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Barnmorskors upplevelser av barnmorskekunskap publicerat på sociala medier

Bakgrund: Barnmorskan ska ge kvinnor evidensbaserad information, för att stärka deras möjlighet att göra välinformerade val i vården. Alla människor i Sverige har rätt att uttrycka åsikter och ge allsidig upplysning inom vilket område som helst. Via sociala medier kan barnmorskor och andra kontoinnehavare publicera barnmorskekunskap. Det finns flera svenska barnmorskor som publicerar kunskap inom

Kvinnors erfarenhet av graviditet, förlossning och eftervård samt önskan om kontinuitetsvård vid en framtida graviditet.

Bakgrund: Socialstyrelsen betonar vikten av kontinuitetsvård under graviditet, förlossning och eftervård. Kontinuitetsvård med barnmorskor (Case-load, Midwifery Continuity of Care) har i flertalet internationella studier visat att fler kvinnor känner sig trygga med vården och fler upplever en positiv förlossningsupplevelse. Kontinuitetsmodeller har även kunnat visa minskad förlossningsrädsla samt

Fundamental Social Rights and the EU Charter in Times of Crisis: Reality and Prospects

The core aim of this chapter is to explore the potential of the EU Charter in developing social protection in times of poly-crisis. In the past, EU Member States have gone through a number of events that have been termed as crises, calling for a paradigm shift in EU governance (economic, migration, and more recently health crises). While the effects of these crises are still felt, the EU is faced

Anisotropic quasi-static permittivity of rare-earth scandate single crystals measured by terahertz spectroscopy

We report the real-valued static and complex-valued quasi-static anisotropic permittivity parameters of rare-earth scandate orthorhombic single crystal GdScO3 (GSO), TbScO3 (TSO), and DyScO3 (DSO). Employing continuous-wave terahertz spectroscopy (0.2-1 THz), the complex permittivity was extracted using an anisotropic ambient-film-ambient model. Data obtained from multiple samples of the same oxid

Experiences of managers and staff working in community-based mental health with people ageing with severe mental health problems

Background: Existing research shows that older people with severe mental health problems need different forms of support in daily life and in the community to lead an active and meaningful life. A common form of support for people with severe mental health problems in Sweden is attendance at community-based day centres (DCs). However, knowledge of staff and managers’ experiences of how people agei

Aspects on efficacy in endovascular treatment with drug eluting stents and balloons in the repair of stenotic vessel lesions with special reference to local drug therapy

Abstract:Background:The need for vascular procedures for certain disease-specific causes is a majorissue for health care today. This thesis will focus on endovascular treatmentfor PAD and malfunctioning haemodialysis access. Although many other vasculardiseases and anatomic regions sometimes need to be managed with endovascularprocedures, PAD and haemodialysis access together account for a signifi

Breeding, feeding and mobility among dogs in the elite in the Merovingian period – Analysis of dogs in the boat grave Nabberör, Öland, Sweden

By the Merovingian Period (6–8th century CE) a large variety of dogs and the earliest evidence of dog leashes appear in South Scandinavia. This indicates exchange, breeding and use of new types of dogs in this period. The purpose of this study is to examine the social significance and function of dogs in the Merovingian Period in South Scandinavia based on an analysis of the Nabbero ̈r boat grave By the Merovingian Period (6–8th century CE) a large variety of dogs and the earliest evidence of dog leashes appear in South Scandinavia. This indicates exchange, breeding and use of new types of dogs in this period. The purpose of this study is to examine the social significance and function of dogs in the Merovingian Period in South Scandinavia based on an analysis of the Nabberör boat grave on

Photon-counting computed tomography for paediatric congenital heart defects yields images of high diagnostic quality with low radiation doses at both 70 kV and 90 kV

Background: Photon-counting computed tomography (PCCT) is a new clinical method that may show better diagnostic quality at lower radiation doses than conventional CT. Objective: To investigate the diagnostic quality and radiation dose of paediatric cardiovascular PCCT for diagnosis of congenital heart defects at 70 kV and 90 kV. Materials and methods: This retrospective assessment included clinica

Reconciling East Asia's mid-Holocene temperature discrepancy through vegetation-climate feedback

The term “Holocene temperature conundrum” refers to the inconsistencies between proxy-based reconstructions and transient model simulations, and it challenges our understanding of global temperature evolution during the Holocene. Climate reconstructions indicate a cooling trend following the Holocene Thermal Maximum, while model simulations indicate a consistent warming trend due to ice-sheet retr

Structural basis of Cfr-mediated antimicrobial resistance and mechanisms for its evasion

The ribosome is an essential drug target as many classes of clinically important antibiotics bind and inhibit its functional centers. The catalytic peptidyl transferase center (PTC) is targeted by the broadest array of inhibitors belonging to several chemical classes. One of the most abundant and clinically prevalent mechanisms of resistance to PTC-acting drugs is C8-methylation of the universally

Autonoma Vapensystem och folkrätten - Problem, definition och överblick

Den här uppsatsen går igenom Autonoma militära system och dess unika utmaningar för den internationella rätten. Med ett fokus på användning, och utveckling av dessa inom ramen för krigets lagar angående ”jus bello”. Upp-satsen utreder ocskå frågan om vilken definition som bör användas, om det åligger ett s.k. ”responsibility gap” som är unikt för AMS och hur detta för-håller sig till frågan om indThis paper examines the issue of autonomous military systems and their unique challenges for international law, with a focus on the use and develop-ment of these systems in the framework of international regulation regarding “jus bello”. It also examines the issue of which definition of “autonomous military systems” should be used. The paper examines the question if there is a so called “responsib

Relationship between nitrate, heavy metal, and sterols contents in Japanese agricultural soils with risk of groundwater pollution

In Japanese agricultural lands, nitrate-nitrogen contamination of soil and groundwater often occurs due to the application of livestock excrements and compost. Therefore, rural soils in Japan were sampled and analyzed for nitrate-nitrogen leaching, heavy metal content, and sterols associated with livestock excrement and compost to calculate contamination risk indicators. The results were analyzed

Examining E-banking Use in Yemen: A Quantitative Study from the Perspective of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2

This thesis uses a quantitative method to explore the factors that influence the use of electronic banking (e-banking) in Yemen, considering the role of socioeconomic conditions and technological accessibility. By using an adapted Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) model, the study examines how performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating con

2-Cyanoethyl dimethyldithiocarbamate, a new contact allergen found in accelerator-free nitrile gloves

Background: Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) from rubber glove usage is usually caused by rubber additives such as the accelerators. However, in analyses of the suspected gloves, ordinary rubber allergens are not always found. Accelerator-free rubber gloves are available, but some patients with accelerator allergy do not tolerate them and might also be patch test positive to them. Objectives: To

ONIX : an X-ray deep-learning tool for 3D reconstructions from sparse views

Time-resolved three-dimensional (3D) X-ray imaging techniques rely on obtaining 3D information for each time point and are crucial for materials-science applications in academia and industry. Standard 3D X-ray imaging techniques like tomography and confocal microscopy access 3D information by scanning the sample with respect to the X-ray source. However, the scanning process limits the temporal re

Fysioterapeuters upplevelser av att arbeta med spasticitet hos personer med ryggmärgsskada - en intervjustudie

Bakgrund Varje år drabbas cirka 19 personer per miljon invånare av ryggmärgsskador i Sverige, som orsakas av traumatiska skador eller av olika sjukdomstillstånd i ryggmärgen. En vanlig konsekvens av ryggmärgsskador är spasticitet, som förekommer hos 60-80% av personer med ryggmärgsskada. Fysioterapeuter har en central roll i behandlingen av spasticitet, men det saknas studier om deras upplevelser