A hole in the air : chamber music
Label: CY 0801
Label: CY 0801
We propose a new structure for the variational auto-encoders (VAEs) prior, with the weakly informative multivariate Student’s t-distribution. In the proposed model all distribution parameters are trained, thereby allowing for a more robust approximation of the underlying data distribution. We used Fashion-MNIST data in two experiments to compare the proposed VAEs with the standard Gaussian priors.
BACKGROUND: Depression and anxiety are associated with adverse outcomes in educational achievements and economic performances. Moreover, the prevalence of these disorders is unequally distributed among different population subgroups. Our objective is to investigate whether the economic consequences of depression and anxiety differ between population subgroups of different gender, socioeconomic sta
In "Intentional action and side-effects in ordinary language” (2003), Joshua Knobe reported an asymmetry in test subjects’ responses to a question about intentionality: subjects are more likely to judge that a side effect of an agent’s intended action is intentional if they think the side effect is morally bad than if they think it is morally good. This result has been taken to suggest that the co
Multicellular development produces patterns of specialized cell types. Yet, it is often unclear how individual cells within a field of identical cells initiate the patterning process. Using live imaging, quantitative image analyses and modeling, we show that during Arabidopsis thaliana sepal development, fluctuations in the concentration of the transcription factor ATML1 pattern a field of identic
We evaluate the impact on earnings, pensions, and further labor market outcomes of two parallel educational reforms increasing instructional time in Swedish primary school. The reforms extended the annual term length and years of compulsory schooling by comparable amounts. We find striking differences in the effects of the two reforms: at 5% the returns to the term length extension were sizeable a
Infectious diseases are the primary cause of mortality worldwide. The dangers of infectious disease are compounded with antimicrobial resistance, which remains the greatest concern for human health. Although novel approaches are under investigation, the World Health Organization predicts that by 2050, septicaemia caused by antimicrobial resistant bacteria could result in 10 million deaths per year
Shrunken Pore Syndrome was defined in 2015 and is characterised by the glomerular filtration of 5-40 kDa molecules being selectively decreased compared to that of molecules
Background: Glomerulonephritis clusters in families. However, infections are common inducers of glomerulonephritis and may also cluster in families. Studies of adoptees and their biological and adoptive parents may disentangle genetic from environmental causes of familial clustering. This is the first adoption study aimed to estimate the genetic contribution to the familial transmission of glomeru
Second-generation fuel ethanol is typically researched using one type of raw material as feedstock. However, the variability in the supply and quality of biomass calls for an expansion of the feedstock base to ensure sufficient supply for commercial-scale production. By expanding the feedstock base and using mixtures in the conversion process, the biomass supply can be improved and associated econ
Air travel is predicted to grow over the coming decades contributing to carbon emissions. Airlines have offered voluntary carbon offsetting for over a decade, yet less than 10% of air travellers purchase them. Previous studies ignore the broader policy or social context of sustainable transport and aviation offsetting. In a natural experiment, a panel of the same Australian residents was tracked o
Objective: To study chronic widespread pain (CWP) over time in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA), and to identify risk factors for development and persistence of CWP. Methods: In this cohort study with baseline and 2.5 year follow-up postal surveys, patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and undifferentiated spondyloarthritis (USpA) (47% women) answered questions regarding pain, and were ca
Context. Pismis 18 is a moderately populated, intermediate-Age open cluster located within the solar circle at a Galactocentric distance of about seven kpc. Few open clusters have been studied in detail in the inner disc region before the Gaia-ESO Survey. Aims. New data from the Gaia-ESO Survey allowed us to conduct an extended radial velocity membership study as well as spectroscopic metallicity
The kinetic isotope effects in the reactions of CHCl3, CDCl 3, and 13CHCl3 with Cl, OH, and OD radicals have been determined in relative rate experiments at 298 ± 1 K and atmospheric pressure monitored by long path FTIR spectroscopy. The spectra were analyzed using a nonlinear least-squares spectral fitting procedure including line data from the HITRAN database and measured infrared spectra as ref