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Gäster i huset : kulturell överföring mellan slaver och skandinaver 900 till 1300

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad har den slaviskt inspirerade östersjökeramiken som arkeologer finner i Skandinavien med slaver att göra? Levde de som gäster i huset? Vikingen och hanseaten har sedan länge sina platser inbokade på den historiska scenen. Under äldre medeltid rörde sig även andra aktörer över Östersjöns vatten. Främmande gäster besökte och bosatte sig i Skandinavien. Bland dem fanns Scholarly texts on Slavic-Scandinavian relations have concentrated on two main areas of interest. During the Viking Age the economic and social contacts between the lake Mälaren district and Rus’ were extensive. However, at the beginning of the Middle Ages, political antagonism between the two expanding realms of the Svear and the Novgorodians is noticeable. In southern Scandinavia, the hostility

Quantum-dot-induced ordering in GaxIn1-xP/InP islands

Thin layers of GaxIn1-xP grown on top of self-assembled InP quantum dots has been studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and low-temperature scanning tunneling luminescence (STL). STM reveals that the overgrowth is highly uneven, in which elongated GaxIn1-xP islands covering the dots are formed. TEM and high-spatial-resolution STL show that the q

Viral capsids: Mechanical characteristics, genome packaging and delivery mechanisms

The main functions of viral capsids are to protect, transport and deliver their genome. The mechanical properties of capsids are supposed to be adapted to these tasks. Bacteriophage capsids also need to withstand the high pressures the DNA is exerting onto it as a result of the DNA packaging and its consequent confinement within the capsid. It is proposed that this pressure helps driving the genom

Von Langenbeck or Wardill procedures for primary palatal repair in patients with isolated cleft palate--speech results

Sixty-six patients operated on for isolated cleft palate were evaluated as adults, and their speech was assessed clinically. Forty-four had undergone a von Langenbeck repair at the age of 7 months and 22 a Wardill repair at the age of 18 months. Speech was judged subjectively by the patients themselves, and perceptual assessment was made by three speech pathologists. The remaining speech problems,

Fogar i byggnaders ytterväggar

Rapporten är utformad som en handbok för hjälp vid dimensionering och utformning av fogar i byggnaders ytterväggar. Boken innehåller en grundläggande problembeskrivning, genomgång av påverkande faktorer, materiallära, dimensionerings- och utformningsanvisningar samt tillämpningsexempel på lämpliga fogutformningar.

CD11b(+)/Gr-1(+) immature myeloid cells mediate suppression of T cells in mice bearing tumors of IL-1 beta-secreting cells

Tumor cells secreting IL-1 beta are invasive and metastatic, more than the parental line or control mock-transfected cells, and concomitantly induce in mice general immune suppression of T cell responses. Suppression strongly correlates with accumulation in the peripheral blood and spleen of CD11b(+)/Gr-1(+) immature myeloid cells and hematological alterations, such as splenomegaly, leukocytosis,

Rektorers normer i ledarskapet för skolutveckling

Popular Abstract in Swedish I rektorers uppdrag ingår ansvar för den pedagogiska verksamheten förändras och utvecklas. Den fråga som ställs i avhandlingen gäller om det finns en gemensam norm för hur rektorer tänker och handlar när det gäller den utvecklingsinriktade delen av ledaruppdraget. Om så är fallet hur ser den ut och kan den utvecklas? Bakgrund Stora förändringar på ett internationellt This thesis puts a focus on school leadership and school development. The local authorities took over responsibility for public education in 1991. At the same time, steerage by rules was abandoned in favour of steerage by goal-setting and result evaluation. The principal is an important link in this chain of steerage. The question posed by the thesis concerns whether there are common norms for th

Closed-Loop Control of an HCCI Engine

This paper presents a strategy for closed-loop control of a multi-cylinder turbocharged Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine. A dual fuel port injection system allows control of combustion timing and load individually for each cylinder. The two fuels used are isooctane and n-heptane, which provides a wide range of autoignition properties. Cylinder pressure sensors provide feedbac

Principal component analysis in ECG signal processing

This paper reviews the current status of principal component analysis in the area of ECG signal processing. The fundamentals of PCA are briefly described and the relationship between PCA and Karhunen-Loeve transform is explained. Aspects on PCA related to data with temporal and spatial correlations are considered as adaptive estimation of principal components is. Several ECG applications are revie

Formate dehydrogenase-modified carbon paste electrodes for amperometric detection of formate

A simple and inexpensive amperometric biosensor for formate detection was obtained by immobilization of for-mate dehydrogenase (FDH) on graphite powder, modified with a new phenothiazine derivative (DDDP; 16H, 18H-dibenzo[c,l]-7,9-dithia-16,18-diazapentacene). Two different enzyme environments were used: FDH was adsorbed on DDDP-modified graphite powder in the presence of polyethylenimine (PEI) as

Hälsopedagogik i sjuksköterskeutbildningen

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen studeras hur lärare och studenter uppfattar hälsopedagogik i sjuksköterskeutbildningen. Det är begreppet hälsopedagogik som fokuseras, hur det innebördsligt kan förstås och beskrivas i ett utbildningssammanhang. Intresset för pedagogiskt arbete med hälsofrågor, har sin grund i en övertygelse, att hälsa kan påverkas genom kunskapsbildning. Pedagogiken handThis study is about health pedagogy in nursing education. The main purpose is to describe health pedagogy in the context of nursing education and to increase the understanding for the subject. It is the different experiences of how teachers and students understand the concept, and how this can be related to how health pedagogical knowledge is expressed in the documents which govern nurses' educati

The design of a 3 GHz thermionic RF-gun and energy filter for MAX-lab

A new pre-injector has been designed for the MAX-laboratory. It consists of an RF-gun and a magnetic energy filter. The newly designed RF-gun geometry will be operated at 3 GHz in the thermionic mode using a BaO cathode. The pre-injector will provide a 2.3 MeV electron beam in 3 ps micro pulses to a new injector system currently under construction. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserve

Urinary tract infections revisited.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) remain a significant clinical problem, despite antibiotic treatment and surgical correction of reflux and malformations. Here we propose that novel molecular tools may be applied to modernize and individualize the diagnosis and therapy of UTI. Determinants of bacterial virulence and host resistance are relatively well understood at the molecular level, and technolog