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The Exemplary Lives of Christian Heroes as an Historical Construct

In this text I examine how leading theologians within the Church of Sweden during the latter half of the nineteenth century elaborated on historical men as heroes in public speeches and in their works on the history of Christianity. The Christian hero as a prototype for contemporary Christians was emphasised within an evolving nationalistic discourse. The historical hero was of crucial importance

Future Research Agenda for Sustainable Lifestyles

In the SPREAD Sustainable Lifestyles 2050 European Social Platform project, a diverse group of societal stakeholders from business, research policy and civil society participated in the development of a vision for sustainable lifestyles in Europe by 2050. The Research Agenda is a key deliverable of the SPREAD Sustainable Lifestyles 2050 project.

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This is a presentation of women dramatists and directors in Swedish postwar theatre.

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This paper presents the 1936 Spanish general elections as they were seen at the time by the Swedish Envoyé in Madrid and by the Swedish press. While there is plenty of Swedish historical research on Sweden’s role in the Spanish civil war, there are very few studies on the relationships between Sweden and the Spanish Republic before July 1936. Therefore, this study relies almost entirely on two gro

Money Pump with Foresight

I describe in section 1 how cyclical preferences can arise. In section 2, I relate preference to judgments of choiceworthiness and distinguish between two kinds of preference cycles, vicious and benign. In section 3, I run through the standard money pump in order to show, in section 4, how this pump can be stopped by foresight, using backward induction. A new money pump that *cannot* be stopped by