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KlimaSeniorinnen and the Question(s) of Causation

In my blog post, I turn to a more technical aspect of the judgment, namely the question of causation. I will untangle the analytical gymnastics that the Court performs regarding this question. I will argue that the reasoning regarding causation is confusing and that it is not clear how specifically the ‘real prospect’ test is applied for finding a breach.

En kartläggning av förlossningsförberedande information från barnmorskor på barnmorskemottagningar.

Med utgångspunkt från mödrahälsovårdens basprogram avgör barnmorskan vad det är för information som ska delges under barnmorskemottagningens föräldrautbildning. Barnmorskans arbete ska främja de blivande föräldrarnas delaktighet genom information och möjligheten till informerat val. Specifik förlossningsförberedande information om exempelvis valmöjlighet av förlossningsplats hittas endast som bify

Planhushållning i garderoben : Modejournalistik under andra världskriget

I spåren av ransonering och materialbrist under andra världskriget uppmanade modetidningarna svenskarna att hushålla med sina resurser och planera nyinköp noga. I stället för att som vanligt locka med nya varor rådde de nu läsarna att återbruka och sy om sina befintliga plagg. Men ju längre kriget pågick desto tydligare syntes en längtan efter mer flärdfullhet, färg och glädje i modet.

A GIS assessment on the feasibility of onshore solar and wind energy development in Hong Kong

While the government of Hong Kong has acknowledged the need to increase renewable energy contributions in its fuel mix, the implementation of renewable energy projects in the region is constrained by complex topography and limited land availability. To overcome these challenges, a pragmatic solution is devised through the use of a site suitability analysis which expedites the identification of

Health benefits of oat (Avena sativa) bioactives. Acute and second-meal effects of oat polar lipids and beta-glucans.

The global prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes andcardiovascular diseases, continues to increase. Dietary habits are the most significant contributingmodifiable factor in this context. A healthy diet must thus form part of successful preventive strategies tocombat cardiometabolic diseases.Oats are a sustainable cereal, rich in potential health-promoting bio

Conceptual Design and Operation of an Integrated Mycoprotein Fermentation Process Focusing on Side Stream Resource Recovery

Mycoprotein är ett köttalternativ som de flesta svenskar ätit någon gång i sitt liv. Men trots att det är betydligt mer miljövänligt än vanligt kött har det fortfarande stora brister speciellt när det kommer till vattenutsläpp. I en värld där rent vatten är en bristvara finns det mycket att vinna på att kunna återvinna vattnet men kanske går det också att skapa nya värdefulla produkter samtidigt.Mycoprotein from the fungi Fusarium Venenatum A3/5 has been used as a meat alternative for a long time but little attention has been paid to the waste it creates. When the fungi is fermenting it uses a lot of water which is sent to the drain after the process is finished. This water contains large quantities of both nutrients and biomass. As circular economy is becoming more important for environm

Experimental study of pool boiling performance of Fe3O4 ferromagnetic nanofluid on a copper surface

Nanofluids significantly enhance the critical heat flux of boiling heat transfer. This paper experimentally investigates the pool boiling performance and the influence mechanism of Fe3O4 nanofluids. Compared with deionized water, the 0.001 vol% nanofluid increases a maximum enhancement in critical heat flux by 47.90%. During nanofluid boiling, Fe3O4 nanoparticles are deposited on the surfaces. The

Analog-to-Digital Converters for High-Speed Applications

This thesis delves into the multifaceted challenges of designing analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) tailored for high-speed and medium accuracy applications, particularly in deeply scaled-down CMOS technologies across five comprehensive chapters within its Introduction. Furthermore, it explores the evolution of mobile telephony from the first-generation (1G) to the last commercialized generation

The engaged university delivering social innovation

This paper examines a programme initiated and managed by an entrepreneurial university in the United Kingdom (UK), aiming to foster the circular water economy in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our focus is on transitioning from conventional models of the entrepreneurial university to innovative forms of knowledge exchange that prioritise social innovation and sustainable development, as per the “engaged univ

Heat transport at the nanoscale and ultralow temperatures—Implications for quantum technologies

In this Perspective, we discuss thermal imbalance and the associated electron-mediated thermal transport in quantum electronic devices at very low temperatures. We first present the theoretical approaches describing heat transport in nanoscale conductors at low temperatures, in which quantum confinement and interactions play an important role. We then discuss the experimental techniques for genera

Personality traits explain the relationship between psychedelic use and less depression in a comparative study

Interest in psychedelics is increasing due to the potential for improved mental health and quality of life. However, adverse effects on mental health are still a concern. Personality traits have been suggested to both influence the psychedelic experience and mental health, and even be changed by psychedelic use. The present study describes for the first time a national sample of Swedish psychedeli

What Does Queer Have to Do with Ecumenism?

Some observers claim that ecumenism has entered the season of winter and that ecumenism does not flourish as it has done in other periods. This article proposes that queer theory, an academic field that in different ways addresses and challenges questions of identity, offers perspectives to respond to this challenge and allow ecumenism to enter springtime. One of the main elements within queer the

Hitting the Nail on the Head - Exploring the Post-Quantum Potential of Rowhammer

The dense arrangement of memory cells in modern computing systems introduces a significant concern known as read disturbance errors, stemming from the electrical properties of the capacitors within memory cells. When a memory cell is read, there exists a probability that it may inadvertently discharge its stored electrical charge to neighbouring cells, potentially altering their state from uncharg

Advancing X-ray imaging with deep learning : Physics-inspired reconstruction approaches

The development of high-brilliance X-ray sources, such as the fourth-generation diffraction-limited storage rings and X-ray free-electron lasers, have opened up new possibilities for X-ray imaging and pushed the temporal resolutions of imaging techniques to unprecedented levels. Capturing fast dynamics in two-dimensional (2D), three-dimensional (3D), and even four-dimensional (4D, 3D + time) beyon

Assessing single-fuel solutions enabling compression ignition of renewable methanol

Idag transporteras stora mängder gods runt om i världen med lastbilar och fartyg, vilket förväntas fortsätta även i framtiden då det är avgörande för samhällets funktion. Det vanligaste framdrivningssystemet för dessa fordon är kompressionständningsmotorn, även känd som dieselmotorn, som då vanligtvis drivs av fossilt dieselbränsle. Detta resulterar i betydande utsläpp som måste minskas, för att uIn today's world, the transportation of goods via trucks and ships plays a pivotal role, and this trend is expected to persist in the foreseeable future, owing to its critical importance to society. However, the most common propulsion system for these vehicles, the compression ignition (CI) engine, commonly known as the diesel engine, relies heavily on fossil diesel fuel, resulting in significant

Beyond Urban Sketching: Ethnographic Drawing as a Visual Analytical Method

In this article I have chosen a contemporary phenomenon, urban sketching, as an empirical starting point. Through active participation as an urban sketcher through digital publishing, dialogue and interaction, I analyze my analytical process and urban sketching practice. The aim is to examine ethnographic drawing as a visual cultural analytical method. My contribution is based the connection betwe

Amningsrådgivning under graviditeten - Barnmorskans upplevelse av arbetet med att erbjuda och ge amningsrådgivning till den gravida kvinnan

Bakgrund: Sverige har en nedåtgående amningsstatistik sedan 2004 och globalt ammas endast 48 procent av spädbarn exklusivt vid 5 månaders ålder. Tidigare forskning har visat att föräldrar hade önskat mer amningsförberedande information under graviditeten, vilket ingår i barnmorskans kompetensområde. Det finns få studier som undersökt barnmorskans perspektiv på hinder och möjligheter för amningsråd