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RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, bicyclo[3.1.0]hexan-3-one, 4-methyl-1-(1-methylethyl)-, CAS Registry Number 1125-12-8
Core-shell Cu-Ag Nanoparticles Produced by Spark Discharge Generation
The synthesis of core@shell nanoparticles has predominantly been carried out by chemical methods or physical deposition of a shell material post-growth onto core particles. By combining immiscible materials that differ in surface energy, we demonstrate the spontaneous atomic rearrangement to monodisperse Cu@Ag core@shell particles directly in the aerosol phase, starting from pure Cu and Ag electro
The dynamics of insulin release from mouse pancreatic islet cells in suspension
The overall dynamics of glucose-induced insulin release was strikingly similar in dispersed cells and intact islets perifused in parallel. Both preparations exhibited a latency of 1-2 min, after which period there was a brisk rise of insulin release followed by a sustained second phase. During the second phase, insulin release from dispersed cells attained a stable plateau rate, whereas the releas
Effects on the endocrine pancreas in Chinese hamsters fed zinc deficient diets.
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Human PNPLA3-I148M variant increases hepatic retention of polyunsaturated fatty acids
The common patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 (PNPLA3) variant I148M predisposes to nonalcoholic liver disease but not its metabolic sequelae. We compared the handling of labeled polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and saturated fatty acids (SFA) in vivo in humans and in cells harboring different PNPLA3 genotypes. In 148M homozygous individuals, triglycerides (TGs) in very low-
A haploid genetic screen identifies the G1/S regulatory machinery as a determinant of Wee1 inhibitor sensitivity
The Wee1 cell cycle checkpoint kinase prevents premature mitotic entry by inhibiting cyclin-dependent kinases. Chemical inhibitors of Wee1 are currently being tested clinically as targeted anticancer drugs. Wee1 inhibition is thought to be preferentially cytotoxic in p53-defective cancer cells. However, TP53 mutant cancers do not respond consistently to Wee1 inhibitor treatment, indicating the exi
MEN1 tumorigenesis in the pituitary and pancreatic islet requires CDK4 but not Cdk2
Recent studies suggest that physiological and tumorigenic proliferation of mammalian cells is controlled by multiple cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) largely in tissue-specific manners. We and others previously demonstrated that adult mice deficient for the Cyclin D partner CDK4 (Cdk4-/- mice) exhibit hypoplasia in the pituitary and pancreatic islet due to primary postnatal defects in proliferation
CDK2 is dispensable for adult hippocampal neurogenesis
Granule neurons of the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus undergo continuous renewal throughout life. Among cell cycle regulators, cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) is considered as a major regulator of S-phase entry. We used Cdk2-deficient mice to decipher the requirement of Cdk2 for the generation of new neurons in the adult hippocampus. The quantification of cell cycle markers first revealed
p27kip1 (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B) controls ovarian development by suppressing follicle endowment and activation and promoting follicle atresia in mice
In humans, the molecular mechanisms underlying ovarian follicle endowment and activation, which are closely related to the control of female reproduction, occurrence of menopause, and related diseases such as premature ovarian failure, are poorly understood. In the current study, we provide several lines of genetic evidence that the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor 1B (commonly known as p27
p205, A potential tumor suppressor, inhibits cell proliferation via multiple pathways of cell cycle regulation
p205 is a member of the interferon-inducible p200 family of proteins that regulate cell proliferation. Over-expression of p205 inhibits cell growth, although its mechanism of action is currently unknown. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of p205 on the p53 and Rb-dependent pathways of cell cycle regulation. p205 expression results in elevated levels of p21, and activates the p21 promoter in vitro
HUMINT - en forskningsöversikt
Rapporten är utförd på uppdrag av myndighet och publiceras i nuläget enbart internt på myndigheten.
Slutrapport för utredningsuppdrag avseende utbildning i personbaserad informationsanalys
Rapporten är baserad på den utredning som genomförts för myndighets räkning och publiceras f n enbart internt på myndigheten.
Tissue remodelling in pulmonary fibrosis linked to 5-HT2 receptor activation
After an injury, an immediate reparative response is triggered to replace the damaged tissue, however, in fibrosis, cells remain active despite wound resolution causing a steady build-up of fibrotic tissue. In pulmonary fibrosis,there is a constant regeneration and remodelling of lung tissue where the thin architecture of alveoli become thickened, hampering efficient diffusion of oxygen, as seen i
Medeltidshuset vid Stora Torg i Halmstad
Up until the mid 1960s you could still find significant remains of a medieval brick house in Halmstad. Since the building was rediscovered in the 1920s, numerous speculations about the house and its owners have been presented. It has been linked to the Kalente guild as well as to the guild of St. Gertrud. These hypotheses rest, however, on very flimsy basis. Thus, this article examines a whole newUp until the mid 1960s you could still findsignificant remains of a medieval brick housein Halmstad. Since the building was rediscoveredin the 1920s, numerous speculationsabout the house and its owners have beenpresented. It has been linked to the Kalenteguild as well as to the guild of St. Gertrud.These hypotheses rest, however, on veryflimsy basis. Thus, this article examines awhole new hypothes
A covariant formulation of finite plasticity with plasticity-induced evolution of anisotropy : Modeling, algorithmics, simulation, and comparison to experiments
Motivated by experimental findings on sheet-metal forming, this article concerns the modeling of evolving anisotropies in finite plasticity. A covariant formulation of plasticity is employed in conjunction with evolution equations for the structural tensors that characterize the symmetry group of the yield function. A specific model is implemented into a finite element code to simulate tension and
Rapid nitrogen and phosphorus homeostasis transformation in Eupatorium adenophorum during invasion
Exotic plants can compete well with native species because many invasive species are considered better nutrient users in both low- and high-resource environments. However, whether invasive plants can outperform native plants at all stages of invasion is not very clear. We investigated the nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and N:P homeostasis of an invasive Eupatorium adenophorum and a co-occurring nati
The pancreatic β-cell recognition of insulin secretagogues-III. Effects of substituting sulphur for oxygen in the d-glucose molecule
Sulphur-containing analogues of d-glucose were tested for effects on insulin release, d-glucose transport and d-glucose oxidation in microdissected pancreatic islets of obese-hyperglycemic mice. Substituting sulphur for oxygen in the ring structure of d-glucose (5-thio-d-glucose) resulted in a total loss of insulin-releasing ability. 5-Thio-d-glucose inhibited d-glucose-stimulated insulin release,
The β-cell capacity for insulin secretion in microdissected pancreatic islets from obese-hyperglycemic mice
The pancreatic islets in obese-hyperglycemic mice display a normal response of insulin secretion when stimulated with glucose in vitro. This indicates that the impaired glucose metabolism is due to extra-pancreatic factors rather than to deficient β-cell function. In fact, the pancreas of these mice is a useful source from which to isolate large numbers of mammalian β-cells suitable for studies of