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Investigating transferability and goodness of fit of two different approaches of segmentation and model form for estimating safety performance of motorways
The analysis of a road network could be carried out using different techniques, the most advanced of which for the identification of hazardous sites are based on a statistical tool known as a "Safety Performance Function" (SPF). SPFs are fundamental to procedures in the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) and Safety Analyst, both of which require calibration of the SPFs to local conditions. In the case of
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Modification of the microenvironment of enzymes in organic solvents. Substitution of water by polar solvents
Enzyme catalysis in water-immiscible organic solvents is strongly influenced by the amount of water present in the reaction mixture. Effects of substitution of part of the water by other polar solvents were studied. In an alcoholysis reaction catalyzed by chymotrypsin deposited on celite, it was possible to exchange half of the water by formamide, ethylene glycol or dimethyl sulfoxide with often i
Oxygen supply to immobilized cells - 4. Use of p-benzoquinone as an oxygen substitute
Oxygen supply is a critical point in technical processes when aerobic cells are used in immobilized preparations. In this study p-benzoquinone is used as a substitute for oxygen in the oxidation of glycerol to dihydroxyacetone by immobilized Gluconobacter oxydans cells. The reaction rate was much higher when p-benzoquinone was used compared to when oxygen was used. In an experiment with free cells
Principles of brain plasticity in improving neuromuscular function of the knee and leg: A double-blind randomized controlled trial
On Crack Growth Across a Bimaterial Interface
The Development of French Liaison in Early L2 Acquisition
The Development of Voice Onset Time in L1 and L2 : A Case Study of Two Early Swedish-Speaking learners of French and Two French-Swedish Simultaneous Bilinguals
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Gränslös nyfikenhet
Människans nyfikenhet när det gäller vårt Universum är närmast oändlig. I tusentals år har vi tittat uppåt och undrat om himlen helt enkelt är gudarnas domän eller om det kan finns varelser där ute i oändligheten som liknar oss.I denna visning reser vi från Jorden ut genom vårt Solsystem, besöker Solen och de åtta planeter som kretsar runt den, innan vi åker vidare mot stjärnor och galaxer. GalaxeIn this show we travel from the Earth to the edge of the Universe, discovering planets, stars and galaxies along the way.
Endothelium‐dependent relaxation resistant to N/ω‐nitro‐L‐arginine in the rat hepatic artery and aorta
Nitric oxide (NO)‐independent pathways contributing to acetylcholine (ACh)‐induced relaxation were examined in the rat isolated hepatic artery and aorta at low and high levels of precontraction induced by phenylephrine (PhE). In the hepatic artery, the ACh‐induced relaxation was unaffected by the NO synthase inhibitors Nw‐nitro‐L‐arginine (L‐NOARG, 0.3 mM) and Nω‐nitro‐L‐arginine methyl ester (0.1
The endothelium mediates a nitric oxide‐independent hyperpolarization and relaxation in the rat hepatic artery
The rat hepatic artery responds to acetylcholine (ACh) with an endothelium‐dependent relaxation, which is unaffected by nitric oxide (NO) synthase and cyclooxygenase inhibition. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the NO‐independent relaxation is caused by hyperpolarization of the smooth muscle cells. In vessels with endothelium ACh induced a hyperpolarization in the presence of 0
Some substances with proposed digitalis-like effects evaluated on platelet functions sensitive for cardiac glycosides
1. 1. The effects of progresterone, corticosterone 21-acetate, chlormadinone acetate, dehydroepi-androsterone 3-sulfate and lysophosphatidylcholine were tested on 86Rb-uptake, 3H-5-HT-uptake, ADP-induced aggregation and 5-HT-induced shape change in human platelets. Ouabain and digoxin were used for reference. 2. 2. Ouabain and digoxin 10-5 M inhibited 86Rb-uptake by more than 85%, and chlormadinon
Romeo och Julia and 'Out Of Joint'
A review of a two-hander Romeo and Juliet plus a Shakespeare mash-up, both in Lund.A review of a two-hander Romeo and Juliet plus a Shakespeare mash-up, both in Lund.
Hamlet, directed by Lars Romann Engel
A review of the first in-house English-speaking production of Hamlet at Elsinore Castle.
Gendering violence in the school shootings in Finland
Within barely a year, two school shootings shook Finland. The school shootings shocked Finnish society, forcing media, academics and experts, police and politicians alike to search for reasons behind the violent incidents. Focusing their analysis on the two main Finnish newspapers, Helsingin Sanomat and Hufvudstadsbladet, authoritative sources of information for Finland's two language communities,