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Dödens semiotik : gravstenen som odödlighetens medium

Allt fler gravstenar har enbart namn och födelsedata. Likaså minskar antalet gravar med yrkesangivelse. Antalet gravstenar med blommor, fåglar och naturscenerier ökar. Huruvida dessa skall ses som en beskrivning av individen är osäkert, men i vissa fall är det uppenbart, t ex när tecknet utgörs av en hund eller en tydlig yrkessymbol. Liksom i dödsannonserna kan man förvänta sig att också gravstena

Silica fume concrete after 155 months

Long-term experimental studies on the interaction between silica fume and Portland cement in concrete subjected to air, water or sealed curing, are outlined. For this purpose 6000 kg of eight qualities of concrete were studied at 5 ages over a period of 155 months. Half of the concrete contained silica fume. Parallel studies of strength, hydration and rela-tive humidity were carried out. After 155

Angularly resolved electron wave packet interferences

We study experimentally the ionization of argon atoms by a train of attosecond pulses in the presence of a strong infrared laser field, using a velocity map imaging technique. The recorded momentum distribution strongly depends on the delay between the attosecond pulses and the laser field. We interpret the interference patterns observed for different delays using numerical and analytical calculat

Phase behavior of polyion-surfactant ion complex salts: Effects of surfactant chain length and polyion length

The aqueous phase behavior of a series of complex salts, containing cationic surfactants with polymeric counterions, has been investigated by visual inspection and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The salts were alkyltrimethylammonium polyacrylates, C(x)TAPA(y), based on all combinations of five surfactant chain lengths (C-6, C-8, C-10, C-12, and C-16) and two lengths of the polyacrylate chain

Endogenous substrates utilized by rat brain in severe insulin-induced hypoglycemia

Several previous studies have demonstrated that severe hypoglycemia is accompanied by consumption of endogenous brain substrates (glycolytic and citric acid cycle metabolites and free amino acids) and some have shown a loss of structural components as well, notably phospholipids. In the present study, on paralysed and artificially ventilated rats, we measured cerebral oxygen and glucose consumptio

Ultra-wideband communication using hybrid matched filter correlation receivers

For ultra-wideband (UWB) communication, Rake receivers using matched filter detection show the best performance but they are complex to realize due to the inherent channel estimation problem and combining problem. Transmitted reference schemes, on the other hand, allow for a less complex receiver structure that is able to combine the energy from different multipath components without channel estim

Effects of heat on meat proteins - Implications on structure and quality of meat products

Globular and fibrous proteins are compared with regard to structural behaviour on heating, where the former expands and the latter contracts. The meat protein composition and structure is briefly described. The behaviour of the different meat proteins on heating is discussed. Most of the sarcoplasmic proteins aggregate between 40 and 60 ° C, but for some of them the coagulation can extend

Formation of amyloid-like fibrils upon limited proteolysis of bovine alpha-lactalbumin

Bovine alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) (10 g L-1) was incubated with a protease from Bacillus licheniformis at pH 7.5 and 50 degreesC. The reaction was biphasic consisting of an initial hydrolysis of intact alpha-LA and formation of dimers from large hydrolysis products within 60 min followed by aggregation of dimers into aggregates of 500 kDa. The aggregates consisted primarily of fibrillar strands

Studies on Poverty in Mongolia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen studerar olika aspekter av fattigdom i Mongoliet, bland annat skattningar av dess storlek, effekter av fördelning och tillväxt förändringar samt olika policy besluts inverkan. Kapitel två analyserar förhållandet mellan fattigdom, tillväxt och ojämlikhet i Mongoliet. Analysen visar att sannolikheten att ett hushåll är fattigt beror på dess utbildninThis thesis considers various aspects of the poverty in Mongolia, including estimations of the actual as well as future-looking poverty, its distributional and growth components, and selected policy impacts on poverty. Chapter two analyzes the inter-relationship between poverty, growth, and inequality in Mongolia, using Living Standard Measurement Survey (LSMS) for 1998 and 2002. The results show

Surveillance of influenza A virus in migratory waterfowl in northern Europe

We conducted large-scale, systematic sampling of influenza type A virus in migratory waterfowl (mostly mallards [Anas platyrhynchos]) at Ottenby Bird Observatory, southeast Sweden. As with previous studies, we found a higher prevalence in fall than spring, and among juveniles compared with adults. However, in contrast to other studies, we found that prevalence in spring was sometimes high (mean 4.

Distinct roles of PKC isoforms in NCAM-mediated neurite outgrowth

The role of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms in the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM)-mediated neurite outgrowth was tested using a co-culture system consisting of fibroblasts with or without NCAM expression upon which either primary cerebellar granular neurones (CGN) or pheochromocytoma (PC12-E2) cells were grown. The latter transiently expressed various PKC isoforms and domains derived from se

Prevalence and risk of pulmonary embolism in patients with intracardiac thrombosis: a population-based study of 23,796 consecutive autopsies

Aims White right intracardiac thrombosis (IT) is a potential cause of pulmonary embolism (PE) similar to that of stroke in left-sided IT, its prevalence and prognostic significance has not been studied in the general population. The aim of this study was to assess the age- and gender-specific prevalence of IT and its relation to PE in a population-based autopsy cohort. Methods and Results Between