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Engagerande föreläsningar enligt principer för erfarenhetsbaserat lärande med stöd av filmer, övningar och bildspel
Drivkraften i denna studien har varit att utveckla en föreläsningsmetodik som skapar engagemang och utrymme för reflektion vilket är en förutsättning för lärande. Föreläsningstillfällena bygger på principerna för ett erfarenhetsbaserat lärande med visuellt stöd i form av filmvisning, bildspel, interaktiva övningar och bildbaserade åhörarkopior. Resultaten visar att föreläsningsmetodiken upplevdes
PISA är inte det man tror
Transcription, splicing and genetic structure within the human endogenous retroviral HERV-H family.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den mänskliga arvsmassan består bara till en begränsad del av gener som kodar för proteiner som används för livsnödvändiga funktioner. Så mycket som 50 % eller mer består av repetitiva sekvenser, dvs sådana DNA element som finns i 100-100.000-tals mer eller mindre identiska kopior. Man kan säga att dessa är genetiska parasiter som använder sig av den mänskliga cellens eHuman endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) are remains of ancient retroviral infections of the germ line and constitute as much as 3 % of the human genome. HERVs are genetic elements that potentially may provide important biological functions by several different mechanisms. The ability to transpose long after the initial insertion into the germ line may provide a potent source of insertional mutagenes
Bioreduction of Carbonyl Compounds to Chiral Alcohols by Whole Yeast Cells: Process Optimisation, Strain Design and Non-Conventional Yeast Screening.
Chiral building blocks are needed for the production of drugs and fine chemicals, which requires the use of several synthetic routes to produce a specific enantiomer of interest. One promising approach to introduce chirality into molecules is the stereo-selective whole cell bioreduction of carbonyl compounds or ketones to the corresponding chiral alcohols. The aim of this thesis was to develop ef
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Hegels Fenomenologi. En analys och kommentar
Boken innehåller en löpande kommentar till och analys av Hegels första huvudverk "Phänomenologie des Geistes" (1807). Därutöver rymmer den ett antal undersökningar om olika teman och problem relaterade till Hegels verk. Dess grundläggande idé samt övergripande struktur lyfts fram, liksom den idéhistoriska kontext i vilken boken tillkom.
Idrott över sundet : ett integrationsprojekt 2003-2004
Busslinjenät och bebyggelse i medelstora städer
Abstract in Undetermined [no abstract]
Packaging for eco-efficient supply chains: why logistics should get involved in the packaging development process
Nationalism : gamla och nya debatter
GDNF gene delivery in an animal model of Parkinson's disease. Long-term effects on intact, injured and transplanted dopamine neurons using lentiviral gene transfer
Popular Abstract in Swedish Parkinsons sjukdom är en av de vanligaste neurodegenerativa sjukdomarna och orsakas av en selektiv förlust av dopaminerga neuron i mellanhjärnans substantia nigra (SN). Detta leder till en minskad mängd dopamin (DA) i hjärnans motoriska centrum, striatum, vilket orsakar de karakteristiska symptomen bradykinesi, muskelrigiditet och tremor. Förlusten av DA neuron i SN skeParkinson's disease is characterized by a progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, leading to a loss of dopamine in the target structure striatum and development of motor symptoms, such as bradykinesia, rigidity and tremor. New experimental treatment strategies for Parkinson's disease are aimed at either preventing the degeneration of the dopaminergic neurons, or a
Respiration and lipid metabolism
Abstract is not available
A family of complex tandem DNA repeats in the telomeres of Chironomus pallidivittatus
A family of 340-bp tandem telomere-associated DNA repeats is present in 50- to 200-kb blocks in seven of the eight paired chromosome ends in Chironomus pallidivittatus. It consists of four main subfamilies, differing from each other by small clusters of mutations. This differentiation may reflect different functional roles for the repeats. Here we find that one subfamily, D3, is consistently local
Training Regions Research Strategy 2011-2013
Abstract in UndeterminedOur world is changing and cities and regions are increasingly understood not only asplaces, but also as vital hubs in national and global networks, through which people,capital, goods and services flow to ensure the functioning of society, as we know it. Peopleand capital are increasingly concentrated in these hubs, which aside of positive effects onefficiency also is assoc
Environmental value orientation as an explanation of differing motives for conservation of the local biodiversity.
Biological diversity encompasses the genetic diversity within each species, the range of species in a given ecosystem e.g. species diversity and the diversity of ecosystems across an entire region (Primack, 2000). At present 1 per cent of the world’s described species are threatened with extinction. The most pervasive and overriding threat is habitat loss and degradation due to human activity such
Geochronology of Tectonothermal Events in the Parautochthonous Eastern Segment of the Sveconorwegian (Grenvillian) Orogen, Southwestern Sweden
Timing of deformation and metamorphism yield important information for understanding the development of orogenic processes and correlation of mobile belts and continents. This thesis adds new geochronological data constraining the age of protoliths and events of reworking in the frontal region of the c. 1.2-0.9 Ga Sveconorwegian (Grenvillian) Orogen in SW Sweden. The Eastern Segment mainly consis
An electrochemical-cantilever platform for hybrid sensing applications
This work presents a fully-functional, microfabricated electrochemical-cantilever hybrid platform with flow control. A new cantilever chip format is designed, fabricated, and mounted in a custom polymer flow cell. Issues such as leakage and optical/electrical access are addressed, and combined mechanical and electrochemical performance is investigated. Lastly, a cantilever is “defunctionalized” in