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Incomplete digestion of legume starches in rats : A study of precooked flours containing retrograded and physically inaccessible starch fractions

The digestibility of starch in precooked flours from green coat lentils (Lens culinaris Medik) and red kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was investigated by balance experiments using rats treated with antibiotics to suppress hind-gut fermentation. The legume preparations were rich in intact cells filled with denaturated starch and contained retrograded amylose. Between 8% (beans) and 11% (lenti

Independent validation of metric optimized gating for fetal cardiovascular phase-contrast flow imaging

PURPOSE: To validate metric optimized gating phase-contrast MR (MOG PC-MR) flow measurements for a range of fetal flow velocities in phantom experiments. 2) To investigate intra- and interobserver variability for fetal flow measurements at an imaging center other than the original site.METHODS: MOG PC-MR was compared to timer/beaker measurements in a pulsatile flow phantom using a heart rate (∼145

Location of myocardium at risk in comparison between single photon emission computed tomography, magnetic esonance imaging and electrocardiography

The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that perfusion SPECT, estimation of regional wall thickening using MRI and the distribution of ST changes on the admission ECG display similar localization of the MaR in patients with reperfused first-time MI. Eleven patients with first-time MI with ST-elevation underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), SPECT imaging within 3 hours

Envisioned and enacted practices: Educational policies and the ‘politics of use’ in schools

It is widely known that there is a discrepancy between educational policy on the one side, and teaching and learning practices on the other. Most studies have been focusing on the sociocultural and micropolitical frames that shape teachers’ understandings and enactments of teaching, and that cause the vast diversity of classroom practices around the world. This article wants to draw attention to t

Patient-reported and performance-based measures of walking in mild–moderate Parkinson's disease

Background: Knowledge of the relationships between patient-reported and performance-based walking measures in Parkinson's disease (PD) should inform clinical decision-making. The Walk-12G reliably captures perceived walking difficulties but has not been compared to performance-based walking in laboratory or free-living settings or across different groups. Objectives: To investigate the relationshi

A System Dynamics Assessment of the Supply of Molybdenum and Rhenium Used for Super-alloys and Specialty Steels, Using the WORLD6 Model

The extraction, supply, market price and recycling of the metals molybdenum and rhenium were modelled using an integrated system dynamics model. The resource estimates made here resulted in significantly larger estimates than earlier studies for molybdenum. Present molybdenum resources are about 75–80 million ton and about 7 million ton has been mined to date. The ultimately recoverable resources

Molecular diffusion in microemulsions

The interest in studies of diffusional processes in microemulsions has grown rapidly during the past few years. The reasons are an increased number of available techniques providing easily interpretable data and the realization that self-diffusion data give unique information on the molecular organization and structure of microemulsions. Furthermore, many current and potential applications of micr

People and parking requirements : Residential attitudes and day-to-day consequences of a land use policy shift towards sustainable mobility

A land use policy shift is taking place in a growing number of cities regarding parking, whereby a conventional supplymanagement approach is being replaced with a parking management approach. As part of this policy shift, manycities are lowering their parking requirements. This study analysed changes in car use, car ownership, spatial parkingpatterns and the consequences for the everyday life of r

Impacts of urban morphology on reducing cooling load and increasing ventilation potential in hot-arid climate

Cooling buildings in urban areas with hot-arid climate put huge loads on the energy system. There is an increasing trend in urban energy studies to recognize the urban design variables and parameters associated with the energy performance of buildings. In this work, a novel approach is introduced to investigate the impacts of urban morphology on cooling load reduction and enhancing ventilation pot

A high-throughput deterministic lateral displacement device for rapid and sensitive field-diagnosis of sleeping sickness

We present a simple and rapid microfluidic device capable of extracting and concentrating the parasite causing the fatal disease sleeping sickness (SS) from blood. The device is based on deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) and constructed with a single inlet with flow induced by an ordinary syringe. The simplicity is crucial as the device is intended for use in the resource depraved areas whe

Sample preparation for single-cell whole chromosome analysis

In this work we present an integrated system for whole chromosome analysis of single bacterium. Using whole genome barcoding techniques, which offer direct and rapid microscopic visualization of the entire genome in one field-of-view, we aim to rapidly identify individual bacterium. We are developing our device to achieve the crucial, and difficult process of isolating a bacterium, removing the DN

Multiple depths in a deterministic lateral displacement device for field-diagnosis of sleeping-sickness

We present a simple and inexpensive device capable of extracting and concentrating the parasite causing sleeping sickness from blood. The device is aimed at being used in rural resource depraved areas where the disease is endemic; therefore simplicity is of paramount importance. The device is based on deterministic lateral displacement with a single inlet and flow induced by a syringe. Through an

Capillary driven separation on patterned surfaces

Deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) is a powerful bimodal separation scheme [1] based on fluid flow through regular obstacle arrays that in its basic embodiment sends suspended particles in two different directions as a function of size. We show that without the need to seal devices and without the need for fluidic connections or pumps, particle separation can be achieved by the passive flow