of this work was to help uncover some of the influencing factors and underlying dynamics that affect children’s individual educational attainment. Through brain imaging and

Sustainability and EU Migration Law : Tracing the history of a contemporary concept

Sustainable migration is the new objective of the EU migration policy. But what does this mean in terms of legal design? What instruments should be put in place to achieve it? And most importantly what does it imply for migrants’ rights? While sustainability has attracted scholarly attention in law and politics already since the 1990s, sustainable migration is an extremely understudied topic with