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Fattigdom - ett problem för vem?
Kollektivtrafikmedel och trafikanläggningar för stora trafikmängder. Kompendium i Trafikteknik 3 C.
Droplet size and concentration mapping in sprays using SLIPI based techniques
Laser diagnostics have become state of the art tools for locally measuring droplet size, velocity and temperature in atomizing sprays. However, when applied in optically dense situations, these techniques suffer from measurement errors induced by unwanted effects such as laser intensity reduction along the path of propagation (light extinction), attenuation in signal intensity collected by the det
Riksdagen och konsensusdemokratin
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Nordic Voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative Education in the Nordic Countries
Funktionshindrade mellan SoL och LSS
On the genesis of travel mode fixation. A comparison of the travel mode socialization in Germany, Japan and Sweden.
The Welfare State Depicted: Post-Utopian Landscapes in Ingmar Bergman's Films
This essay studies the depiction of landscape in Bergman's films in relation to traditional imagery in Swedish films. Bergman's landscapes are here regarded as an implicit criticism of the self-image of the Swedish model welfare state.
Quantitative design guideline for wood in outdoor above ground applications
Uppåkra - en exceptionell centralplats
Scheduling deadline driven packet flows in HiperAccess
Wireless communication systems are by nature and by regulations limited in bandwidth and hence capacity. Services with high demands on quality of service (QoS) will enforce high demands on the available capacity. This observation motivates the development of schedulers that can deliver the required QoS as well as being resource efficient. In this paper, we provide expressions of the worst case del
Finite element analysis of a rubber bushing considering rate and amplitude dependent effects
A cylindrical bushing subjected to a stationary cyclic load is analysed with emphasis on the amplitude and frequency dependent damping and modulus. The material parameters were determined from a dynamic shear test, in terms of a viscoelastic-elastoplastic model. Using an overlay of finite element meshes, the material model was implemented in a finite element model of the cylindrical bushing and su
A Proper Place of Death?
The nineteenth century’s long term planning and successive construction of new burial grounds and new ways of burial, with the help of among others scientific, technical and ideological strategies, have been quite successful in institutionalising a consciousness of what a proper place of death should be like. For the architect Augustus Welby Pugin the promotion of a revival of the Gothic style in
The Genetic System in Plant Mitochondria Has Several Special Features
The genetic systems in mitochondria and plastids differ both structurally and functionally from the nuclear genome and its gene expression. On the other hand, mitochondria share several genetic features with bacteria. For example, several genes are transcribed together and the ribosomes are of a prokaryotic type. This is in line with the evolutionary origin of the mitochondrion as an endosymbiont
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Studies on surface proteins of Gram-positive bacteria
Popular Abstract in Swedish Grupp A streptokocker är bakterier som orsakar halsfluss, svinkoppor och rosfeber. Även allvarligare sjukdomstillstånd kan följa, t ex toxiskt schocksyndrom och nekrotiserande fasciit, som ibland har dödlig utgång. En annan vanlig bakterie är pneumokocken, som ger upphov till lunginflammation, mellanöreinflammation och hjärnhinneinflammation. Dessa vanliga bakterier utgDespite the availability of antibiotics and modern health care, infectious diseases continue to cause great suffering and costs. Bacterial surface proteins are important for the interaction between host and pathogen. This thesis gives an overview of the importance of bacterial surface proteins in Gram-positive bacteria, particularly Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus pyogenes. A novel cont
Foreign language acquisition in heritage speakers: The acquisition of articles in L3-English by German-Turkish bilinguals
Vad gör 1300-talet i Riket och vad gör Riket med 1300-talet?
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This article presents in compressed form the development of a psycho-ecological model for simulation of interpersonal relations (SIR). SIR is a method and an instrument, which permits a simulation of strat¬egies of interactive behaviour. From a behavioural science point of view the method should make it possible to map mechanisms that produce and reproduce behaviour. SIR may also be used as an aid