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Your search for "*" yielded 530603 hits

Single framework recombinant antibody fragments designed for protein chip applications

High-throughput proteomics, based on the microarray platform, requires stable, highly functional components that will yield a highly sensitive read-out of low, abundance protein. Although antibodies are the best characterized binding molecules for this purpose, only a fraction of them appear to behave satisfactorily in the chip format. Therefore, high demands need to be placed on their molecular d

The electronic spectrum of VCr

The electronic spectrum of VCr has been studied using the complete-active-space self-consistent field complete-active-space second-order perturbation theory approach. Potential-energy curves for 12 electronic states have been computed. Transition energies, with respect to the X(2)Delta ground state, for some of the calculated electronic states are (with possible experimental values within parenthe

Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for metastatic renal carcinoma in Europe

Background: An allogeneic antitumour effect has been reported for various cancers. We evaluated the experience of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in 124 patients from 21 European centres. Patients and methods: Reduced intensity conditioning and peripheral blood stem cells from an HLA-identical sibling (n = 106), a mismatched related (n = 5)

Time-course of liver fat accumulation in man after a single load of ethanol

Three healthy young male subjects were given a single load of ethanol (approximately 3 g/kg body weight) over 5 hours. Liver aspiration biopsies were performed at the start of the experiment and 6, 14, 24, and 48 hours after the start. Blood alcohol and serum transaminase activity levels were measured simultaneously. Triglycerides and phospholipids of the liver biopsy material were determined by a

Possible mechanism for the effect of the RN-allele on pork tenderness.

The effect of the dominant RN− allele on rigor development, ageing and tenderness was studied in M. longissimus dorsi (LD) from 11 heterozygous carriers and five non-carriers of the RN− allele. Rigor development was followed by measurements of muscle shortening, isometric tension, pH and FOP. During ageing the myofibrillar length and Warner–Bratzler shear force were measured in the meat. Sensory a

Bat flight generates complex aerodynamic tracks

The flapping flight of animals generates an aerodynamic footprint as a time-varying vortex wake in which the rate of momentum change represents the aerodynamic force. We showed that the wakes of a small bat species differ from those of birds in some important respects. In our bats, each wing generated its own vortex loop. Also, at moderate and high flight speeds, the circulation on the outer ( han

Increased incidence of cardiovascular disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from a community based study

Objective: To investigate the first-ever incidence of acute myocardial infarction and stroke in a community based RA cohort compared with the general population. Methods: The RA cohort consisted of all patients in a local RA register in Malmo, Sweden (n = 1022). The patients were recruited from private and hospital based rheumatology practices, and made up the absolute majority of patients with RA

Experimenthus med väggar av träullsblock

Dålig inomhusmiljö är ett problem i dagens bostäder. orsakerna är flera, bl a introducerandet av nya obeprövade material, olämpliga konstruktioner som medför fuktproblem samt dålig luftomsättning kombinerat med hög täthet. I Staffanstorp utanför Lund uppfördes under 1996 ett experimenthus som formgivits av arkitekt Karin Grundström. Målsättningen var att åstadkomma en sund och estetiskt tilltaland

Hällristarnas hem - Gårdsbebyggelse och struktur i Pryssgården under bronsålder

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen har varit att försöka förstå bronsålderns samhälle och ideologi utifrån bebyggelsens inneboende symbolik, utformning och struktur. I alla samhällen utgör hushållet den minsta sociala enheten. Huset och hushållen utgör centrum för människors liv. Hur människorna har valt att organisera sin tillvaro kan ha skett i en samverkan med den övergripande The purpose of this thesis is an attempt to comprehend the society and the ideology of the Bronze Age from the inherent symbolism, shape and structure of buildings. In every society, the smallest social unit is the household. The house and the household are central in the lives of people. They made their choices to organize their existence in a symbiotic cooperation with the general cosmology and

A study of long-term effects on plasmid-containing Escherichia coli in carbon-limited chemostat using 2D-fluorescence spectrofluorimetry

Strain stability of plasmid-containing recombinant organisms is clearly important for industrial applications. Stability is normally assessed by methods such as selective colony forming units or by simply measuring the recombinant product. These methods are typically performed off-line, are time-consuming, and do not give detailed information on the changes in the metabolism. In the current work,

Craniofacial dysmorphology in Swedish schizophrenia patients

Objective: To perform detailed assessments of craniofacial dysmorphology in individuals with schizophrenia and controls in Sweden, in order to further elucidate the neurodevelopmental origins of schizophrenia. Method: We performed detailed, anthropometric assessments of craniofacial dysmorphology in male patients with schizophrenia (n = 24), healthy controls (n = 16), and patients' siblings with s

Continuous measurements of a binding reaction using a capacitive biosensor

A capacitive biosensor with polyclonal antibodies raised against human serum albumin (HSA) immobilized on a gold transducer has been developed for continuous measurement of HSA in the μM-range. A mathematical model has been refined to describe integral HSA-binding curves assuming that (i) binding is essentially irreversible under the conditions used, (ii) the signal is scaled as the number of non-