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Your search for "*" yielded 528938 hits

Pursuing pole position - Information sharing in the Chinese automotive supply chain

With near stagnant growth in most mature car markets, much of the attention of the world´s car industry has during recent years turned to China. The Chinese car market represents an important business opportunity for OEMs and dealers who want to keep growing and making profits. Initially, the focus of OEMs was mainly on setting up new dealerships, often giving processes and technology lower priori

Hydrocarbons in Greenland – Prospects for the Greenlandic Economy

There are high hopes in Greenland that the country will go from being a nation of fishermen to a nation of oil producers. But what do we really know about the prospects? Our thesis investigates how favourable the geological, economic and institutional conditions are for building a self-­sustaining economy in Greenland based on its hydrocarbon resources. The geological conclusions are encouraging.

A Supplier Quality Performance Tool -­‐ An integration of Costs of Quality into future supplier selections at Sony Mobile Communication

The suppliers are very important to a company due to the fact that they most likely are contributing to the company’s core business. This makes the process of selecting suppliers central. Many parameters can be included and taken into consideration in order to make as correct decisions as possible. The supplier selection process at Sony Mobile Communication indicates that except for technical requ

Vilken plats har sången i gitarrundervisningen? - En studie av sång som metodiskt hjälpmedel vid instrumentalundervisning

Frågeställningen har vuxit fram och konkretiserats i takt med att jag gjort praktik på olika skolor under min utbildningstid. Min erfarenhet är att man ofta utgår från instrumentet för att hjälpa eleven att lära sig saker. Jag vill med det här arbetet ta reda på hur man kan använda sången som ett metodiskt hjälpmedel i gitarrundervisningen. Den teoretiska bakgrunden redogör för tidigare forskning Title: What kind of position does singing have in guitar teaching? A study on the use of singing as a methodological tool in instrumental teaching. The question has emerged and delineated as I have had several internships at different schools during my music teacher education. My experience is that teachers mostly use the instrument to help the student to learn new things. With this survey I want

Etiska svårigheter i det sociala arbetet på ett asylboende för ensamkommande flyktingbarn

ABSTRACT The purpose of this essay is that, through a descriptive ethic study, with staff in an asylum accommodation describe the ethical views and difficulties that may arise in work with asylum seekers unaccompanied refugee children. To help investigate, I have used the following questions: • What ethical problems is the staff on asylum accommodation experiencing during the qualitative interview

De största hoten mot ett företags informationssystem

Information är en viktig resurs för företag och oavsett hur de bedriver verksamheten så ställs det krav på informationssäkerhet. Syftet med denna uppsats är att få kunskap om vilka de största hoten är mot ett företags informationssystem. I den teoretiska genomgången tas hot som malware, insiders, Social engineering, olyckor och misstag samt risker och hot med mobila enheter upp. Resultaten av unde

Målmedvetna karriärskvinnor eller ytliga partytjejer – unga tjejers bild av reality-serien Glamourama

I denna uppsats har vi studerat reality-serien Glamourama för att se vilka ämnen som tas upp i serien och hur de skildras. Med detta som utgångspunkt har vi analyserat vad serien har för inverkan på en ung, kvinnlig publik. För att ta få insikt i det har vi studerat vad fyra respondenter tycker och tänker kring seriens innehåll och vad de menar att serien har för värde i deras liv. Uppsatsens emp

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Psykiatriska Intensivvårdsavdelningen i Växjö

This report aims at a fire safety evaluation of PIVA, the psychiatric intensive care ward in Växjö. There are six beds in the ward but sometimes there are more patients and sometimes less. In PIVA patients are treated from one to six days. The report mainly focuses on prospective evacuation of the ward and on the improvements required for a satisfactory evacuation. The current fire protection has

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Färjeterminalen Kapellskärs Hamn, Norrtälje

The purpose of this project was to evaluate the fire safety of the ferryterminal in Kapellskär, Norrtälje. The whole project has been carried out as a part of the students’ education. The most important part of the evaluation has been the safety of the occupants in case of fire. As a result of this a lot of different estimations have been made, such as the size of the fire, its location in the bui

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Harry´s, Norrköping

In order to secure a safe evacuation for visitors to Harry’s nightclub in Norrköping a fire safety evaluation has been conducted. In this fire safety evaluation different scenarios have been studied. In every scenario fire calculations have been made and then compared with evacuation times. The current fire protection system has also been compared to Boverkets byggregler, the Swedish building code

När Gud tömde askfatet …

I samband med askmolnet under våren 2010 ställdes flertalet arbetsgivare inför problematiken hur arbetstagares frånvaro skulle hanteras. Uppsatsen redogör vilken arbetsrättslig reglering som finns när det gäller frånvaro orsakat av en force majeure situation, samt hur några utvalda organisationer tillämpade dessa regler i samband med askmolnet. Den belyser även hur regleringen skiljer sig beroendeDuring the spring of 2010 the ash cloud from an erupted Icelandic volcano caused serious problems across Europe. Several organisations faced problems, for example stranded employees abroad who were unable to appear at work. This paper describes the Swedish labour law regulation that exists in the absence caused by a force majeure situation, and how some selected organisations applied these rules i

Sverigedemokraterna och medias makt

Då media spelar en viktig roll i dagens samhälle, och framförallt för demokratin, har det av många kallat främlingsfientliga Sverigedemokraternas intåg i riksdagen blivit en stor medial händelse i Sverige. Vår ansats är kvalitativ och vi har utnyttjat oss utav textanalyser, på ett urval av nyhets- och debattartiklar. Det är vår uppgift och syfte att undersöka hur Sverigedemokraterna, med sin ifråg

“Not a rule of laws, but a rule of man” Tenure security and water accessibility in urban Cambodia

This thesis discusses water supply and the impacts of tenure policy in an urban context in a developing country, particularly the relationship between tenure status and access to water. The relationship between tenure security and poverty reduction has been vividly debated among many researchers over several decades. Recent research on water supply has highlighted the linkage to tenure and suggest

Experiences of Changing Jobs

Thesis purpose: The thesis aims to fill a gap in literature regarding introduction in new organizations for individuals with a professional past, to enable change in both organization and work tasks. Methodology: The research has been conducted through a hermeneutic methodology and interpretive stance. Qualitative interviews have been analysed through searching for themes. Research Question: How d

Terrorism: främling, fiende, okänd

The purpose of this study is to analyze if and how political elites manipulate identities for their own personal gain. We have chosen to examine how this manifests in the American terror legislation and specifically if identities are expressed in it. The legislation of choice in this study is the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) that defines terrorist activities. Using text analysis, we aim t

Utbredd, dold deltid bland arbetarklassens kvinnor : en studie av ojämlikhetssystem i de svenska kommunerna

The high level of part-time work among Swedish women raises concern with the Com-mitte on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, and Sweden should priori-tize the realization of women’s de facto equality with men in the labour market. The extent of part-time work should be analysed and measurses evaluated and revised. The purpose of this essay has been to examine part-time work among wom