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Evaluation of MRI as a diagnostic method in biliary tract conditions

Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING Smärtor i övre högra delen av buken och/eller gulsot är de mest vanliga symptomen relaterade till lever och gallvägssjukdomar. Den vanligaste orsaken till gallvägssjukdom är sten i gallblåsa och gallvägar som kan leda till inflammation av gallblåsa, gallvägar, lever och bukspottkörtel. Andra sjukdomar är tumörer i nämnda organ. SymptomThe diagnostic value of modern fast pulse sequences and breath-hold technique was evaluated in a prospective study of patients with suspected biliary diseases. The cost-effectiveness of MRI compared to ultrasound was calculated. Characteristics of acute cholecystitis and cholangitis were evaluated, the appearance of bile in MRCP with reference to its chemical and physical properties was studied, a

Pervasive applications through scripted assemblies of services

This paper proposes a technique for letting end users build pervasive applications by combining services on networked devices. The approach avoids relying on standardized service interfaces which are deemed too limiting, and instead makes use of migratable user interfaces and scripted combinations of services.

Comparison of static analysis tools for finding concurrency bugs

This paper highlights the issues of detecting Java concurrency bugs using static code analysis tools. Concurrency bugs are often hard to find because of interleaving threads and there is need to use static analysis tools to detect the concurrency bugs. In the literature review, we established that there are number of static analysis tools such as FindBugs, JLint and Chord, used in experiments to d

Fault injection and fault handling: an MPSoC demonstrator using IEEE P1687

As fault handling in multi-processor system-on-chips (MPSoCs) is a major challenge, we have developed an MPSoC demonstrator that enables experimentation on fault injection and fault handling. Our MPSoC demonstrator consists of (1) an MPSoC model with a set of components (devices) each equipped with fault detection features, so called instruments, (2) an Instrument Access Infrastructure (IAI) based

Muntlig kontinuerlig examination

I en stor grundkurs har teknologen fått möjlighet att varannan vecka redovisa muntligt att han/hon räknat och förstått alla föreskrivna exempel. Dessutom krävs godkänt på en obligatorisk kontroll- skrivning. För högre betyg och som alternativ till den muntliga kontinuer- liga examinationen finns en skriftlig tentamen. Positiva effekter är att teknologen arbetar med kursen under kursens hela gång,