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Lande gJ factor measurements in the 6snd(1),D-3(2) sequences of Yb I

The Lande g(J) factors in the 6snd(1,3)D(2) sequences as well as states from the perturbing configurations of neutral Ytterbium have been measured by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Strong singlet-triplet mixing effects were observed. The g(J) factors were measured using the Zeeman quantum-beat technique following step-wise laser excitation. The experiment provided new data for checking t

Microvascular brain damage with aging and hypertension: pathophysiological consideration and clinical implications.

Loss of cognitive function and hypertension are two common conditions in the elderly and both significantly contribute to loss of personal independency. Microvascular brain damage - the result of age-associated alteration in large arteries and the progressive mismatch of their cross-talk with small cerebral arteries - represents a potent risk factor for cognitive decline and for the onset of demen

Excitotoxicity Downregulates TrkB.FL Signaling and Upregulates the Neuroprotective Truncated TrkB Receptors in Cultured Hippocampal and Striatal Neurons.

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays an important role in neuronal survival through activation of TrkB receptors. The trkB gene encodes a full-length receptor tyrosine kinase (TrkB.FL) and its truncated (T1/T2) isoforms. We investigated the changes in TrkB protein levels and signaling activity under excitotoxic conditions, which are characteristic of brain ischemia, traumatic brain injur

Anticipation and Attention in Robot Control

Anticipatory and predictive models are becoming very important features of robot systems. This thesis investigates some aspects of predictive modeling. Is prediction always a good thing? How important is it to anticipate what will happen in the future? Is it better to anticipate far into the future or to focus on the next few seconds? What are the requirements for predictive models? Predictive mod

Suppression of EAE by oral tolerance is independent of endogenous IFN-beta whereas treatment with recombinant IFN-beta ameliorates EAE.

IFN-beta is anticipated to have an important function in mucosal tolerance, as it is one of the major cytokines produced by plasmacytoid dendritic cells, and has recently been suggested as central to the maintenance of mucosal homeostasis. Here, we have investigated whether oral tolerance is dependent on endogenous IFN-beta by feeding low-dose self-antigen myelin basic protein to IFN-beta(-/-) mic

Negotiating Transcultural Lives: Belongings and Social Capital among Youth in Transnational Perspective.

Societies of the early 21st century are composed of many intersecting cultures, defined by status as citizens or recent immigrants and other societal hierarchies. Past-oriented segments of state populations decry the loss of essentialized national identities. What is lacking in this set-up of the debate is the young generation. This volume brings together European and Canadian studies in sociology

Interfaces in aquatic ecosystems: Implications for transport and impact of anthropogenic compounds

Mechanisms that govern transport, accumulation and toxicity of persistent pollutants at interfaces in aquatic ecosystems are the foci of this thesis. Specific attention is paid to humic substances, their occurrence, composition, and role in exchange processes across interfaces. It was concluded that: Composition of humic substances in aquatic surface microlayers is different from that of the subsu

Burst detection and location in water distribution networks

An algorithm for the detection and location of sudden bursts in water distribution networks combining both continuous monitoring of pressure and hydraulic transient computation is presented. The approach is designed for medium and large bursts that are the result of the sudden rupture of the pipe wall or other physical element in the network and are accompanied by the transient pressure wave t

Health, Skills and Labor Market Success

This thesis deals with the interplay between education, labor markets and health. It consists of five studies exploiting large-scale administrative datasets from Sweden. The first study asks if health and educational attainment are related within monozygotic twin (MZ) pairs. This is motivated by the literature using MZ twins to estimate the returns to schooling. If a healthier twin tends to get