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Touchdowns in winespeak: ontologies and construals in use and meaning-making

The aim is to analyze wine descriptions in a lexical semantic framework that is capable of accounting for generalizations and explanations of use and meaning-making in general as well as in text genres such as wine tasting notes. The model is Lexical meaning as ontologies and construals (Paradis 2005), LOC for short, within the broader framework of Cognitive Semantics. Two touchdowns are made. The

Plant aquaporins

Aquaporins are integral membrane proteins that specifically transports water. In plants, aquaporins have been identified in the plasma membrane and in the vacuolar membrane. The presence of aquaporins provides the plant with an opportunity to regulate the flux of water between cells and within the cell by changing the abundance or activity of the aquaporins. One aquaporin, PM28A, and two aquaporin

Information Processing and Constraint Satisfaction in Wason’s Selection Task

In Wason’s Selection Task, subjects: (i) process information from the instructions and build a mental representation of the problem, then: (ii) select a course of action to solve the problem,under the constraints imposed by the instructions. We analyze both aspects as part of a constraint satisfaction problem without assuming Wason’s ‘logical’ solution to be the correct one. We show that outcome o

Balancing: a basic process in end-of-life cancer care

In this grounded theory study, the authors interviewed caregivers andpatients in end-of-life cancer care and found Balancing to be a fundamentalprocess explaining the problem-solving strategies of most participants and offering a comprehensive perspective on both health care in general and end-of-life cancer care in particular. Balancing stages wereWeighing— sensing needs and wishes signaled by pa

Kulturprosten. Torsten Fogelqvist som DN-publicist och folkbildare

The dissertation outlines the ideas behind Torsten Fogelqvist's (1880-1941) ambitions as a publicist for Dagens Nyheter and as a public educator. The study also seeks to do justice to a forgotten, or at least not exhaustively analysed, discussion, during the first four decades of the last century, and deals with education, humanism, modernity, cultural heritage, the role of the press and anti-Nazi

Electrostatic Interactions in Complex Liquids : A Thermodynamic Analysis Based on the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation and the Flexible Surface Model

The aim of this study was to analyse physico-chemical properties of some complex liquids using the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) cell model; to extend the theory to cover bilayer systems with complex global geometry; finally to apply this new extended model to such bilayer systems. The PB cell model provides a practical tool to examine counterion association and phase behaviour for structures of simple

Dynamics of Photoinduced Processes in Dye-Sensitized Nanocrystalline Semiconductor Films--Reactions in the Photoactive Part of the Grätzel Solar Cell

The key materials used to convert solar energy into electricity in the Grätzel-type solar cells are dye molecules and titanium dioxide particles attached to each other. The former are similar to those in common products like purple pigments in blueberry juice, while the latter are like sunscreen, white paint, or toothpaste. Their size, measured in nanometers, is a hundred thousand times smaller th

Response to emergency way-finding systems by people from different cultures

Some colours might have different connotations depending on people’s cultural backgrounds. When talking about evacuation, the colour employed for exit signs and flashing lights plays a significant role because it is responsible for conveying a message to the evacuees, either danger or safety. The aims of this study are to evaluate the influence of red and green emergency way-finding systems on the