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Malmös bostadspolitik - en snickare utan verktyg

Malmö är exempel på en kommun med ambitiösa bostadspolitiska mål. Samtidigt visar vår uppsats att bostadsbyggandet styrs alltmer av marknadskrafter och att skillnaden mellan mål och medel inom bostadspolitiken är stor. Uppsatsens syfte är dels att ta reda på vilka förutsättningar Malmö stad ges att bedriva sin bostadspolitik. För att synliggöra de bostadspolitiska förhållandena tar vi hjälp av gov

Representing Who? - An analysis and critical discussion of the Sex Workers' Rights Movement in a Danish context

Situated in a polarized debate on prostitution and sex work, this thesis sets out to explore the characteristics of the Sex Workers Rights Movement in a contemporary Danish context. The thesis builds on respectively a critical theoretical and a social constructivist epistemology. It identifies two main opposing approaches to prostitution and sex work in respectably an “anti-prostitution-” and a “p

Studentportaler - Hur ser användarna på användingen

Denna uppsats behandlar hur vida användare anser studentportaler har dem funktioner som Collins(2002) anser portaler bör innehålla och hur detta påverkar struktur, kommunikation och informationshantering. Jag ska med denna uppsats få fram hur användarna ser på struktur, kommunikation och informationshantering men jag vill även se ifall det finns något annat som en studentportal kan bidra med och v

The Choice Situation in Swedish Elderly Care - A qualitative study of the system of choice within Swedish elderly care

Last year’s demographical changes and times of internationalization and also individualization have led to changes in the way welfare services are delivered. More specifically there have been changes made within social care and health care. The new times that have led to privatization has also increased the amount of service providers. Within elderly care, this is not an exception. Waves of New Pu

The botten is nådd - en kvalitativ studie om spelberoendes vändpunkter

The purpose of this study was to find out if gambling addicts experience turning points in their process to recover from their addiction. A qualitative approach with life chart method and semi structured interview was used. Fuchs Ebaugh theory about role exit and turning points was theoretical basis. The result is that every gambling addict in this study experienced one or several turning points d

First evidence of Late Cretaceous decapod crustaceans from Åsen, southern Sweden

Decapod crustacean remains were uncovered in 2011 at Åsen, the first from this site. Åsens Late Creta-ceous strata are part of the Kristianstad Basin, in southernmost Sweden. Seven cheliped moulds and a number of other remains such as pereiopod imprints were found in carbonate-cemented nodules within the sediments of the Campanian B. balsvikensis zone. Several different morphologies are present, a

Beslutsfattande - En studie om rekrytering med stereotypers inverkan

Uppsatsen behandlar beslutsfattande i rekryteringssammanhang med inverkan av stereotyper. Teorier kring beslutsfattande, grupper och stereotyper i relevant utsträckning beskrivs. Det huvudsakliga syftet med studien var att studera beslutsfattande med hjälp av att undersöka hur könsstereotyper kunde påverka beslutet i en rekryteringssituation. Detta utfördes genom ett experiment med en simulerad re

The influence of attachment on implicit affective opinions towards caregivers

Anknytningens påverkan på implicita emotionella åsikter gentemot vårdnadsgivare studerades genom ett experiment som innehöll en affektiv priming uppgift liknande den välkända lexikala beslutsuppgiften ”lexical decision task” (LDT). Reaktionstiden i millisekunder för varje prime och mål ord kombination registrerades och användes som indikator för den associativa styrkan mellan de två. Två anknytninThe influence of attachment quality and style on implicit emotional opinions towards caregivers was measured using an affective priming task very similar to a lexical decision task. The reaction time in milliseconds for each prime and target word combination was recorded and used and indication of associative strength between the two. Two attachment tests was administered, the ASQ-Sw questionnaire

“… men magkänslan sa nånting annat.” Etik och antagonismer i arbetet som polis

In this paper I have examined four police’s views on ethics in relation to their everyday work as civil servants. The theoretical framework is discourse theory, i.e. an understanding of reality structured through discourse, as formulated by Laclau and Mouffe, as well as an understanding of Othering and Racialization as structuring for society on both a national and international level. I have also

Does Hagwon Curfew Work? Effect of a Regulation over Operating Hours of Private Tutoring Institutions on Private Tutoring Expenditures in Korea

This investigation aims at estimating the effect of a regulation over operating hours of hagwon on private tutoring expenditures in Korea. The average treatment effect is measured with a difference-in-differences (DD) estimator using data from the survey of private education expenditure, conducted by the Statistics Korea (KOSTAT). By exploiting the fact that all education offices have placed a res

Goal Emulation in a Drummer Robot

Learning from demonstration represents a powerful type of learning and a promising alternative to programming robots. However, even after years of research in the field the current level of robot imitation skills can be compared to a 2-year old child. Most of the presented works up to now have been exact imitation of trajectories without any particular understanding about the rudimentary goals of t

Gender Difference in Researcher Career Interest: The Effect of Sense of Belonging, Occupational Goals and Social Identity Threat

Men are more interested in a researcher career than women, and awareness about the gender imbalance within the Academia increases men's interest (Tellhed, 2013). This study aimed to examine what causes the increase in men's interest and impairments in women's interest towards a researcher career. Two hundred and eight (99 males, 109 females) students received information about the Acad

Närvarande Frånvaro

I mitt biografiska projekt "Änkans unge", ställde jag mig frågan hur andra författare lyckats skildra närvaron av en försvunnen far. Jag valde tre frågeställningar som har betydelse i mitt eget projekt och jämförde med de valda författarnas framställan av dessa frågor i de utvalda böckerna. De tre frågeställningarna är: Hur skildras den fallande status som blev följden av den försvunne f

The reliability of the first generation infrared refractometers

En av de mest användbara instrumenten för identifiering av ädelstenar är refraktometern. Standardrefraktometern är baserad på synligt ljus, men en första generationens infraröd refraktometer är ute på marknaden. Den här nya refraktometern har inte visat rätt värden och därför är syftet med detta projekt att testa olika parametrar och se deras påverkan på resultaten. En av de mest användbara instrOne of the most valuable instruments for gem identification is the refractometer. The standard refractometer is based on visible light, but a first generation infrared refractometer is out on the market. This new refractometer has not showed accurate values, and therefore the purpose of this project has been to test different parameters and see their influence on the results. The temperature seem

The Irish Property Bubble of 1995-2010; Japanese Lessons for the Celtic Tiger

Lauded for its success and heralded as an economic model for peripheral European countries to follow, since the bursting of the Irish property bubble in 2008 the management of the Celtic Tiger by the Irish state has been castigated as expressively how not to manage an economic bubble. Following a decade and a half of continuous growth averaging over six per cent, the Irish economy has since experi

Deforestation and carbon stocks in Africa

Popular summary Deforestation has been recognized globally as the second largest source of Human-induced release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon stored in trees is important in the global carbon cycle and affects the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The process of deforestation takes place when man clears forested land. The amount of carbon stored in forested areas is larg