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Solvärme på Önsta Idrottsplats. Utvärdering
Sequence analysis of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase from the alkaliphilic Bacillus agaradhaerens strain LS-3C.
The gene encoding an alkaline active cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) from the alkaliphilic B. agaradhaerens LS-3C was cloned and sequenced. It encodes a mature polypeptide of 679 amino acids with a molecular mass of 76 488 Da. The deduced amino acid sequence of the mature CGTase revealed 99 and 95% identity to the CGTase sequences from the other B. agaradhaerens strains, DSM 8721T and 99
Tunable double quantum dots in InAs nanowires defined by local gate electrodes
We report on low-temperature transport measurements on single and double quantum dots defined using local gates to electrostatically deplete InAs nanowires grown by chemical beam epitaxy. This technique allows us to define multiple quantum dots along a semiconducting nanowire and tune the coupling between them.
On the temporal contrast of high intensity femtosecond laser pulses
The temporal contrast is classified into two main regimes, the nanosecond-scale and the picosecond-scale contrast prior to the main pulse. The Lund terawatt laser system is shown to be improved on the nano- and picosecond-scale by a factor of 10 and 50, respectively, when it was optimized for contrast but not for energy. Calculations are also presented to emphasize the role of angular dispersion o
Skalmurskonstruktionens fuktbetingelser : kompletterande mätningar
Spectroscopic observation of the TDD0 in silicon
The electronic transitions of 16 neutral thermal double donors (TDD1-TDD16) and of nine positively charged species (TDD1-TDD9) were observed previously in infrared absorption spectra. An earlier species (TDD0) was detected, however, only in persistent photoconductivity and Hall effect studies. In the present work, lines related to the electronic transitions from the ground to excited states in bot
Emission of Intermediate Mass Fragments Using Gamma-spectroscopic Techniques
Intermediate mass fragments (IMF) and light particles emitted from the Ni-58 + Ni-58 reaction at a beam energy of 375 MeV have been studied. The fragments and light particles were measured in coincidence with 4 pi gamma-ray spectrometer. The Z=6 (C) kinetic energy spectra and the distribution of the final nuclei in coincidence with the emitted C are well described by Hauser-Feshbach calculations e
Habitat preferences and population trends in the Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria in the Ottenby area, southeast Sweden.
We performed a detailed census of the breeding population of Barred Warblers Sylvia nisoria in the Ottenby area on the southernmost part of the island Oland, SE Sweden, in the years 1999 and 2000. The number of territories in the study area was similar to the census conducted in 19711975, although the distribution of territories had changed. In 1999-2000 most territories were located in the grazed
Adaptations for vision in dim light: impulse responses and bumps in nocturnal spider photoreceptor cells (Cupiennius salei Keys)
The photoreceptor cells of the nocturnal spider Cupiennius salei were investigated by intracellular electrophysiology. (1) The responses of photoreceptor cells of posterior median (PM) and anterior median (AM) eyes to short (2 ms) light pulses showed long integration times in the dark-adapted and shorter integration times in the light-adapted state. (2) At very low light intensities, the photorece
Phylogenetic analysis of ITS and group I intron sequences from European and North American samples of cetrarioid lichens.
Phylogenetic analyses were carried out on 23 samples representing 10 cetrarioid taxa from Europe and North America, representing 10 cetrarioid taxa; they were compared in parsimony analyses. The study is focused on ITS sequences of the ribosomal DNA. Intervening sequences, most likely representing group I introns, were found in four taxa. The results from the phylogenetic analysis are congruent wi
Högst tveksamt om arbetsskadebedömningar
Genetisk variation hos vilda växter och djur i Sverige
Kartlägg den kommunala intäkten
Det påstås att organisationer som får sin finansiering från en marknad har ett tydligt krav på att anpassa sig efter kundernas behov. Erbjuder de tjänster och/eller produkter som ingen vill ha går de på kort sikt med förlust. Om inget görs väntar på längre sikt konkurs. Långsiktig överlevnad handlar för dessa organisationer om att över lång tid erbjuda det som kunder av olika anledningar anser sig
Activity Report: Automatic Control 1974-1975
Den oförstörda blickens suveränitet
Reply to the remarks by J. B. Brierley and A. W. Brown
Flow cytometric DNA ploidy analysis of soft tissue sarcomas. A comparative study of preoperative fine needle aspirates and postoperative fresh tissues and archival material
Flow cytometric (FCM) DNA ploidy measurements on frozen fresh samples of soft tissue sarcomas were compared with the corresponding analyses on preoperative fine needle aspirates and postoperative formalin-fixed archival tissues from the same tumors. A concordance in ploidy status (diploid versus non-diploid) was obtained for 63% of the fresh tissue-fine needle aspiration (FNA) sample comparisons a
Sommers livslinje
Impact of DNA amplification on gene expression patterns in breast cancer
Genetic changes underlie tumor progression and may lead to cancer-specific expression of critical genes. Over 1100 publications have described the use of comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to analyze the pattern of copy number alterations in cancer, but very few of the genes affected are known. Here, we performed high-resolution CGH analysis on cDNA microarrays in breast cancer and directly c